
Chapter 27

When I got back out to the bus Sid had a bag of cookies he was munching on. He offered me the bag. I took a few and ate. Dick's bottle had disappeared with him. Sid had the same problem I had about not being able to keep anything around to drink. Without a cooler anything I tried to keep on hand was just too hot to be enjoyable.

"C'mom. Let's take our cookies inside." Sid told me as he indicated the building. I followed behind him wondering if he meant we were going to eat in the bathroom. Instead of the door I had used before Sid led me to a big service door. He had the key and opened it.

Inside it was dark. I could smell the odor of stale booze. "Is this the bar?" I asked, meaning the Gas City bar.

"Yea. Don't you remember going out to the bus last night?"


"You mean you don't remember telling me you would be my love slave for life and do whatever I told you to do for as long as you live?"

I shrugged my shoulders innocently. "Sorry."

"I don't remember that part either." Sid admitted. He laughed. It had been a joke.

I was worried because I could have told him something like that. I was very impressed with Sid except for his domicile (the bus).

Sid found the lighting panel and flipped on a few lights. "The owner lets me use the place. In exchange I play percussion for the band and clean up a bit. He even lets me and Dick sleep in the bus. I'm not really that broke. I just figured it was a good way to save money."

Silently I breathed a sigh of relief.

We were standing in front of where the bar inside the bar was. It was like a tiny store inside of a building. There were large sheets of building wood that had been raised up out of the way the night before. Now they were down covering the openings to the bar. The bar with all it's liquors and glasses and cash registers was sealed up from the inside of the building. It was like some kind of a second defense against burglars I guessed. Sid opened a door leading inside it and got us something to drink.

I held up my hand when he returned with the drinks and offered one to me. "No thanks, got any water?"

"This is water." Sid responded half hurt.

I took a careful sip. That's all it was, water. "Thanks, this is good." I told him by way of soothing any feelings I may have hurt.

He tossed the bag of cookies on the table and we both dove on them like neither of us had eaten in a week.

"I take it you're not on welfare anymore, are you?" I asked to have something to talk about. My mouth was full of cookies and it was a wonder Sid could understand me.

He stuffed a cookie in his mouth and answered me while spraying cookie crumbs all over the table. "Yea, I'm still on it. Mike, the guy that owns this place, doesn't pay me anything. I just think of this as..." he stopped talking and stuffed another cookie in his mouth and began spraying me again, "this is just a way to save money."

I put a cookie in my mouth and sprayed, "Oh yea, you must have saved a fortune by now!"

Sid reloaded with another cookie and got right in my face, "Naw, I keep blowing my money on new equipment! There's some guy that says he wants to be our manager but" reload,"we have to have good equipment if we want to impress the recording people!"

My face was covered with cookie crumbs. I raised my hands in mock submission. Sid leaned back from me for a moment. Taking the cookie bag with him. I was grinning from ear to ear. I started to lower my hands when Sid said in a loud booming voice like the police used, "Freeze you cookie thief! One more move and I'll blast you again!"

I raised my hands back up and pleaded prettily, "Oh no officer, please don't hurt me! I'll do ANYTHING if you'll please let me go!"

"Stand up!"

I got up from my chair and Sid came around to where I was standing. I pretended to be afraid of him. Sid put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me to him. He gave me a kiss and began licking the crumbs off of my face. It was very erotic, big time! I started to put my arms around him and maybe lick a few crumbs myself.

"Don't!" Sid told me. He was getting off on controlling me. I obediently put my hands back up for the third time and let Sid lick my face. It felt weird. I liked it. Sid loved it. Soon he was caressing me all over. I had hoped we were going to do it one more time. I couldn't remember enough about the night before to be sure if it had really been good or not.

Suddenly Sid stopped what he was doing and grabbed my hand. "Ever been on a real-live stage before?" he asked as he began leading me to it.

"" I answered unsure what he was going to do next. We got up on stage and Sid began to undress. I knew what he wanted to do. I liked the idea. We were going to make love out where hundreds of people watched every day. They wouldn't be there but it would be a gas imagining them watching. I slipped off my clothes and Sid embraced me. We kissed and held each other until we just had to get down and do it.

There was barely room to walk on the stage. Everywhere there were cables and wires and foot controls on the floor. Sid helped me find a spot behind his position in the band. I was laying all over the wires. They dug into my back as Sid positioned himself on top of me, that just made it better. There was something about being in the midst of all that high-powered equipment that made it more exciting.

Sid began moving in a slow rhythmic motion. He was driving me insane with desire! He knew how to do it right! I could feel the sweat pop out all over me. We were slipping and sliding to a quickening pace. I had already been feeling the passion growing inside me, now I could begin to feel the antidote. It was way back there somewhere building and building waiting for the right moment to crush me with it's force. I was ready. The hunger was on me and I'm not talking about cookies!

Afterwards we rested.

The sweat had half dried off of me when Sid rolled back on top of me again. I smiled at him wickedly. I had never done it twice in a row before.

"All right, cookie thief, put your hands behind you. You're going downtown now."

I looked at him puzzled. What was he up to? "What do you mean?"

"Look, sit up. I'm going to wrap some of these cables around you. Pretend you're tied up."


