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Have a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas again!
While running a big site like this one may be a lot of work at times, every once in awhile i get something special back. This is only one example of the many wonderful things people send to me.

Thanks to all of you, and a special thanks to Sir John!

Merry Christmas again!


The events described here are ficticious. Although the Characters described here are based on real people with a real affection for bondage, the story is fiction.

This short story is written for an internet friend as a Christmas present. Shevette the Sub has permission to post this story on her web sight if she so chooses. Otherwise, this story is protected by copyright and all others must obtain permission from the author.

Merry Christmas again!
A Christmas story - a shevette Christmas story!

"A Shevette Christmas Story"

by John Steed

Merry Christmas again!

After a rough morning at work, Shevette took some time off to go home early and finish the holiday decorating. Shevette was getting into the Christmas spirit and she wanted to complete all of the decorating before j came home from work so they could enjoy their evening amid the Yuletide atmosphere.

As Shevette pulled into the driveway, she noticed a brown box on the porch that had apparently been left by UPS. "Hmm..I haven�t ordered anything. I wonder if j did." She thought to herself. Shevette gathered her things and exited her car. She opened the door to her home and tossed her purse and her lunch bag onto a nearby chair. She held the door open and she bent down to pick up the package. The brown delivery box was slightly larger than a shoebox and sealed with clear packing tape. The shipping label revealed that the package had come from a company called "Exotic Gifts Inc." and the package was addressed to j . "Exotic Gifts Incorporated?" Shevette asked out loud with a grin. "I wonder if this is for j or if she is getting this for someone else?" Shevette thought to herself.

She brought the package inside and set it on the coffee table. Shevette walked to kitchen to prepare a light snack before breaking out more of the Christmas decorations she was planning to put up. She brought her food into the den and plopped down on the couch to relax for a few minutes. She kicked off her heels, tucked her legs underneath her on the couch as she began to munch on some of the traditional Christmas cookies that always seem to make it into everyone�s home this time of year.

As she sat on comfortably on the couch, she reached for the remote, which was on the coffee table next to the mysterious package. She picked up the remote and clicked on the television to see what was on at this time of the day. She seldom had an opportunity to watch daytime television. She found herself looking at the package on the table occasionally. She seemed to be drawn to it. Shevette could not get the word "exotic" out of her mind. "What could be in that package?" she thought to herself."

She shook her head in efforts to clear her head of the mischievous thoughts that were creeping in. Shevette knew that opening the package would certainly get her into trouble, so she dismissed the idea and began to open the box of decorations that j and her had retrieved from the storage shed the night before. She decided to fill her mind with the tasks associated with decorating and she begin with the beautiful Frasiar Fir tree that they had purchased the day before. The house smelled like Christmas with the fragrance of a fresh pine in the house and the trees branches were thick and full with plenty of room to hang many decorations. This was Shevette�s favorite time of year. Shevette turned off the television and put on some nice Christmas music to set the mood and she began decorating.

Her plan worked for awhile, but Shevette discovered that her mind was continually being pulled toward the package on the table. Shevette was always naturally curious, but the fact that the package came from a company called "Exotic Gifts Inc" did not help matters. She was extremely intrigued. She began to formulate possible ways to open the package without getting caught as she hung the beautiful ornaments on the tree. Shevette knew that if j ever discovered that she had snooped in her package, she would end up bound, gagged, and punished severely, which seemed to add to the appeal of snooping. Again, Shevette shook her head to discourage such thoughts because se knew that she would not get away with it and she wasn�t sure what kind of mood j might be in when she came home and caught her in the act.

