Sith Code                   Members                     Forums                  Files



Sith Council Members - -=SE=-Maul, -=SE=-Silent.

Sith Masters - 

Sith Knights - -=SE=-Flameberd.

Sith Apprentice - 

Sith Student -

How to join

If you want to join our clan, you must first read our Sith Code

Then you must post on our forums telling us your Name which you use in game, your Country so we can get a rough idea of time zones, How often you play, How long you have been playing for and your Email so we can contact you. Any other information such as MSN is good too.

A member will then respond and arrange a time where we can have a game to try you out and see how good you are.

Current Projects
 S i t h   N e w s

December 25, 2003
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all from the Sith Empire! We hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas and a very happy new year.


December 19, 2003
Official website is now complete!

As you can all see, the website is now complete. Now we hope to look towards recruiting and getting new members. After we gain a few members, discussion on the forums should increase and members will be required to post and keep active.


December 18, 2003
Forums open!
The forums are open for use and can be accessed from the link at the top of the page. All members are required to be active on the forums. Anyone wishing to join our clan are also required to post on the forums. For more information, please see our members page when it is created.


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