Welcome Diversions from Reality

There has been a lack of postage on this site for the last day and a half. What I mean by the above sentence is that I feel guilty about not posting yesterday. Yes, I feel guilty when I don't update my own website, even though I run it mainly because I find it amusing. Effectively, by starting my own website, I have added another item to my list of responsibilities. In this article, I'm just gonna talk about whatever comes to mind, and your gonna listen. Also, instead of finding "quality" pics off of other internet sites, the only pictures in this article will be webcam pics of my room which I have added captions to. I think they're funny enough to deserve you looking at them, even if they are rather crude.

DISCLAIMER: These pics are not pornographic, it's a banana. We're just trying to come up with the funniest poses imaginable. All for your amusement.

Many of you want to know why nothing was posted in the last day or so. Now I will tell you why. First off, its finals week here at Mansfield, so Shinigami, myself, and dev Nul are studying for finals. The last sentence was half true. Yes, its finals week. No, I don't know how this "studying" thing works. Shinigami told me earlier this evening that we had a history final tomorrow and that I should study. I asked him how, and he didn't know either. Krank got a playstation 2. Don't expect to hear from him ever again, because I doubt he will ever stop playing it long enough to write more than a sentence.

Actually, Krank sent me an im last night, which was about how this jackhole kid was borrowing his paintball gun and busted it. Now apparently the kid won't pay to get it fixed. Krank was pissed, and he wrote an article, but (no offense to Krank, hes cool) the article just seemed really whiny and not funny. So, for Krank's sake I will sum it up. If you break other people's stuff, Krank will hunt you down and kill you, very very brutally.

Okay, to be honest, I haven't been studying, mainly I've been reading other stuff on the internet. I found this cool urban legends website about twisted stories that are lies but you've always thought they were true. I've also been reading Jeff K. so don't hold any bad "gramer" or "speling" mistakes against me.

Oh, you should all praise my name forever, because I took an injury for this site. If you read my last article with no point (no, the one with REALLY no point, like not even a plot) called Many Random Thoughts you know that I busted a blood vessel in my eye. Okay, not just if you read it, but if you payed attention to it as well. Anyway, that was caused by the fact that I read too much, and you can all guess what I'm reading--html code for this very site! Yes, I am a martyr.

No more posting today. Maybe not tomorrow. I'm going home after I finish my finals, and if i have that to amuse me, I may not write anything. Plus I might not have time to set up my computer. Wow, it's so easy to lie when your typing.

--Scuba Steve, December 12, 2000

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