Value for Your money

What I am worth

Play hard, work harder

Leisure time

Told (about) him

CV page

Main page



Andre' Serranho


My work, value for Your money

People who worked with me praised my resourcefulness, commitment, sense of responsibility and pragmatism. My contagious good humour is also very appreciated. In fact, I think it is fundamental to keep a smiling face, specially on adversity.

I believe in continuous self-improvement and that you can not learn enough ever. I did not hide from anyone that one of my aims is to get as soon as possible an MBA in International Business, and I am happy that I finally have it!

In short, with me at your service You can:

  • Develop and strengthen your company's international position;
  • Add more creativity to your team;
  • Enjoy the services of a skilful, multitalented, motivated, responsible partner;
  • Get that bit of always needed, good old, over-the-edge irreverence.

You want more than this still? Now you are stretching your expectations.
Remember to keep them feasible, because I sure do. I am not promising I will make one million euro by the end of the month. After all, I am just an ordinary human being.
But allow me to surprise you.

What I am worth

Even before the MBA , my Business Management/Marketing degree was a great tool for my personal development: it is structured so that we are constantly "bothering" companies for (real) information. Not actually working there, we get a fairly deep view how the companies and the market work.
After that comes compiling essays (i. e., business analysis answering by the name of thesis in other countries), where my computer skills came in hand: by interest or necessity I developed high skills in Office programs;
Then after, presenting them to the rest of the class, preferably with multimedia support: helping me with this was my creativity (for instance, since tender age I practice the noble art of cartooning), which was continuously put to test.

After all, what would be a Marketing man without creativity?

I use any opportunity to improve my communication skills. At the moment I speak rather fluently five languages, and I am trying hard with my sixth. In the medium run, I intend to add at least two to these.

As Computers and Media always fascinated me, when the Internet came up, I continued to develop my computer skills, applied to this global, dynamic media, with enormous possibilities. I got proficient in Graphic and Web Design, mostly all by myself, I say without false modesty.

So in the end I was able to develop the concept of


Meanwhile, I was working here in there in bars, restaurants, and parties (sometimes in charge of the material logistics), so I have also experience in interpersonal relations and customer service, furthermore useful during my year of work in an International Office.
I also dedicated myself to sell traineeships for foreigners to several companies, which is bound to be one of the most difficult "products" to sell.

Play hard, work harder

I have been, I must admit, a lucky person. Most of the times I get what I want.
Putting it better, I work my brains out to get what I want. So actually my luck is not a case of fortune, is the result of hard work. The harder the task, the more rewarding the result is.

Anyway, more than words, I like to present facts.
Following the next link will take to a sample of my work. It is the web version of an essay done for the course of "Communication in Marketing", which was selected to appear in the book "Publicitor"-Theory and Practice of Marketing Communication.
Although the essay was made in group, the translation and conversion was done solely by me. Therefore you can also evaluate my technical English language and Web design skills.
To return to this page, hit the "BACK" button of your browser.

Analysis of the TELECEL 1995 Corporate Communication Campaign

Leisure time

Anything that can put my body and brain to carburate. But mostly the latter.

Told (about) him

To end, I present some comments from people who socialised and worked with me:

"Thank YOU!"
Ari Vatanen, rally driver and World Champion

"I told you before, I would love to work with you some day. When are you coming back?"
Dr. Nuno Baixinho, Product Manager

"It was a pleasure working with you, too bad you have to go. Best of luck for the future."
Dr. Angelita Campriani, International Relations Officer

" have always been quite resourceful, now haven't you?"
Emily Fitzpatrick, University student

"...when you are motivated, you can use your never-ending resources of intelligence and creativity..."
Dr. Mónica Lobo, Commercial Manager

"I would be more than happy to be your reference."
Prof. Hannu Seristö, University teacher

"I like you ideas a lot, and that you like things well done, but just don't be so perfectionist. Accept it, sometimes things can not be totally perfect."
Dr. Minna Collanus, Chemist


CV page

This link will take you to my on-line CV.
From there you may access its PDF version, and also my non-serious page.
You can also download the CV in PDF format directly from here.
Thank you for your attention.


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