"Because you are my little cookie thief and you are under arrest..."

I didn't understand what he was up to exactly. I sat the way he wanted me to and let him wrap some of the wires I had been laying on around my wrists and arms. I wasn't tied up as much as I was tangled up. It was kinda titillating. He kissed me and pushed me back onto my back.

"You're not scared are you?"

I shook my head "no".

"Good. This is just a game. I don't want you to be afraid."

"Aw shut up ya' lousy cop and get this over with! I've got more cookies to steal before tonight!" I laughed.

Sid looked relieved. He began again. I struggled against the wires wrapped around me. It felt wicked. I liked it. I was reminded of the way I had seen Sid play his percussion board. He was totally into it. Totally animated and I liked the music he played. And he played on and on.

We finished again and began to rest.

I heard applause from the audience. I tried to sit up and get my hands free, but Sid was still on top of me. He waived down whoever was in the audience.

"Let me up!" I told Sid in an urgent whisper.

He got off of me and helped me get untangled. I couldn't get free fast enough. Finally I had my dress clutched to me and looked out to see who had snuck up on us. I had a momentary fear that it was the real cops.

"Relax Sue, It's Mike the owner." Sid assured me.

"Who's your friend?" a male voice came from where the audience would normally be.

"Don't tell him my name!" I hissed at Sid.

Sid looked at me for a moment and smiled. "This is a cookie thief I caught!" he told the voice.

"Tell me what kind of trap you've been using, I'd like to catch one of those myself!"

Sid got up and slipped on his clothes in front of the man as easily as he had put on his pants in front in front of Toni and me that time I was over at Toni's garage. He went down off the stage to the shadow of the man and they went towards the back of the building where Sid and I had come in at. "Get dressed!" he called back to me. I slipped my clothes back on almost as fast as I had come out of them. I felt embarrassed to have been caught doing it on the stage with Sid.

I went back to the table Sid and I had been sitting at and tried to look normal. I brushed as many cookie crumbs off my face and out of my hair as I could. I wanted to go to the bathroom and clean up, but that was the direction the men had disappeared in. Finally I screwed up my nerve and went out back to the bathroom. I didn't see the men until I came back out into the main part of the bar.

"I didn't mean to be a peeping tom." Mike explained. "I decided to run by and see Sid for a moment. When I came in I heard all of this moaning and groaning going on up on the stage. I thought Sid had fallen and hurt himself. Then I saw all this motion going on and I thought it was somebody trying to rip off the band instruments. When I finally realized what was going on I was so relieved that I had to applaud. Sorry. -I didn't see anything! I didn't mean to ruin it for the two of you."

My face was burning. I felt sure the man didn't think any less of me because he had caught me boinking his percussion man. CBs are more open about sex than dweebs. I swallowed my pride and spoke to him. "We should be apologizing to you,sir. I hope you didn't mind us doing that here, you didn't did you?"

"Naw. Happens all the time--not to Sid, of course!"

Sid laughed nervously. I didn't know if it was because he had been taking lady friends on stage all the time or if it was because he hadn't been taking them on stage. That was a man thing. I didn't care what Sid had done in the past--it was what he intended to do in the future that really concerned me.

I laughed at Sid's nervousness to let him know it was alright.

Mike had gone into the inner bar and was bringing us each a glass filled with something purple.

"None for me!" I told him. "Thanks but I don't drink this early."

"No spirits." Mike explained as he sat the drink down in front of me. "Try it!"

I tasted it. It was soda, grape soda. "Thanks. It's good." I had a lot to learn about these CBs. I still had dweeb concepts in my head. It had never occurred to me that someone like Mike would ever drink anything but booze.

"She has good manners." Mike told Sid. "Listen to her, you might learn something. Besides she's got pretty legs."

Sid agreed happily.

"Look Sid, I want you to hang around here this morning. I've got a shipment coming in and I've got to go see Jackie. Can you do that? If you can't just tell me and I can try to round up Frankie..."

"Naw, I'll be here. You don't mind if my girl hangs out with me do you?"

"The cookie thief? No! I like her. Just do me a favor and make sure you haven't pulled any wires loose on the stage. I don't want to wait until tonight and find out nothing works any more, ok?"

"Ok Mike."

"And you, young lady, you don't distract Sid so much that he doesn't let the delivery man in, ok?"

"I promise." I told Mike. I suppose I could have gotten insulted right there but Mike was always talking like what he had said was a joke or something. He was a likable guy. "Are you the one who invented gas water?"

"Invented? Now I'm an inventor! You're a real charmer, aren't you? Yes, I invented gas water. You like?"

"Yes, it's very good."

"You want one now--it's on the house!"

"No thank you, it's still too early."

"You come back tonight and it's free. What they call you? Cookie thief? How'd you get a name like that?"

I started to explain then I realized I was about to tell Mike how Sid and I had gotten up on the stage to begin with. I laughed and covered my face.

Mike got up and started to leave. "Well, you be good girl and think about that. You can tell me tonight." he waved at Sid and me. "Bye now!"

I waived back.

"Don't forget to answer the door when the delivery man gets here!" Mike reminded Sid.

Sid and I looked at each other and laughed.

"He's a good guy." Sid explained.

I nodded my head in agreement.

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