The Strong Genealogy Network...

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John R. Mayer Memorial Page


September 16, 1952 - March 31, 1998

  • Strong Genealogy Network Website (William L. Strong)
  • Strong Quest Website (Robert T. Strong, Jr.)
  • Strongs of Britain/ Ireland Manuscript & Database (David B. Strong)
  • Strong Roots Database (James E. Gilbert)
  • Strange Home Page (John R. Mayer)
  • Strong Family Association of America ( MFBStrong)
  • Strong Mailing List Indexed Online Archive (Russell L. Laird)  
  • Ships' Captains by Traci Vickers.
  • Welcome To My World by Martha Strong Historical Documents, Ancestries related to the Strong Family, Historical Sites and Research Aides.
  • Strong Immigrants and Passenger List -Traci Vickers
  • Biographical and Anecdotal - Bill Garcia


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