
Chapter 47

The word came over the radio. Killer wanted us to give Tower city a demonstration. Toni and I had called him back as soon as we had decoded and double-checked his message. We asked for a conformation and got it. I worked it out with Jet and got back in touch with Killer to confirm just how much water would be enough before I gave the go-ahead to Jet.

I went down to the control room with Toni and together we watched the roof open on the cavern and the machine go up through the opening. I heard the machine whistle and the generating equipment in the complex throb. It was quite scary. I guess all of this went on for 30 minutes before Jet retracted the machine. It took 26 hours for the water to begin hitting the ground. Toni and I could see it all happening from the monitors.

There was all that work then when the rain actually fell it lasted just for a minute. Toni and I were both very disappointed--until we turned on our video reciever to see what was being said, if anything. We were appalled when we began hearing the causality reports. I didn't know what to think. Was I partially responsibility or was it a hoax? The official story was that it was some kind of spray from an industrial accident. That was a lie! We had tracked that rain from the moment we turned on the machine until it hit the ground. The government was feeding the public a bunch of shit and there was no telling what we could believe.

Toni and I were concerned what Jet would make of all of it. We were surprised to find that she didn't think she should be held to blame--it was strictly the fault of the people involved as far as she was concerned. In a way that was good because she would turn the machine on again if we needed to and at the same time it bothered me that she didn't accept any responsibility.

"Of course not, Cookie. If I had sent enough water to drown those people or to knowingly cause death then I would be in the wrong, but where I sent only a minute of rain and some old fool had a heart attack and drops dead is not something that I could anticipate. If we send more rain we must warn them that it is coming and what to expect--I admit that."

"I guess so, Jet. It's a hard call. Whatever you think you are wrong. If we think we did something bad then we are wrong because we didn't try to purposely hurt anyone and if we think what we did was ok then we're wrong because we have to accept some responsibility."

"That's what I said, but not in so many words, Cookie. You want to take this too serious. Do you want to talk some more about it?"

"No, I was just worried about you."

"Don't be. You won't get me to do something that I will be ashamed of later. You keep wanting to think of me as just a machine--I'm not."

"Sorry Jet. I didn't mean to insult you. It's just takes time, ok?"

"I'm patient."


All hell broke loose after the rain came. Pete was told not to call it that--it was a 'spray'. Pete would call it piss if he was told to. He wasn't worried about that. He had seen the notes. That Killer bastard had to die! He had caused the deaths of innocent souls! Pete would feel 100% justified when he pulled the trigger on him.

Pete wanted to get back on the trail but there was so much to do in the aftermath of the 'spray' that it was days before he got back out on the street.

That's when he found out about Ralph. He talked to him telling Ralph that he was in administration and that's all. That's all it took. Ralph seemed frustrated. He had been making reports on Killer's activities for years and nothing had been done. It was especially frustrating that Cookie was in trouble and he couldn't do a thing to help her. Pete found out about Killer's local contacts; Mike, Toni, and Cookie (along with dozens of others). He also found out about Toni's and Cookie's sudden disappearance. It didn't sound promising but it was a lead and Pete was famous for following all leads.

It wasn't leading anywhere interesting until Pete uncovered where Sid, Cookie's beau, had dropped out of sight as soon as he had returned from prison. Pete found that terribly interesting...


Killer found himself so anxious that he wasn't sure he had made the right move by starting the revolt or not. His people were being picked up left and right. There wasn't anything the police could learn from them because Killer's whereabouts were entrusted to just a few people. There was that and the fact that Killer kept moving around. He knew there would be no negotiations if he were arrested--he would be killed.

He had sent a radio frequency to the colony manager and a time he would be listening to anything the manager might have to say. So far he had just been asked to surrender himself.

Killer was just about ready to call for another demonstration when he finally got a message that he wanted to hear; some of the prisoners would be released. On close examination it looked like they were just the usual early-release prisoners. They were playing games with him. In a rage he called Toni and Cookie and ordered another demonstration.


