By Sergeeva (12KB - July 1998)
RATING: NC-17 for m/m/f interaction
CATEGORY: VRH, a tiny bit A, (Mulder/Skinner/Scully)
SUMMARY: just read it - silly schmoop and gratuitous lust, no actual sex.
DISCLAIMER: They none of them belong to me. Thank CC, MP, DD, GA, 1013 Productions and Fox Television. I'm not making any money here and I don't mean to infringe on any rights. I just think Walter deserves some appreciation.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is not beta read. Any grammatical or other errors and all the excessive schmoop is down to me.
FEEDBACK: is always appreciated and answered at: [email protected]
The call came at 3am - an electronically-altered voice, sexless and toneless, giving them directions to a warehouse in the industrial zone. Mulder drove, his face pale, tense and unreadable, his knuckles white on the steering wheel, inside him a maelstrom of fear and hope. Scully sat silent beside him, clutching her medical bag on her lap, her hair falling forward to veil whatever her face might be revealing.
They drove recklessly fast through the mostly-empty streets, screeching to a halt outside the darkened, looming bulk of the abandoned building. Mulder hauled aside a sheet of rusting corrugated iron propped across a doorway and they raced inside, sweeping flashlights over a vast space, empty but for a few overturned work-benches and a raised area at one end. On this platform was a bank of precariously stacked cardboard cartons and a long shape concealed by a black cloth.
Exchanging a stricken look, Mulder and Scully moved to the dark shape. Mulder lifted a corner of the black fabric and drew it back to reveal the naked body of Walter Skinner.
He was lying face down, his cheek against the wooden floor. There was no blood visible, but no sign of life either.
Scully knelt beside his head and touched her fingers to his neck, checking for a pulse. She gently lifted his eyelid and studied his pupil, she took her stethoscope out of her bag and applied it to the broad back in several places. Through all this, her face was a study in grim concentration and through all this, Mulder stood beside her, his eyes huge and dark, a muscle twitching in his jaw.
"We need to roll him over," Scully said, "very carefully. I can't be sure there isn't spinal damage."
Together, they turned the big man onto his back. Kneeling one on either side of Skinner, they both gazed at his magnificent naked body. There was no visible injury. Scully continued her gentle, thorough examination and finally sat back on her heels with a puzzled expression.
"He's deeply unconscious, probably drug-induced, but other than one needle-mark he seems to be perfectly uninjured... " Her voice trailed off but under her breath she whispered, "... perfectly."
Her hand still rested on his arm and she was unconsciously stroking the fine skin on the inside of his elbow where he had been injected. Her eyes had a pensive look and Mulder asked:
"What are you thinking, Scully?"
"I'm thinking... how incredibly beautiful he is." she said, looking up to meet Mulder's gaze.
"Beautiful... oh, yes!" he agreed, softly, his own eyes very bright as he looked down at Skinner.
"What, you too?" Scully asked, looking wonderingly at her partner.
"I've thought so since the first time I laid eyes on him. I couldn't believe you didn't see it too."
"There's none so blind... " murmured Scully, ruefully."I was so busy distrusting him I never really looked at him." She gazed down at him with a look of wonder,"How could I have not noticed all this... " she gazed awestruck at the beautiful man lying between them.
"We've never seen him like this, though, Scully - and we're not likely to ever again... except in our dreams." His voice grew wistful. In the pause, he looked up and met Scully's own longing gaze.
"We can't take advantage of an unconscious man! No matter how much we want to..."
"But that's the point, Scully. He's unconscious - he need never know what we do." Mulder's eyes pleaded with her to go along with him, his hope vivid in his face.
"And what will we do, Mulder?" she whispered, her hand again stroking down Skinner's bare arm, her tongue moistening her lips.
"Gaze our fill. Memorize him. Feed our dreams... please, Scully! We'd be doing this with love. I could never do anything to hurt him."
He could see she was tempted, more than tempted... her shining eyes moved caressingly over Skinner, a groan escaped her lips.
"If he were ever to find out about this, it would kill him..." She spoke softly, her hand flexing near his face as if she would cup his cheek.
They looked at each other for a long moment, guilt and desire warring on their faces. Then they looked down at their boss - at straight, strict, stern and stunning Walter Skinner - and knew that they hadn't the strength to let this moment pass.
Scully moved to Walter's head and bent close to him, holding her breath as she studied his face: the bare tanned scalp, the clear arching brows, the high cheekbones, the pure curve of his jaw. Her eyes drank in every detail- the texture of smooth skin, the fineness of dark eyelashes, the firm curves of his lips... She closed her eyes and released the half sigh, half groan she had been holding in. She felt overwhelmed by the realization of what she felt for this man, a surge of emotion that was almost painful. She lowered her head and rained kisses on his brow, his eyelids, his cheeks, his chin. She brushed his lips with her trembling fingers, not daring to kiss his mouth... yet.
Mulder had taken Walter's bare foot in his hands and was smoothing over the lean, strong ankle. He bent to brush his lips over the gold-brown skin.
"Every inch of him... so beautiful!" he exclaimed, sounding awed.
