By Sergeeva (7K 11 June 1999)
The mineral-rich water swirled around him, pale green and foamy, soaking away his aches and pains.
He closed his eyes and explored each of his senses in turn. The spa room was fragrant with damp cedar wood, jasmine and the ocean scent of the spirulina and marine algae in the water.
He could hear the soothing sound of the bubbling water, and of the birds in the courtyard trees. His body felt weightless, floating on the warm currents, tickled by the bubbles of the Jacuzzi. He leaned his head back on the rolled towel behind his neck and spread his legs, enjoying the feel of the effervescence on his skin, the heat relaxing him...
Opening his eyes again, he contemplated the setting of this exclusive private spa. Hidden behind the prim Georgetown façade of the house was a perfect recreation of a Japanese healing spa, right down to the exquisite garden in the centre, onto which all the rooms opened. A stream burbled over mossy rocks and trickled through an elaborate sequence of tilting bamboo pipes to patter softly onto the greenery. Ornamental maples created a backdrop of graceful, fiery foliage, stone lanterns lit the space with soft washes of light, wind-chimes tinkled gently and bright finches darted against the deepening twilit sky.
He reached for the china bowl of jasmine tea beside him, and sipped at the hot, fragrant liquid, intrigued by the way it refreshed him, despite its heat. He set the fragile dish down on the wet decking surrounding the pool and let the delicate flavour roll around his mouth: cleansing, relaxing. His eyes drifted closed again and he let his head tip back against the poolside, his body suspended on the buoyant, salty water.
An unknown amount of time passed, and then a soft sound penetrated his consciousness. Still with eyes closed, he smiled to himself and waited for the first touch. A kiss on his bare head, then a splash as someone slid into the deep pool beside him. Someone's arms around him, under his hips, holding him up, easing him away from the rim of the pool until he floated free, held gently in the encircling arms. One arm kept him close, while the other slid over his wet skin, shaping itself to the curves of muscle, the strong limbs, the hard, powerful body.
He knew that touch, that slow exploration that still made him blush, months after that first time... His lover wouldn't be hurried, delighting in touching every part of him, looking at him lingeringly, before he would allow any reciprocation. Long fingers trailed along his arms, tracing the veins that ran up to the hollows of his armpits, fingertips brushed over his stomach, his breast, sliding over the tenderness of his nipples, furrowing in the wet curls of hair on his chest, and between his legs.
A slow stroke down his abdomen, across the jut of his hip bone, curling under his balls, hefting the weight of his wakening penis. So deliberate, so unhurried. He felt the wash of heat as he arched into the soft palm and the water lapped over his groin... His lover caressed him again, cupping him firmly, rolling the full testicles lovingly.
"Look at me. I want to watch you come." Low voice, as caressing as the hands. He opened his eyes and saw the beloved face and the lean body of his companion. Soft in the lamplight, he looked so young, so serious. The wide angular jaw shaded with evening stubble, the long nose foreshortened as the other man bent over him. Clear eyes gazed down at him with shining love. Still the adoring hand fondled him, tantalising with a combination of firm and delicate touches. He groaned pleasurably, as the strong hand spread his legs wider and pushed against his hardening length, not quite grasping, not quite squeezing. He could feel all sensation centering on his straining flesh and then his lover's mouth touched his, warm nibbles along his jaw, a silky tongue teasing his lips apart, softly sucking his breath away...
Stretched on the intangible liquid heat of the lapping water, between the bliss of the mouth feasting on him and the hand massaging him, he moaned into the open mouth, thrust into the caressing hand. No one had ever loved him like this... The voice crooned in his ear: "Let go, let it all go... " He felt the wave of release lifting within him. Smooth lips kissed him once more, then drew back. Almost cruelly, the knowing fingers slid back and forth over the column of his cock. He felt his skin as thin as tissue over his nerve endings, stretched, aching, throbbing...
"You're so beautiful like this, on the brink... Fall for me, fall into my hands..." The other's long body leaned over him, chest to chest, breath ragged, eyes dark and hungry. He was spellbound, mastered, commanded utterly. The pad of a thumb skimmed him and he spilled himself into the green water, into the gentle demanding hand of his beloved, crying out his name, losing sight and sound and all but the heat of lips on his throat, the emptying of his soul, the sweet pure notes of birdsong high and clear inside his head... His whole body vibrated against the one who held him, singing like telegraph wires in the wind, thrumming with feelings too fierce to show any other way. He shook, and his lover cradled him, rocking him on the water, kissing where the sparks still flashed behind his eyelids, behind his temples, inside his head.
After a while they climbed out of the pool together and lay entwined on the mattresses set ready for them. The sheets were silky-smooth and cool, the evening was warm and the air sweet with night-scented jasmine. Now he held his lover, as he had been held: strong, tender, adoring. Kissing the damp soft hair, he felt their heartbeats synchronise and knew he had found his one and only.
Their slender hostess slid the screen wall closed and smilingly left the lovers alone.
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