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shevette's book!

#2 of three

Copyright Information: This book may be copied and redistributed for personal use only. Not intended for sale, resale, or profit. It's free! Use the Copyright logo to return to the shevette home page.

"Description" Content="This is a complete book i am posting to the net. It's not a short story or even a short book. It is long (read; Full and Complete.) It was a labor of love for me. This was back when bondage was only a dream for me. While the book doesn't deal with bondage per se; it does have bondage elements in it including one bondage scene and there are a lot of tie-up scenes. This was when i didn't truly understand my drive for bondage - i just felt like a CB (read it to find out what that is...)"


This rascal is only 65 chapters long. i will provide two ways for it to be viewed; as a zip file and a page at a time off the net.

For those of you who choose not to pull down the zip file there will be an table map on each page to allow you to flip from chapter to chapter and allow you to keep track of what you've read.

For those of you who choose the zip file just put it in a directory or folder off to itself and use your browser (FILE/OPEN or FILE/OPEN FILE) to read it.

Notes from the writer:
This is the second book i ever wrote and it takes place on a planet called Seco (i hope that not a registered trademark of anyone - if it is the name use is not intended to represent any company or firm), which comes from the name of the earth company (SpaceExplorationCO.) that sent 2000 colonists to the star system Alpha-Centuri. The events described take place 1000 years after colonization. That much you can figure out by reading the book. What you may not be able to discern is that the days there are 30 hours long, a year is not 365 days although the way they measure a year is close to the earth year. Monetary units are expressed as credits or bucks which is about what a dollar is worth today in the US. Average life span is 150 years with revamps or 75 without. A revamp is a surgical procedure where the body is artificially rejuvenated back to any age as low as 14 years of age. The mind still retains it's memories. It can only be done three times. What else? i guess you'll have to read the book to find out...


The End of the Millennium


Lotsa people are reading this thing, i'm glad you like it. A slave is happy.
Master Chris' slave shevette, that is...

The whole book in zipfile format.
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30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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60 1 2 3 4 5

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