"Perfect", echoed Scully, trailing her kisses down the arch of Walter's bare throat. They looked up simultaneously, both giggled happily and returned to their adoration.
Mulder moved up Walter's right side, eyes and hands roving over the long legs, lean hips and flat belly before he reached his goal: the magnificent muscled chest.
Scully followed the reverse path down Walter's left side: kissing her way down the curves of shoulder and bicep, resting her hand briefly on his trim waist and finding her lips drawn to the sweet point of his hip.
Mulder had his face buried in the soft curling hair on Walter's chest, revelling in the heat of the powerful body. He ran his hands over the strongly-defined muscles and paused with his fingers splayed over the firm curve of Skinner's right breast, framing the small pebbled nipple. He caught his breath as he contemplated the perfect bud of flesh, barely a tone darker than the surrounding tanned skin. Tentatively, he lowered his head and touched his lips to the sensitive, tender point. He felt the heat of the smooth pectoral muscle, the fuzz of chest hair entwined around his fingers. He inhaled the seductive scent of Walter's clean skin, of masculine pheromones, making him dizzy with desire. He moved his lips across the nipple, teasing its velvet softness until he felt it harden with arousal. Groaning aloud, he touched his tongue to the tiny button and felt tears prick at his eyes.
"He is perfect, Scully, just perfect!"
Scully looked up from her own ministrations and smiled at the dazzled look on his face. She leant over Skinner's massive chest too, cupping the firm muscles in her gentle hand, and brushed her own fingers over the other nipple. Mulder saw her eyes widen at the sensation, knowing how it felt to touch the peach-soft tip of the satiny muscular breast. He watched delighted as Scully rubbed her cheek over the place, like a cat, almost purring with pleasure.
When she found her voice again, Scully said huskily:
"You have to feel the skin over his hip-bone, it's like silk!"
Together, they moved down Skinner's body and Scully laid her hand reverently over the lean hip, fingers barely touching the cafe au lait skin. Mulder moved closer, stroking outward form the hard, banded muscles of the abdomen to the angle of the hip-bone. Scully was right. All of Walter's skin was smooth and warm, but there was a point between hip and groin where the skin was so fine and delicate you couldn't be sure you were actually touching flesh - it was more like touching warm air or feeling the ephemeral brush of a butterfly's wing.
Mulder remembered Scully's sensual gesture and rubbed his cheek against the tender skin. He was faint with desire. He turned his face so that he could kiss the silken skin and felt that no touch he could give, however delicate, could be loving enough or worthy enough for this beautiful man. Turning his cheek against the smoothness once more, he found that he was now looking directly at Walter's genitals: the smooth scrotum and heavy penis amidst the dark curling pubic hair. he had deliberately avoided looking at this bit of Skinner, knowing he would be lost if the reality was even remotely like his fantasies, lost in any case just because it was Skinner and every atom of him was beloved.
Scully had watched him nuzzle and kiss Walter's hip, knowing what the experience of touching that warm silk would do to Mulder's already overloaded senses. Now she saw his focus shift and allowed herself to look for the first time at what she had dreamed of...
"We can't, Mulder, we really can't." She forced herself to look away, to not think of taking Skinner in her hands, to not imagine the velvet heat of that beautiful cock against her cheek, against her lips, in her mouth...
"I know," Mulder answered sadly, "but you know what I said about every inch of him being beautiful... ?"
Scully laughed softly and reached out to give him a friendly shove. Her hand paused briefly over that delicious penis but she wrestled with her longing and did not touch.
The two continued their adoring and lingering exploration of their boss' breathtaking face and body - the graceful arch of his brown throat, the strong bow of his collarbones, the delicate whorls of his ear, the clear muscles of his arms, the tender hollow of his navel, the unbelievable smoothness of his inner thighs... every part received their breathless kisses and trembling caresses, until at last they fell asleep both still tenderly nestled against Walter's body.
Mulder slept more peacefully than he had in many months, but he dreamed of Walter Skinner, of the body he had worshipped that evening. He dreamed of being held in those strong arms, of feeling the weight of that powerful body over him, of being stretched and filled by that perfect cock, of seeing that beautiful face alight with rapture...
But most vividly of all, with a guilty, secret pleasure, he dreamed of thrusting his own aching cock into the hot, silken sheath of Walter's flawless body, of caressing the sleek, strong back, the tight-muscled buttocks, of sliding into the burning clutch of that delicious ass.
Scully dreamed too: of a smooth cheek, an immaculately-shaven jaw, of warm smooth lips, of a tender lingering kiss that took her breath away. She dreamed of raining her own kisses over Walter's glorious chest, his lean stomach.
And her secret fantasy was to take his beautiful, sculpted penis into her mouth and make love to him with her lips and tongue until he cried out in ecstasy.
As the light of dawn started to filter into the shadowy space, Walter Skinner roused from his drugged sleep and found to his amazement that not only was he lying naked on the floor of an unfamiliar building, but his two most brilliant and troublesome agents were wrapped around him as if the three of them had shared a night of unbridled passion together. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes again... what had he been drinking last night? He opened his eyes - no, not a dream...
"Well this is... just perfect!"
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