
'This is a game sorta, just a game... HUNTED!
Day 1

Long term Bondage...

This page is about the scariest part of bondage... Being
This is a STRONG example of bondage, ok?

This is about why you may not hear from me for two weeks...
School is in break
Instead of explaining all over again let me just post a letter i sent to a good friend this morning...
What was that noise?!
Hi Sir [name removed]!
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Good Morning!

Ah! i was just thinking i had better write to you because i will probably be off-line next week (or maybe a bit longer.) Right now i feel like "The hunted". More on that in a minute, but while i still have the use of my hands i guess i'd better get down to bussiness.

First, i am glad to see that you have been ...snip... Please be careful on your vacation.i kinda feel like i'm getting a preminition or something - and i don't know who it relates to. Just use everyday safety conciousness and have a safe and a very good and enjoyable vacation, ok?

Next, i was pleased to see that you used the pic i had sent you. ...snip...

...snip... . Tell her to use some Aloe - it does wonders on the skin.


Now that was a sentence and a half! Say three times quickly...

Everyone resists ...snip... How's that for being on both sides of an argument at once! Sorry, i'm not myself today... i've got anticipation jitters...

Well, i'm here today ...and it does feel good to be talking with you. i see this is near the end of the letter that you wrote so i guess i can tell you all about why i'm so nervious... i think i mentioned that exams are over yesterday and next week i am suposed to spend all of it tied up. Well, Rob being the kind of guy he is said that really i have more than a week to be enslaved. School doesn't start back until the [date removed]th (i think) so i really have almost two weeks to feel what it's like to be a real slave. That's cool so i said fine. We had our little negotiation on what the limits were and he outlined a little about what he planned to do. i put down very few restrictions because... well, because i'm me!

Now i am begining to wonder...

Actually i feel like a prisoner already! Rob got j involved and the two of them have hatched some kind of a plan - i think they have everyone involved! i know they told [name removed] about it and i'm fairly certain he may be in this with them somehow - he's been teasing me this morning.

Rob is one of the 'good old boys' which is country-speak for he knows a lot of the local police. Rob hinted that i could be driving and get pulled over by one of his "bud's" to be incarcerated and taken to Rob's to begin my week. Like i said, it could even be more than a week. They could show up here at [name removed]'s and abduct me... i think they could even show up at the other job and get me there... It really feels wierd. Maybe that's where this preminition feeling is coming from.

In a way the anticipation feels kinda exciting and in another way it feels.... well, it's giving me the jitters!

i have been promised a lot more severe time of it as compared when j and i did it two years ago. When Rob is at work she'll be watching me when she's not working and Rob has hinted that he may take some days off at work. You wouldn't believe all the things Rob and j have been telling me they might do to me. i think i'm already getting pre-Stockholm syndrome!

i'm not complaining. This is going to be fun, but the anticipation is... giving me the jitters!

Talk about jumpy! My nerves have been a mess since i got up this morning. Last night j came over and she and Rob teased me all night long, well until bedtime. i was doing my best to be the good slave and bring them drinks and cook pop-corn and anything else i could think of to do. When i get subserviant i feel better. Would they let me get away with that? Naw! Rob was lighting my cigarettes and j was wanting me to pick out my favorite movie to watch and if i noticed a glass was low and offered to refill it they'd say they had enough - and five minutes later go get a refill themselves!

Oh, they are really being coy about the whole thing!

When j left i thought i could get Rob to tie me up or, at least, let me tie him up. Un-un! Could i tie myself up? "If you want." Then he just turns his head and goes to sleep!

They're out there to get me! Do i sound paranoid? Can you actually hear me sucking away my last cigarette? When it runs out i'm staying right here until time to go to work!

>"Go get 'em, shevette!"