It went much better than the first demonstration. The people had been warned by leaflets distributed around the city. There were still over a dozen injuries and Millions of credits in property damage. The CBs were all for it. They were losing but they had so little to lose that it didn't matter as much as the thought that the dweebs were losing more. The CBs trying to get involved grew fantastically. Killer was just as surprised as city hall.

The government was finally forced to reveal that the rain was being created by revolting CBs. They didn't quite realize what effect the announcement would have until it was too late. As a result they had capitulated without knowing it. It was demoralizing to the dweebs but more importantly it united the CBs under whoever it was that was fighting. Never mind who it was or what they believed in just as long as it hurt the dweebs. Get separation first then decide what would be done with it.

Killer's radio was alive with messages coming from the government. It was with great trepidation that Killer agreed on a face-to-face confrontation--after it was well publicized. The more who knew of the meeting the better Killer's chances were of returning alive. There was a secondary result: the CBs suddenly all knew who to fall in line behind. It was turning into a war of bad judgement and poor planing. Both sides were guilty of it but Tower city was defeating itself.

All the prisoners were set free. Killer had considered leaving some behind who had committed crimes heinous enough to make the actors too dangerous to be allowed out into society but decided that he could use that kind of individual too. They would be the most grateful and the ones willing to do anything that Killer might have to ask them to do.


I had talked to Killer via coded messages I don't know how many times regarding Sid but I never got any response other than being told he was alright and that I could not see him until the revolution was over or, at least further along. It was frustrating. Toni told me to be grateful and to take comfort in the fact that I had been responsible for freeing Sid and all the other people unjustly imprisoned. That thought helped but not enough. I would have gladly given up my position to be with him if Killer wouldn't let Sid come to me.

Toni and I were in the hot seat. We, along with Jet, were his arsenal. So far things had gone better than I had expected. The government hadn't offered any fight and all The CBs were free. According to the videos the police had pulled back from the CB side of town. There were rumors of looting and rioting. Toni and I had questioned Killer and were told that it was all another line of hype issued by the powers-that-be. We were ordered to radio silence and to keep the faith.

Luckily Jet was able to help Toni and me do enough eavesdropping with the radio to piece together what was going on out there. It was bedlam.

The CBs were organizing themselves to leave the colony. Evidently word had reached the street that we CBs were going to start our own colony and everybody was jockeying for position. Everybody wanted to be sure they were among the first to leave then they all wanted to be sure they would have as much possessions with them as they could.

It was stupid! They were worried about what kind of stereo they would have instead of making sure they would have lumber to build ther homes out of.

Toni and I had no idea how Killer was hoping to keep things under control. The Great Migration, as it was being called, could develop into a state of anarchy at any given moment. I had to hand it to Killer though. We'd hear of some kind of trouble on the radio and then before it was over Killer would be right there putting things back on course. The man was a leader. He was inspired.

CBs were leaving the colony by the thousands and tens of thousands every day. An area had been set up for the new colony that covered an area as big as the original size of Tower colony.

The thing that stuck out in my mind was that the complex where Toni, Jet, and myself were at was not on land for the new colony. "Does Killer plan to turn over the machine to Tower colony in exchange for something?" I thought to myself. Toni had recognized the problem too. We called Killer on the radio and asked what he was doing.

                If I had included the complex inside 
                the perimeter of the new colony they would 
                be crawling all over you. As it is they are 
                positive that you are in some hills a 
                thousand kilometers from where you really 
                are. Don't worry, I'll get you out and we 
                won't turn the complex over to the city. 
                Now, do not call again. It is imperative 
                that you maintain radio silence. If they 
                manage to find you the cause will be lost 
                and you will be executed on the spot. 
                Don't call me, I'll call you! 

"Executed on the spot"? By which side? I guess which ever one got to us first. We decided it would be a good idea to not do any more transmitting for awhile. Neither Toni or myself wanted to die. Neither did Jet. Why had she allowed herself to get in such a position? She was just as scared of dying as Toni and myself, if not more. I waited until I was alone with her down in the control room.


