
Oh my gosh! CAUGHT!
6 or 7 least...

Two weeks of Bondage...

This page is about the very absolutely most scariest part of bondage... Other people! This page about shevette by j!

This is why you won't hear much from shevette
for another whole week!

She's going to be tied up for two whole long weeks!

Look at her eyes!
How she spent yesterday!

Who is j?
Let me introduce myself in pictures...
Hiya Master D! I wish... shevette on left, me on right. Drawn by me!

I shouldn't even do this what with the way they have been doing me lately. *scowl*

I had been hoping to use the computer now that shevette has one, but they have been hard to get up with. Reading what happened the other night I guess I can forgive her. *smile*

(Just because they were doing all of that you'd think they'd still let ME in to use the computer! Just joking, it's been a joy to be a part of the going's on, but I'm still upset about not getting to use the computer!)

Here's the report on shevette as typed in by moi...

She says to tell you that Rob was off yesterday (friday) and they played soft games together. He kept her tied up like in the picture above with the peasant outfit on - part of the time. She needed that today is her seventh and I know from last time that her arms must feel like they are going to fall off. Rob's been trying to find positions where her arms are at her sides as much as possible. She's been prohibited from using the computer today and that's another reason why I'm typing this in....

She says to tell you that she's feeling fine and to thank everyone for the letters of encouragement. She's been allowed solid food again, but evidently only the table scraps. (Yeah right!) She looks healthy enough.

There's something about a deal with Sweet Ties that I don't get and something else going on too. She can explain that tomorrow.

Rob says he has something special planned for her later today and I will be involved. I don't know what it is, but he says shevette is likely to split a seam!
Well, I did my due so I get to use the computer. I know this is short, but it's been awhile since i have done this and I only hope I remember enough to get this posted right. shevette will be back with all of you tomorrow (Rob says but just for an hour or so) and now to post... *shevette! Get that gag out of yer mouth and show me how to do this!*
The pictures above of me are from when we did something like this a few years ago. Forgive how this must look, but it's been awhile....

Safe Sane and Consensual!

ps: SHE will TRY to keep a diary of this event. SHE already know's that SHE will not come out of this singing like a medowlark. i know because SHE'S been able to do this before...

My buds!

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