Shevette�s attention turned to the last box of Christmas decorations for the tree with a final decision not to snoop when she discovered the wrapping paper and shipping material they use to mail gifts to their relatives in the box. Her expression beamed when she picked up a roll of clear packing tape. "Oh great. As if the temptation weren�t bad enough, now I have the means to cover my tracks. Of course, this could be fate." She tried to justify to herself. She picked up the tape and looked at the package. The clock on the mantle suggested that j wasn�t due home for a couple of hours. She took the tape and some scissors over to the couch and sat down to evaluate her chances of success. She sate on the couch, staring at the mysterious package that seemed to be calling her. "Oh, what�s the harm in a little peek. j will never know. I will be very careful." She thought to herself as a grin appeared on her face. It was fun to feel so devious and sneaky.

Shevette carefully sliced the thin packing tape using great care not to tear the label. She would have to replace a layer of packing tape over the box flaps to cover her tracks and tears in the label would give her away. It was only a few moments before Shevette had successfully opened the box to reveal its contents. Her smile instantly broadened when she discovered what was contained in the mysterious box. The box contained the sexiest lingerie and stockings she had ever seen. The garments were a shiny, emerald green color and when she touched the material it felt as smooth as silk. "Very nice." Shevette said with a smile. She removed the sensuous garments from the package to examine them further only to discover a set of leather cuffs in a box with a clear plastic cover underneath. "Oh my gosh." She cooed with delight. Shevette laid the lingerie down on the couch and carefully opened the box to get a better look at the cuffs. "I wonder who these are for?" She asked herself. The leather cuffs were lined with a smooth, padded, satin material. "I just have to try one on." She thought to herself. Shevette carefully applied one of the cuffs to her left wrist and the sensation completely overwhelmed her. The smooth, cool feeling of the cuff instantly left her feeling sexy. The excitement of snooping through the package was quite a rush, but the discovery of the sexy contents was immediately placing her in a mood to be tied up. She checked the time once more and figured that she would have enough time to try out the toys before j got home. She replaced the contents of the box and went into the bedroom to change.

Her work clothes didn�t seem to match the erotic mood she was feeling so Shevette decided to change into something more appropriate so she began to disrobe in front of the mirror. She noticed that it was difficult to contain her mischievous smile as she thought about what she was preparing to do. She began to experience satisfaction at the thought of secretly trying out the cuffs and returning them to the box without j finding out. If the contents were meant for her, she could act surprised while secretly knowing she had already played with them. If the package was not for her, she thought as she giggled out loud, she would have the satisfaction of getting away with a real sneaky prank. In a few moments, Shevette had shed her skirt and blouse that embodied her everyday persona.

"What to wear?" she began to ask herself as she pushed her panty hose down over her legs. She stepped out of the hose and walked over to the closet to select something appropriately sensuous. Shevette opened the door and was instantly reminded of "J�s" last prank on her during "J�s" recovery. Her mischievous smile was transformed into a sinister smile as her mind exploded with a unique and sensual revenge of her own. "Something green, perhaps. After all, it is Christmas." She said out loud. She quickly closed the door and went back into the den to retrieve the sensuous lingerie. As she returned to her bedroom, Shevette quickly shed her bra and panties. She held up the emerald green bra and placed it over her breast as she looked in the mirror. "Perfect." She cooed. The material was very sensuous against her skin and immediately enhanced the erotic feelings she was experiencing. Although the lingerie was indeed very sexy, it was also very pretty and feminine. Shevette slide her arms into the straps of the bra and fastened the garment in place. She took the elegant panties and stepped into them with equal enthusiasm. She looked into the mirror as she wiggled the sexy garment up over her thighs and finally into place. Shevette placed her hands on her hips and turned to the side as she admired the look and feel of the lingerie. "Wow, these feels so nice. "J," or who ever, has really good taste in lingerie." She thought to herself. "Now for the stockings." She commented out loud. Shevette sat down on the bed and began pulling the sensuous silky green stockings on one at a time. She enjoyed the feeling of brand new unworn hose that always seemed to caress the skin a little tighter and smoother the first time they are worn, but this time the sensation was extraordinarily more sensuous. Besides, the fact Shevette was being very naughty, she stockings she was putting on seemed to be more luxurious than the average hose. "My, these do feel wonderful." She said out loud as the sensuous silk stretched across her legs.

