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Sunday, January 24, 1999

Wow! Talk about a war game on the computer!!!

Please resend your email addys.
Along with (pretty much) everything else i've lost all email and addresses. i do not want to lose contact with anyone!
Keep checking back to this page to get updates on how the reconstruction is going...

Ok this won't be pretty, but maybe i can get this done anyway....


sad but true....

As many of you regulars may know i don't have a computer of my own and i do this site with the good graces of my boss where i work....

Ok, he decided to upgade our computers - not one of them - ALL of them. Never do that!

The main computer almost died! This is the one that links us to the net! It went down and that made a pattern for the rest of the computers. While they were being revived all of the personal stuff everyone had got flushed....

What does that mean? For you the reader it means i have lost

  1. all email corespondance
  2. all email addresses
  3. all requests for pics and HTML assistance
  4. all assignments!

Also i have nearly lost the ability to put up pages on this site - NOT TO WORRY! This is what we do (put up sites and make pics for the net) so it won't be too long before i will be back up and running - i hope!

What did all this mean for me?
  1. lots of free time - normally i spend at least an hour EVERY day working on this site (either doing pics, answering email, writting new pages, something....) Most days i spend more time than just an hour. With the computers all down all of that went the way of the wind.....
  2. i got to spend time with PEOPLE! Something i do anyway, but i got a chance to spend lots of time with all the people i know. Lots of things happened. As you may know i have this mad passion to Promote Bondage. That means its a part of me 24/7. i had some neat adventures that i will be sharing with all of you soon - i promise!
  3. i was finally able to devote some of the time to j, my bud. She has been a saint, letting me spend so much time at where i (suposedly) work doing these pages. j has been into bondage for only a few years now so she is still an eagar student of mine even though she prefers to play the top. (Seems like those of us who had bondage desires all our lives can do either the top things or the bottom things even though we have a preference to being a top only or a bottom only - newbies seem to always want to want to be tops....)(my obsevation.) Anyway, we did some stuff that was pretty nice and made some discoveries that i will be sharing with you all.
Ok, where am i at right now:
What will be coming.....

Hopefully all the software problems can be resolved without bloodshed and everything will begin to work smooothly again...

What else?

i don't know. This has been long enough already - oh! i know! Something very very important! i want to thank ALL of you for visiting my site, making it a sucess, and i really want to thank everyone who keeps sending me all the great email that i get. NO ONE on the net gets better email than i get and i want to thank you all - it really warms a girl's heart! Thank you, a slave is ever so grateful!


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