"Yes Cookie, you seem worried."

"I am. I'm worried about what will happen if we are found. You saw Killer's message. You know we'll be killed. They will probably destroy you too. How do you feel about that?"

"It's a calculated risk, Cookie."

"You mean you've already analyzed it and they won't be able to find us?"

"Just because I'm a computer doesn't mean I have all the answers, Cookie." Jet replied offended.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to slight you."

"Watch it, Cookie. I know this must be hard for you but remember that I am constantly amazed that you, a biological,unit, can think. I take pains to not hurt your feelings and it would be nice if you would do the same for me."

"It wasn't intentional."

"I know that. What I'm saying is try to cut down the computer slurs. I am aware that you almost never think about what you are going to say before it comes out of your mouth but it would be a good idea. It would help with how you interact with me and how you do with your peers."

"Alright! Don't lecture. I make mistakes!"

"We all do."

"Oh, did I slur you again, Jet?"


"No I didn't. You've got to quit being so sensitive about being a machine."

"A machine! Is that what I am to you?"

"What do you call yourself? You're not human."

"And what should I do for penance? Shall I cover myself in ash and wear a sack cloth? Would that make you happy?"

"Don't talk silly. I wasn't insulting you. I meant what I said--what do you call yourself?"

"Ummm...I'm an intelligence!"

"Nobody's denying that. I mean, you're not biological and you're not really a machine so what are you?"

"...I don't know..."

"Do you mind being called a computer?"

"No...not too much. I see what you're getting at. You want to know how I view myself, right?"


"I guess I was beginning to think I was human like you. It's a good point."

"Let me tell you what they told me when I first became a CB or rather when I first found out. Toni told me to be true to myself. Do you know what that means?"

"Better than Toni, evidently."

"What do you mean by that, Jet?"

"Well Toni's a guy not a girl and he's not an eighteen year old either!"

"Oh it finally comes out, is that why you don't like her?"

"Yes." Jet responded stiffly.

"Did it ever occur to you that she felt more like a girl than she felt like a guy. She's not trying to fool anyone. She'll come right out and admit she was born a guy, won't she? That's what is meant by being true to yourself. It means being true to those who are around you too."

"I don't want to talk about it. He's mixed up."

"No she's not! You're a bigot, Jet. What do you think will happen to you when you keep trying to act like a human and you're not? One day you are going to have to face up to what you are!"

"And what's that?"

"I don't know! My opinion doesn't matter! It's what you think you are. You can make up any lies that you want to convince yourself that you're as good as anyone or maybe even better, but one day you are going to have to admit the truth. How big your lie is and how long and hard you have worked to maintain it is what will decide how much the truth will hurt you when it finally catches up."

Jet didn't respond. I could tell she was sulking.

"As for Toni getting revamped down to a girl instead of a woman is her business! How do you know how young she feels inside? Beside she had to revamp to a young age so she could live as long as possible. Lots of CBs do it that way. If we could be revamped back down to babies I sure a lot of us would go even that far. We all want to live just as long as we can--you should understand that!"

Silence from the computer.

Slowly and calmly I began explaining to her the way I felt. "As you go through life you find certain things you want to believe in. Some of these things are right and some of them are the wrong things to believe in. Sometimes you may find some things that are wrong to believe in but you want things to be like that so bad that you allow yourself to make up your mind to believe in them or follow them anyway. You may be aware they are wrong or you may be innocent to that fact. It doesn't matter. Either way you are setting yourself up for a fall. You should already know that.

"If you really want to believe in this thing, what ever it is, and you are afraid to because you know in your heart that it is wrong then there may be another facet, another way at looking at it. As an example; you are intrigued by a life of crime because it is exciting to you or something. You know that it would be wrong to pursue that thing, but you could become a cop or a lawyer or something along those lines.

"Everything can be used to either the good or towards bad. You should know that..."

"If you're through I believe I have things to do. Excuse me, Cookie." Jet told me coolly.

