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I now pronounce you...

What are these people saying?

Saturday,February 18, 1999

A Contest


Master Chris got so excited about the bondage wedding pics over on Red's Realm that he asked me to draw him a pic.

i promised him two! (i am a good slave.) Here's one of them. i got the idea from an old cartoon i'd seen a long time ago. In the cartoon the priest is saying,
"You may now whip the bride."
i had an idea for another line then another and another. So i got to wondering how many funny things could be said. That's where you come in. Drop me a line and tell me what funny caption should be used. If yours wins then that is the line i will use in the pic and you get a free copy and if it's a lot of fun we will try doing some more, ok?

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...and without further ado here is my email address!

[email protected]

I now pronounce you... Things i might say:

i knew i shoulda read the fine print on that pre-nuptual aggreement!

This isn't at all the way i always had it pictured in my mind...
I now pronounce you... Things the priest might say:

Well, this one won't end in divorce!

You may place the ring on her fing... I mean you can handcuff her now.
I now pronounce you... Things Master Chris might say:

You will "Love, Honor and OBEY" me now!

Wait until you see what I have in store for you at the 'reception!'

[email protected]


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