Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren’t mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Any characters you don’t recognise are mine. Again, if someone’s used the name(s) or storyline(s) elsewhere, the same applies. Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!

Author: Susanna

Feedback: Yes please! [email protected] or on the site where you read the fic - whatever’s easiest for you!
Category: Mulder/Skinner music pic fic (!)

Rating: NC-17 for content

Characters: Walter and Fox

Series: No

Spoilers: None – PWP – mainly Mulder’s POV.

Summary: Sometimes, you just have to go where the music takes you.

Archive: Just tell me where it’s going

Additional ‘stuff’: This was inspired both by Elton John’s song ‘Original Sin’ and a pic on Sergeeva’s site. The Club is a figment of my imagination. And, no, I don’t think what Fox and Walter are doing is in the least bit sinful. If you do, don’t read. Check out the song on the album ‘Songs from the West Coast’ and the pic, and some other lovely Walter pics at:


The one I based this on is called ‘Slowdance’ and was made for Xanthe. Check out her amazing site at:


Title: Dancing cheek to cheek

It’s been a hard week. After a case there’s always a ton of paperwork. In the office there are too many distractions. So I usually end up bringing most of it home. Where Walter makes sure I complete every one of the dozens of forms correctly.

‘I’m done. Let’s go out.’ Getting up, I grab my coat, not allowing Walter time to form a coherent objection.

My hand’s on the front door before he decides to give in, getting to his feet and following me out. ‘Where d’you wanna go?’

‘The Club.’


The Club is crowded. A few years ago, you would be lucky to find someone to buy a drink for. Now, we’re just two people among dozens who have found a place where two people dancing together doesn’t raise an eyebrow. Even if those two people are Walter and me.

I can’t eat, can’t sleep

Still I hunger for you when you look at me

That face, those eyes

All the sinful pleasures deep inside

If you look quickly at Walter in the office, you’d see brown eyes, probably an expression of world-weariness combined with faint amusement or barely-controlled anger depending on where he’s just been or is heading. But here, now, I my arms, those eyes are clear, bright, calm. I can’t see them, cos my chin’s on his shoulder. But I can picture them.

Tell me how, you know now, the ways and means of getting in

Underneath my skin

Oh you were always my original sin

And tell me why, I shudder inside, every time we begin

This dangerous game

Oh you were always my original sin

Breathing in a mix of aftershave, shampoo, and shower gel together with the unique scent that is Walter, I feel intoxicated. And calm. And content. We’re moving slowly, letting the music wash over us and the tension begins to leave Walter’s neck and shoulders. His eyes begin to close and only I can see the people around us. I know it’s not me they’re watching. It’s Walter. That’s okay. They just get to watch. Later, when there’s no crowd, no music, no clothes, I get to touch.

A dream will fly

The moment that you open up your eyes

A dream is just a riddle

Ghosts from every corner of your life

If we could stay here all night, we would. Safe. Wanted. Loved. But it’s late, and we’re both tired. So as the music fades, reluctantly, we pull apart. We’ll come back again another night. Lose ourselves in each other and the music. Then find each other when it ends. As always. It’s like there’s an invisible bond between us now. We could never lose each other. We’re together. Protecting. Understanding. Loving. Forever. Chasing away each other’s demons. And between us we have a truckload.

They say everyone has a song. A piece of music that holds a special meaning for them. We didn’t. Until now. This is our song. Thanks Elton. And Bernie


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