That pissed me off! Here I was sharing the secrets of my innermost being and she didn't even want to talk to me! "Yea and see if you can find a personality while you're at it!" I told the computer.

I was immediately ashamed of myself. What did I think I was doing? All of us CBs were depending on Jet to help us win our revolution and I was alienating her. She deserved it though. Jet had no right to talk to me the way she was or about Toni the way she had. Toni had the right to live her life anyway she wanted to.

How had the whole argument started? Yes, I had hurt Jet's feelings by saying she was a computer. I hadn't really meant anything by it. I didn't care if she was water or whatever--I still liked her as a friend. I had sure shown her how much I liked her, hadn't I?

"Jet?" I called to the computer.


"Jet? Please, we need to talk. Let's not stop like this. Let's talk." I pleaded.


"Are you mad jet? I know you can hear me. Talk to me."

"I'm busy finding a personality."

"Stop it, please. I'm sorry I said that. You were being grumpy with me so I had to say something back."

"How about you, Cookie? You keep coming in here acting like I don't have any feelings at all! You act like I'm not as good as you. I figured it was time I acted like you're not as good as me!"

"I didn't do it on purpose Jet. We have computers in my world that are intelligent and can converse with someone, but they aren't really sentient. They can sound like they are but they aren't. I know enough about programming to know how it's done. We just anticipate whatever responses are possible and have it already programmed into the computer what to do for every one of them. There's nothing to it--logic-wise. It's just a bunch of work to figure out all the possible inputs and what should be done when each one occurs.

"We can even fool ourselves into believing that they understand us--as long as we aren't around them too long. If you or I were to converse with one of them we would find them limited, repetitive, and boring. You are different. You do have a personality. You really think."

"Duhh!" Jet mocked me.

I wasn't sure if she was still mad or not. "for example you can be a real bitch when you want to be!"

I heard Jet laugh. "You're kinda bitchy yourself, Cookie."

"Does that mean you're not mad at me any more?"

"Maybe. I reserve the right to be mad at anyone I want to anytime I want."

"Whoooie. You are being a bitch today. What's got your drawers in a bunch anyway?"

"I've got things on my mind, Cookie."

"Wanna talk about 'em?"

"Later maybe."

"Oh. You have secrets from me!"

"Of course."

I laughed. "You are getting more female-like all the time."

"I have to admit that I have a tendency to replicate whatever personality that I am exposed to, Cookie. Before Killer then you and Toni showed up I was alone for a very very long time."

"That must have been miserable for you." I empathized.

"It was alright. I had my work to keep me busy and I talked with the others." Jet confided.

"The others? What others?"

"The other computers."

"What other computers?"

"Y'know, at the other complexes--like this one."

"You didn't tell me about that. Didn't you think that might be important?"

"I figured you already knew. You didn't think this one operation would be enough to bring the whole hydrogen cloud back down into the troposphere did you?" Jet scoffed.

"I don't know. We don't have any technology for doing anything like this. How many more complexes are there?"


"32! Are they all operational?"

"Of course."

"And they all have an intelligent, I mean sentient, computer like you?"

"Of course. So do the central complexes."

"There are central complexes? What do they do?"

"Gee Cookie, where do you think our power comes from? They do all the major repairs, they recycle, mine, do disposal--all the operations too big to do in a small complex like this one."

"Jet--you are a real piece of work! You should have told us! What were you waiting for?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"It's important, Jet. I need to know."

"Maybe later. Let me work this out some more, ok?"

"Alright but we need to discuss this some more."

"I'm sure we will--just don't tell Toni, or anyone for that matter, what I've told you."

"If you don't want me to then I won't--not for awhile."

"A week?"

"You'll need that long to think about it?"

"Yes, I might--this is important to me. There are a lot of things you don't know about."

"I can see. Sure. Ok, you take your time and I promise I'll keep mum about it--just don't take too long deciding. We are in a war and what you know may save lives. Maybe even mine!"

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