Ha! This time they are gonna get me! (GULP!) i feel like a fugitive! Maybe i need to go into hiding, change my identity.... giggle

Yes, i'm enjoying this already! i wonder what they'd do if i checked into a motel room tonight? i wonder if i can bum a cig off of [name removed]? The cop 'arresting' me thing is a very real possibility. i don't know if they do it where you live, but around here they have this charity drive where they let you issue a fake warrent to someone. You pay money and name someone and a cop will come and 'arrest' them, put them in handcuffs, and carry them to the local shopping center and put them in a fake jail where they have to stay until they can get someone to come and 'bail' them out. At the resturant we did that to the guy who owns the place almost every year - until he threatened to fire the next one to do it. giggle

One year one of the customers did it to one of the girls and when the cop came and handcuffed her the guy pulled out a camera and took a bunch of photos of her. She was not a happy camper! They were going to do it to me once, but the owner stepped in after they had me in the cuffs and told the trooper (a good-looking one too) that i had to stay and keep working. He paid $20 to keep me 'safe'. Rats! i was looking forward to a little jail time! giggle

Well, i've rattled on long enough. Maybe i can sneak down to the store for a pack of smokes - in a far and distant town - using the back roads... Maybe i'll wear a disguise - and use [name removed]'s car.... maybe i'll get a carton.... you may get another letter from me today, maybe a bunch! And then too you may not hear from me for awhile in which case i'll.... i'll - is that a car pulling up outside?

Nervious kisses
shevette - i mean Betty! Call me Betty! that spelled right?


If they can't find me then they can't tie me up! So far this has been fun! It's now 6:15 pm and i have eluded capture! i called a friend of mine and got her to switch shifts with me at my other job. i know that didn't help too much, but it allowed me to keep playing the game longer - and when i do get captured i will get more time out of the house at work. From what i remember of playing this with j last time those long long spells of being tied up all of the time did get a bit long at times. It will be good that when they do catch me i will 'have' to get untied long enough to go to work.

i may even voluteer for overtime!

j and Rob both know where i am. i've seen Rob's truck pass by out front a couple of times already today. There has been at least one patrol car that went by too!

Rob could just come on in and drag me out to his truck, i'm pretty sure that [boss's name] would go along with it, but there are other people here so i feel safe.

What's going to happen
when they do get me?

For starters they are going to tie me up! Rob will take me to his place and i will be like a slave for him until he decides to let me get untied - or until school starts back again! i have agreed to let him keep me tied twenty four hours a day. It's like a bet. If he ever unties me or if i am able to escape then the bet is off. The only time i will be untied is when i go to work. i was suposed to go in today at three and get off at ten tonight, but since i've switched i'll be working Sunday. Next week my schedule is up in the air. i don't know what hours they will schedule for me...

While Rob has me i am to be his slave in every way. That's not as hard as it may sound. He loves me and i love him. There is nothing he can take from me that i wouldn't already be glad to give. He won't push me too far because he does love me - and someday i'm going to get untied again! i have no fear of what he will do, i trust him completely.

When Rob is at work next week and i am alone i will still be tied up, but in a way where if i have to get out of the house (like it's on fire or something) there will be a key available. The way j and i did it last time i was 'locked' in the bedroom and the keys were left on the kitchen table. The lock on the bedroom door was a piece of tape. If i opened the door the tape would break or be torn loose from the door frame. If i tried to pretend that i hadn't been out of the bedroom the torn piece of tape would give me away. There was no way to close the bedroom door from the inside and have the tape on the outside stick back to the door frame... See? Bondage will help you improve your powers of deduction!

Here's a hard point for newbies to figure out; as soon as i begin my week (or two) of being a slave i have the right to beg for my release. What that means is if i beg to be untied then Rob has the right to ignore me! It makes sense though. To be able to beg and be ignored is a wonderful freedom - try it for a ten minute bondage session if you don't believe me! Sure i could get into trouble and get a cramp in my leg or something, but what happens there is you TELL the other person that you are in trouble! You may get a time out or the other person may release your leg enough to work out the cramp. The thing to remember is the other person loves you. They don't want you to get hurt! Do not do bondage as a one-night stand! Bondage requires trust - it takes time!

Well it's getting late. i'll post this and hopefully tomorrow i'll be able to come back and let you know what happened - unless Rob bags me!

Why am i getting this? Because i have done good in school! This is my reward, my celebration! Why don't you celebrate bondage too?


ps: If i do end up getting nailed tonight you know what i'll be doing. i will also TRY to keep a diary of the event and hopefully when i'm a free woman again i'll be able to relate what happened. i already know that i will not come out of this singing like a medowlark. It's going to be a tough time. Bondage teaches us that in order to enjoy the good one must get past the bad. i will be sore, achey, and maybe not dancing around, but i WILL be satisfied like you wouldn't believe. i know because i've been able to do this before...

COPSDay two!

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