LAUNDRY (Version 2)

By Sergeeva [April 2001, 3k]

Here's the inspirational Theban Band pic again...


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Same pairing, just a different take on what went before... (see also Laundry Snippet #1) Huge thanks to Xanthe for sending me the pic and encouraging me to dip my toe in the unfamiliar waters of Skinner/Krycek!

DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Wishe they were, but due acknowledgement to CC, 1013 and Fox and appreciative thanks to MP and NL for just being lovely :-)



Walter flexed his shoulder and bounced his sleepy lover's head gently. There was no response but a soft snore.

"You're not fooling me..." he shrugged again, not so gently this time. "You were wide awake enough when we got up and you started handing out orders about laundry duty." Alex snuffled a little, but the green cat's-eyes stayed firmly shut. However, a slow grin turned up the corners of the pink lips.

"You made the mess, Big Guy, you clean up - that's the rule. It's not my fault you came like Old Faithful." The grin broadened into a smirk that was positively smug. "Okay, I admit I may have had something to do with your roaring like a bear and invoking several deities... Can I help being Alex-the-Animal, the Russian Ravisher, the Top Dog, the..."

"Hummnnpphh." Walter muttered darkly, kicking a sulky foot at the two overflowing laundry baskets waiting for his attention.

"Four pairs in one night - I think that's a record even for us!" Krycek yawned extravagantly and opened one eye. "But however you look at it, it's your fault, Sweetcheeks, for leaving an ass like yours lying about naked and available." He snuggled comfily in against the cotton of Walter's shirtsleeve, smacking his lips softly. "See how you've worn me out."

"But I did the laundry last time!" Walter folded his arms across his chest and stuck his chin out pugnaciously. Alex sighed and sat up, opening both eyes at last.

"Can I help it if I'm insatiable and you're irresistible? And if you didn't look so cute when you scowl I'd have to toss you back in bed and mess up another set of sheets. Actually, there's the terracotta flannel we haven't christened yet..."

Walter groaned, but rose and began stuffing bedding into the washer. Alex regarded his lover's back view speculatively, stretched out a foot and lifted Walter's chambray shirttail with his toe. "Yeah, I've got a bit more in me yet, I reckon, and you can be sure none of it's going on the sheets. Now get that ass upstairs!"









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