i don't mean to turn this into a soap, but...
The story of my life isn't turning out at all how i thought it would...

Or is it?!

Now i don't mean to turn this into a soap. but....

YIKES! You surprised me! The other day i got a surprise visit from someone...
You again! YOU! Yeah it's me!
This isn't fair! Wait! Stop! You can't do this to me! Nothing is fair.
It's about time!
i don't want to be hurt! Don't i get a running start? Shouldn't you untie me first or something??

Please don't hurt me! Please...

i've fallen in love before and it has always hurt.
Don't make me fall in love again
- unless it's for real...

Love is always real.

Love hurts the most when it stops.

The poet said that it's better
to have loved and lost than
to have never loved at all

It always hurts.
Then shoot!

...but you are too late...

You didn't have to do that. i already love rob... Well now it's official.
Yes I did.
i love him with all my heart! And he loves me with all of his!
shevette loves rob
rob loves shevette



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