by Sergeeva (10KB - Oct.1998)


Author's note: this was written for my dear friend Xanthe's birthday. Sweet threesome schmoop.


Walter squinted at the dashboard clock in the Range Rover. Nearly 11pm: he was tired and feeling low but at least he'd soon be at the cabin and able to relax. He had planned to drive up early in the afternoon and meet Fox and Dana in time for a leisurely dinner before... The sports car veered past him, blasting it's horn loudly, rousing him from his thoughts. He was losing concentration, the sooner he could get out of the suit and soak in a long hot bath the better. He felt a little cheered by the prospect, but still disappointed that their plans for the weekend had been ruined by the incompetence of the Charleston field office which required Mulder and Scully to stay on there longer than anticipated to wrap up their damn case.

You're a big boy, Walt, he chided himself. There'll be other weekends. This one wasn't so special... He still couldn't quite believe the turnaround in his life since that nightmare week in Cooper's Ferry when he'd had to head up the Dunhill mutilations case and been at breaking point from the stress and lack of sleep. Mulder and Scully had apparently planned the "kidnapping", they'd taken him back to their apartment after the final press conference and taken such tender care of him... The three of them had discovered a lot about themselves and each other that weekend.

Since then, they'd spent as much of their free time together as they could, mostly at this remote cabin of Skinner's where no-one with Bureau connections was likely to discover them. Their relationship was way beyond colleagues now, way beyond friends even... they loved each other but weren't lovers. Walter sometimes speculated on whether Fox and Dana were lovers, or wished to be, and he hoped he wasn't cramping their style, but whenever he tried to bring it up, they closed on him with kisses and arguments and reassured him that the threesome was perfect: the best of all possible worlds.

Walter certainly agreed with that. He not only felt more contented and appreciated than ever before in his life, but he loved the sense that he could give his two special companions some time away from the dangers and stresses of their work, show them an affection he couldn't reveal at the office. He was a tender and passionate man and had for too long been lonely, unable to express that side of himself.

Pondering on these comforting thoughts, he saw the turnoff for the cabin approaching and felt glad that the long drive was over. He had no plans for the weekend, now that he would be spending it alone. If the weather continued as cold and bleak as it had been, he would probably take the chance to catch up on some reading.

He pulled the car into the garage and sat for a moment, feeling the toll of a long week in his aching muscles. Sighing softly he climbed stiffly out of the vehicle, lifting his weekend bag and coat off the seat beside him. There was a light covering of snow already, riming the timbers of the old porch and muffling the sound of his footsteps as he trudged wearily up the wooden steps. Unlocking the solid door, he felt the peace of the place begin to sooth his spirits. The cabin was silent, well... actually it wasn't - he could swear that was whispering he heard.

Instantly alert, despite his overtired reflexes, Walter drew his gun and moved silently across the dark room towards the source of the sound. Suddenly, soft hands held his head still while his glasses were removed and a blindfold of some silky material was placed over his eyes. Other hands, bonier and long-fingered, steered him carefully between the furniture and into the room beyond. He was smiling by the time the blindfold was removed and he saw the bathroom aglow with dozens of candles and a beaming and naked Fox and Dana reaching for him with open arms.

The three of them stood for a while simply holding each other, sustained and soothed by the love they all felt. Fox nestled his head against the side of Walter's neck and Dana snuggled up to his chest almost purring with contentment. He felt the tears pricking at his eyes, moved beyond words by inexpressible tenderness. Slowly they broke the embrace and the two agents began to divest Walter of his suit. They didn't speak, just stroked each patch of newly revealed skin, as they drew off his shirt, guided him to step out of his pants and finallly peeled down his briefs, caressing his buttocks and cock as they were exposed.

Fox put his arm around Walter's waist and kissed him lingeringly, sliding his hands up the strong back. Walter began to respond, but Fox pulled back, grinning and led him out through the french windows onto the back porch where there were even more candles and the hot-tub waited. Climbing into the steaming water, Fox held out his hand to Walter and Dana took his other hand and settled him down into the fragrant heat, supported in Fox's strong embrace. He lay back in the blissful weightlessness of the deep water and allowed Fox to just hold him, while Dana joined them, tucking herself between his outstretched legs and kissing his damp chest. Dreamily he was aware of their mouths moving over his face and shoulders, warm breath against his eyelids, his ears, his bare scalp... their hands fondled and caressed him, easing his sore back and tense muscles, sending frissons of pleasure straight to his cock.

The subject of sex had never been broached between them. They gave each other many signs of affection, often spending an evening cuddled up together on the huge sofa or lying under the orchard trees in the warm weather. They touched often, hugs and kisses and even more intimate gestures, but they had all been content to part company at night and meet with more kisses over breakfast. Now, suddenly, Walter felt a new mood: sensual and arousing. He was embarrassed that his body was testifying to his feelings so acutely. He shifted against Dana's questing hand and she shushed him gently, skimming her hand along his hardening length so that he moaned pleasurably. Fox was chuckling quietly in his ear, his clever fingers moving to play with Walter's nipples...

The incessant and delicious torment continued until Walter was in a incredible state, both lulled almost to sleep by the hypnotic caresses and aroused almost to orgasm by the skill of their hands and lips. As if sensing his predicament, Dana stood, the water streaming down her pearly body, and reached for a huge velvety towel, laid ready beside the tub. She murmured something to Fox and he lifted Walter to stand in his arms, cradling the older man while Dana wrapped the towel around his unprotesting body. They crooned meaningless words of love while they dried him and helped him to step out of the tub. Leading him back inside they walked him between them into the main room where a fire of sweet applewood burned in the huge hearth and a quilt was laid in the wash of rosy light from the flames.

Persuaded to lie face down on the quilt, Walter could barely keep his eyes open, except that his swollen cock was now pressed into the soft cotton under him and the tiny friction as he settled his weight was enough to keep his arousal simmering. Fox settled himself astride the lean hips and began to make firm strokes up Walter's sculpted back and outward across the magnificent shoulders. His knowing fingers probed gently but firmly, loosening the knots that a week hunched over a desk had formed, slackening the muscle fibres and making the tanned skin as smooth as silk. Dana took each foot in turn and worked a lavendar-scented oil into the soles of his feet and around each toe. They made love to his bare skin as they moved over him, swallowing his gasps with breath-stealing kisses, drawing out each touch as if reluctant to leave his neck or his waist or his thighs...

By the time he was gently rolled onto his back, Walter barely knew what day it was, it seemed he had been here for days, floating on warmth and love, relaxed, restored, refreshed... The massage was continued with equal thoroughness over his chest and abdomen and he had almost forgotten the state of his cock when he felt soft lips kissing the head and felt himself stiffen as fast as a teenager, so fierce was the surge of arousal that swept over him. He fought against thrusting up towards that teasing mouth, but he heard Mulder's low voice saying "It's okay, Walter, let yourself go..." He curled his pelvis up to meet the delicious sensation of Dana's tongue flicking over his sensitive flesh and felt the vibration of her laugh against his stomach.

Sure he would ejaculate, he fought to command himself, only to be lifted again and carried to his own room, to the huge oak bed his grandfather had built for his new bride, a bed wide and long enough for a Skinner male and thankfully plenty big enough for three naked FBI agents to snuggle together in. As the hands and lips brought him to ecstatic climax, Walter heard the quiet voices of his lovers, tender with affection:

"Happy birthday, Walter."





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