SFAA Original Homepage


to the Original Site of the

Strong Family Association of America
Incorporated 1975


We are a dynamic international family organization. Our main objective is to promote recognition of Strong Family heritage. We welcome all that are interested in the Strong Family.

Please feel free to comment on any portion of this page. Your comments will assist us in making it a useful tool in your continuing family searches.




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messages care of: James Gilbert


Ancestry Strongs (MFB Strong)

Ancestry of Elder John Strong, Margery Dean, Abigail Ford.

Elder John's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Eleanor Cogan wife of Walter Dean

Rev. James Stronge of Chardstock England

Children and his descendants in England.

Emma Strong, wife of Vincent Meigs of Connecticut

Children and her descendants

Other Strong of the United States

Other Strongs of England.

Timothy Strong of Wiltshere and his sons who worked on St. Paul's Cathedral London.

Links to maternal ancestries


Famous Related Strongs and Fords

Gov. Caleb Strong of Massachusetts.

Capt. Nathan Hale of Coventry, Connecticut

Gov. Thomas Dewey of New York

President Grover Cleveland

President Rutherford B. Hayes

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Diana Princess, of Wales

Anna Smith Strong, Strong's Neck Long Island.

Searches and Queries (SFAA Historian)

Newsletter Queries

SFAA Benjamin W. Dwight Book Update Program and Ordering Info

SFAA Membership

SFAA Annual Reunion

Related Genealogical Links

Strong Genealogy Network

Related Strong Sites

Research Sites.




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