I've been making manipulated Skinner pictures for a while now - for friends and for my own pleasure - so I thought I'd share some of them with all you other Walter-worshippers out there...

I love the way he looks in his immaculate suits, and the sadly infrequent glimpses we've had of him in jeans, BVDs or bubble baths, but there's never enough chances to appreciate this gorgeous man in all his manly glory... I dearly wish TPTB would let Walter out of the office more, but thankfully, there are fanfic writers who take him to exotic locations, dress him in lovely clothes or strip him off, put him on horseback or send him rock-climbing... I only wish I could illustrate all my favourite stories, but maybe some of these pictures will provide inspiration. I do hope so! It's hard work making these and I love to get feedback, so if you like what you see please write to me at: [email protected]

I was really overwhelmed to win so many picture awards in the Wirerims - I make them to share the pleasure of looking at this beautiful man, so for me the best reward of all is to know that other people enjoy them too. A huge thank you to everyone who voted for them!

Just click on the thumbnail to see the full size version. Enjoy!

***** 3new pictures added 1st October 2001! *****


This first group of pictures were all made for my dear friend Xanthe - she's the best Skinner author I know, and her gorgeous Walter has given me some very happy moments :-) Check out her fiction at: http://www.xanthe.org




"Educating Walter"





"The Only One"


"Love Ride #1"

"Born To Wear Denim #2"

NEW! "Slowdance"





The next group of pictures are just meant to inspire. So if you feel like writing the story to go with the pic, please do - and let me read it!


"Saturday Night Walter"

"Marked Man"

"Bed Bound"

"The Lovers"


"Shirt God"


"Rock hard"

"Big Guy"


"Highland AD"

"Boogie Nights"



"Rarest Man"


"Waiting for his Mistress"



"Sweet secret"





"Missed You"




"Born To Wear Denim #3"


NEW! "The Fan Club"

NEW! "Lazy Sunday"




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