Joseph Michael Rynoski ( a.k.a) Mike Reno was born on Jan, 8, 1955 in Westminister British  Columbia.
At the age of 12 Mike lbegan playing drums that he had
paid for himself with money he had earned himself. He
gragually learned to play the guitar as well.
   After graduating from highschool, Mike moved to
Calgary and put his focus into singing and songwriting.
After playing with several bands, Mike hooked up with a Toronto recording band Moxy in 1978.Mike left
Moxy due to differences and met up with Paul Dean and in 1979, Loverboy was born.
   In 1986 after Loverboy decided to go there seperate
ways Mike recorded a few solo movie soundtracks
Chasing the Angels  from
Iron Eagle 2,
Whenever There's A Night from Dream A Little Dream (1990)and a song he sang with Anne Wilson (HEART)
that appeared on the
Footloose soundtrack..(1984)
Almost Paradise. Mike also did a song with Sammy Haggar "Remember The Heroes", (1983)appeared on the USA For Africa,(1985) and was background vocals, vocal for David Foster River Of Love(1990). .Mike also brought out his own album titled All One People (Just-If-I).(1995).
     Today Mike is back touring  with Loverboy and the group just released their 6th album
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