
Hard Stuff!
This is an update on my life with rob

Just when things calm down a bit we either find new problems or rehash the ones we know about... As i have mentioned rob and i are both subs. Two subs getting together is omething either of us would have ever dreamed of. i don't think rob actually ever dreamed of finding someone who was into bondage. Most people don't! See SIDENOTE...
Don't handcuff my car, handcuff me!

Anyway, we have found each other and we are coming to grips with being in love with another sub. Just when we think we have it ironed out then something new comes up. i think what it is is the fact that we both need tying up. When we find a solution it works until the one not being tied up feels that old urge again.

i guess i am the worst for this because i am more used to being tied up than rob is. For me it has been an almost everyday thing for years and for rob it has been a once-a-week or even a once-a-month thing. We are trying to work around our differences.

Recently we have been trying to find each other's limits. Thankfully we are close to each other in how far we will go. Since we have so little time we have been doing short-term bondage, and as severe as we can stand. The idea is that a little of a lot is the same as a lot of a little. See illustration...


For example a tight hog-tie with a rope going to a door knob, pulled as tight as i could stand it, and then pulled a little tighter! OUCH!

It takes just a few minutes of this to make me beg for release! Wait until i am really begging then let me down enough to have sex and that's what i call the HARD STUFF! This isn't like doing it with j, at all!

rob taught me how to do some knots on his privates so i could tease him until he was ready to explode then pull on one end of the rawhide to release the knot so that he could complete the act. We were both hard on each other so that we could pack as much into the time that we had as possible.

Sounds like a plan, and we did really get off, but all was not well. i ended up with aches all over and bruises on my wrists! Not good. We had a spat about him bruising me up. i will not do bondage where anyone gets bruises! That's a rule i have. i will not do bondage where it defames me (in public) or makes me feel bad about myself. We kinda growled at each other a bit about who's fault it was that i have bruises on my wrists (i'm the one who sugested the short intense sessions because of the shortness of time, and i'm the one who loves handcuffs.) rob is the one who tied me up so tight and made me struggle so hard. Yeah, i'm sure you see the point - i was wrong and he wasn't. Yes we made up and i'm living with my bruises, the bruises i brought on myself...

So what's next? i'm glad you asked! If you got my last newsletter you know that i talked about crossing the line. i see a lot of people doing that so i'm here to set the record straight on at least one line that i see being abused - fantasy! See below...


Where i go to school, right out in front of my first class every morning, i see a little sports car with a set of handcuffs hung over the rear-view mirror.

One time i can remember going to Rose's and seeing a bunch of cars with handcuffs over their mirrors. i had parked the mighty chevette about 20 cars away from the door where i was going to go into the store when i noticed all the hanging handcuffs.

In the front window of 20 cars i counted at least 10 pairs of handcuffs on display! Fact not fiction!


This was about 5 years ago and it was kind of a local fad to have the handcuffs displayed like this - the fad didn't last too long due to a rumor that the patrolmen were stopping cars with displayed handcuffs and asking embarassing questions. While i carry handcuffs with me constantly, i have NEVER displayed them on my rear-view mirror.

This is the country and suposedly people just don't do such things, they don't discuss bondage, and no one actually knows what it's like! Yeah, right!

Fantasy? rob keeps dogs. He raises them for hunting. That's pretty big around here. In his back yard he has a couple of kennel cages. Not the kind you carry a pet to the vet in. You put in a dog and keep it. You also protect it from the outside world. There are a lot of hunters around here and more than one would not be above stealing your dogs while you are away.

i've been eyeing those cages. rob only has one dog now that he keeps just for old time's sake - a pet. i'd like to be locked up in one of those extra cages.

The cages (they probably aren't called that) are about four feet by six feet and less than five feet tall. They are constructed out of chain-link fence and pipe.

Am i the only one getting ideas here?

rob has already let me feel what it's like to be locked in one of these cages, as i call them. It was kinda fun. None of the cages have tops so if i wanted to escape i could probably climb out. There are no doors. rob just didn't attach the chain link on one corner and when he wants to close it he slides the chain link over to the post and ties it off with a couple pieces of wire. Not too elegant...

Time for some fantasy!

i see me locked into one of those things for a night. i see a gate with a lock - and a top over the thing. Lessee, i would be wearing handcuffs - in front please. Clothing would be optional, depending on the weather. Let's play with this idea...

i'm handcuffed hand and foot in the kennel. It is very late at night and after rob and i have made love inside his place. When we were through he handcuffed me and said he was ready for me to go to the kennel. He gave me one last chance to back out. If i wanted to go through with a night in the kennel all i had to do was hop, hobble, or whatever out of the bedroom into the front room where he would wait for me for just one minute. If i didn't come out on my own then i could spend the night at the foot of his bed.

i had jumped out of the bedroom! Not that i didn't want to be with him, but because i wanted to try at least one night as a kenneled slave!

What would it be like out there in the night air? Probably chilly. rob would have to leave me blanket or something. It would need to be clean, but if it were tattered that would be better.
Now here's the point:
Is not the purpose of a fantasy to make it real? Here's where i see so many people go wrong... The line i'm trying to get all of you to slow down on crossing is the one about fantasy and reality. Some people never cross it and some don't know when to come back - i know because i have trouble with this too. Most of the things i warn you about are things i have done wrong - that's how i know about them!
i just shared a fantasy with all of you, now let's see how i can make it real, ok?
First thing...

This fantasy has 'holes' in it. It's not safe, it's potentually harmful.

We will do this, if rob is willing... Did you hear that rob? The biggest thing to take into consideration is the other person! i think rob will like the idea, he's pretty good to me. i have already hinted at it to him, he'll like it!

The point is that we are not crossing any lines with each other. When you do bondage the best way to do it is WITH someone! There are people out there more than willing to do something like this and when you do it with someone respect them for what they are willing to share with you.

The point is also that we will do this or do something it it's place. Don't just dream your life away. Bondage is doable! If you come up with a fantasy then see if you and your partner can figure out some way to do it in a SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL way! That's one line you should never ever cross, see?

-i will write a report when we do this-

[Note to self: Use chains instead of handcuffs to avoid bruises]

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