
Name: Dave

Web Name: Dave

Homepage: Don't remember the addy. Check the links page. Also, read this.

E-mail: I don't know, I can talk to him face to face

Favorite Drink: He likes bottled water, I believe

Hobbies: Gay sex

Personal History:
Dave was created by God when he realized that I needed a roommate, because the world revolves around me. I'm even writing soemone else's bio in the first person of myself. And now I'm not even talking about him! Anyway, at soem point he was straight, but then he decided to be gay. That's pretty much all the history I know, except for soem really strange stories he tells me and something about having sex with a pillow, that I'd really rather not talk about. His dad runs Shitland Motors. Oh, he was the originator of the Gay Alumni Fund at our college.

Weapon of Choice: Homosexuality {flaming} (if you ever played a MUD you understand that joke. If not you're staring blankly wondering what the hell it means. And I'm just gonna let you.)

Super Powers: Extra Widened Asshole

Purpose at SSVITU: To be the butt of all my jokes. Get it? Butt? Hahahahahahaha....

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