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Write to Ava about what you have done in reguards to bondage or relationships in general.

She's pretty sharp!

i will relay all messages to her and if she wants she will write back either through me or directly to you. If she does then what happens is between the two of you...

This is a letter she wrote in response to a sugestion from me that she should go out and buy a set of handcuffs. Not only are they handy to have around the house (or in a purse), but they are a ball to buy because of the reactions that can sometimes be provoked in the salesperson involved.

Most are helpful, most get this silly grin, and a lot of them will break into some story they have about a pair of handcuffs they know about. Some of the stories are silly, some are made-up, most are real, almost all are funny, and some get me as excited as the salesperson telling the story!

i think Ava (not her real name) did a great job!

If i had the money i'd buy a new pair every week - just for the adventure!

Wednesday, January 27, 1999

"I bought a pair of handcuffs."

Hi, shevette!

I know it seems like a long time since I've written (for good reason -- it has been!), and I'm sorry. I just have so much to do these days, it seems there is never much time for the things I really want to do.

Did you ever get a working address for Mxx (who wrote to me)? I tried to write to him, but as you found yourself, the address didn't work. I'd like to have the working address if you ever get it.
[i got it and sent it to Ava]

I did do something that you asked -- I bought a pair of handcuffs.

Two, actually -- one toy pair and one real pair.

The toy pair I bought at Toys 'R Us. I looked around the store, found them, and then decided to have a little fun. I asked the youngest and most nervous-looking stockboy I could find to tell me where they are.

This kid was about 16, I would guess. I found him putting together a train set. I waited until someone else was nearby and then asked him where I could find handcuffs. He was startled, and then started to tell me where they are --

"Do you know where the police sets are?" he said.

I did, but I told him I didn't. He pointed in the general direction, and I tried really hard to see where he was pointing, but I just couldn't see it (hee hee). I brushed his shoulder with my finger, like a mother might, and asked him to take me to them. He looked around, probably deciding if he should leave the train set, and then I smiled sweetly.

He led me over to where they were and pointed at them. They were in clear plastic glued to a cardboard back. I took one pair off the rack and looked at them. I asked him how they work, and he told me they work with keys or with a secret escape switch. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when I tore the package open in front of him. I told him I wanted to see how they fit, so I locked both of my wrists in them. Then I told him show me the secret escape lever.

He had to touch one of my hands to open the cuff, and I nearly laughed out loud, he was so nervous. I opened the other one, put the package back together as best I could, and thanked him for his time. I chuckled as I walked to the checkout line to buy them.

I bought the real handcuffs at a police surplus store. There are a few of them here in town (police are big here -- I'm not sure how I feel about that). I did a little research before I bought, though, so I'd know who to ask. Mostly, I just wanted to get an idea of who worked there.

There was one man, about forty with with dark but graying curly hair, with big hands. Cowboy hands, I'd like to say, because they looked like he could handle a horse with them. He wasn't unusually handsome, but I just got the idea of how his hands could easily grip all the way around my wrists, and them some.

I looked around the store one evening, to make sure he was there. I pretended to be looking at jackets,

"for my boyfriend," I told him when he asked.

He smiled politely and said I should find him if I have any other questions.

After a few minutes, I did just that. I asked him what kind of handcuffs they had. I had seem some behind a counter in a different part of the store. He hesitated only a second and then asked me if I knew what I was looking for. I quite readily admitted that I didn't, and I'd like to see some different kinds.

He took me back to where I had seen the handcuffs. Not only were there some hanging on the wall; there were also some in the glass counter, too. I have to admit that a lot of them looked the same to me, except that some were black and not silver. He showed me a few different kinds of cuffs, with different sized chains and some with hinges, as you were describing.

He told me that the hinged kind were designed so that whoever was in them couldn't get them open even if he had the key in his hand.

He asked me what I wanted them for.

I blushed, and partly on purpose. I wanted to look embarrassed and innocent, but I was only partly acting.

"Well, that's kinda private," I said.

I decided I wanted a "normal" pair with the three-link chain. He told me I had to really careful to get a size that would fit properly, and that has a special double lock to stop them from latching up too tight. (I found out later that the toy cuffs have this, too.)

I said, fine, I'll try a pair on.

He seemed pretty nervous at that. He said that it's not really store policy to handcuff a customer. He offered to show me how they work on his own wrist, but he was wary of putting them on mine. Well, I didn't go through all this effort just to buy a pair -- I wanted the full experience!

I told him that his wrists were a LOT bigger than mine, and there's no way I could know they'd fit unless I tried them on myself. After all, he didn't want me to buy a bad pair, did he?

He could only agree. He looked around for a store manager and saw he was clear.

I offered him a wrist, with my palm out. He wrapped his hand around my arm, up by the elbow, and then locked the cuff around my wrist. He showed me how to fit to the right size and then lock it into place. I think I only had two notches left, and that was around the sleeve of my jacket!

I offered my other wrist, but he wouldn't do it.

He started to get the key to open the one I had on, but before he could, I put both hands behind my back and cuffed the other wrist.

These seem to fit well! That was one of the most arousing feelings I've ever had in public, to have myself inescapably bound in a store, with a large attractive man squirming at the sight of it.

Well, to be fair, he was probably more worried about the fallout if someone saw, but I indulged myself in the fantasy that he was rapt with desire for me. Anyway, I knew that to release me he'd have to handle me a little bit, so I just smiled as he came from behind the counter with the key, turned me around, and unlocked the cuffs.

I was right -- I think he could have fit his hand around both of my wrists together -- and that was an interesting thought, let me tell you!

So I bought that pair -- about $40 -- and thanked the man for his assistance. So you see, I really have been busy since you last heard from me. :)



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