After putting on all of the new lingerie from the package, Shevette lay back on the bed and stretched out to experience the full effect of her sensuality. The soft, smooth material of the lingerie made her feel extremely sexy. Her mischievous smile broadened as she began thinking how erotic it will feel to be tied in the lingerie she was wearing and j would never know she had taken such liberties, at least not right away. She bounced up suddenly off the bed and walked over to the closet. The final touch she needed was a pair of green heels to match the lingerie. She knew that j had a pair of green suede pumps that would be perfect. She slipped into the high heels and stepped in front of the mirror. "Perfect", she commented. She walked over to her dresser and opened the drawer. She picked up her favorite set of handcuffs and headed back into the den to play.

The sun had begun to set and Shevette thought the atmosphere would be quite warm and sensual amid the dim, twinkling lights of the decorations she had just completed. She walked into the den, turned down the room lights, and plugged in the Christmas tree lights. The room looked beautiful and reminded Shevette of a scene from a Christmas card she had seen somewhere. Shevette smiled at her accomplishments. She was pleased to get the decorating done and she was very excited to have some time for this extra-special play before j came home.

She spread out a large, thick, quilted comforter on the floor beside the tree to lay on and plopped down comfortably to study the cuffs she was preparing to play with. She made sure her cordless phone within reach for safety purposes or in case someone calls while she is indisposed. She opened the box containing the cuffs and removed the entire set with a great deal of excitement. "It really does feel like Christmas and I�m even opening toys." She giggled and thought to herself.

There were eight cuffs in the set. The bondage kit included cuffs for the wrists, ankles, thighs, and elbows, Additional straps for anchoring the captive, and some small ornate padlocks were also part of the package. The cuffs were designed to wrap around the captive�s extremity and overlap enough for an oval shaped hasp to slide through the opening in the top layer of the leather. The design was simple and efficient to provide the tightest fit possible and to provide versatility of use. Each cuff had it�s own little padlock that fit the oval shaped hasp to lock the cuffs in place and a thick metal d-ring that would serve as an anchor point for ropes or straps.

Shevette took a set of the leather cuffs and tightly wrapped them in place around her ankles. She fed he oval hasp through the cuff at the tightest position possible to insure a very snug fit. She secured the ankle cuffs with the padlocks and stretched out her legs to admire her work. The cuffs on her ankles were not only comfortable they were also aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The shiny, black leather staood out against the emerald, green stockings Shevette was wearing. She could hardly wait to try the thigh cuffs next.

She took out the thigh cuffs and applied them over her knees. Shevette had never worn thigh cuffs before. The sensation was quite different from being tied with rope. The grip of the leather cuffs was much wider and more comfortable than the typical feeling associated with rope coils. Despite this feeling of comfort provided by the sensuously lined cuffs, the grip was just as tight and just as binding as any rope could be. She secured the thigh cuffs tightly with the padlocks and stretched out her legs for another look. She smiled with the sensation of the wide, snug, fit provided by the cuffs on her thighs. The sensation was new and very exciting. Shevette compared the new sensation of the thigh cuffs to that of a perpetual massage. Shevette was beginning to experience those wonderful, erotic feelings she gets as she is slowly being placed in bondage.

Once the cuffs were applied to her legs, Shevette leaned forward to lock her ankles together with one of the padlock accessories that came with the kit. She looped the padlock through the d-rings in the ankle cuffs and locked it to bind her ankles together. Shevette delighted in the feeling of her ankles being held so tightly together by the thick leather cuffs, so she placed her knees close together and reached for another padlock to bind her thighs close together. She placed the padlock through the loops of the d-rings and snapped the lock shut. Her thighs were now tightly locked together identically to her ankles.

She could feel the sexy sensation of her stockings rubbing against each other as she wiggled her legs and tested her bondage. Shevette realized the cuffs were designed to bind and hold their victim securely, but with a degree of comfort and sensuality. She hypothesized that once a captive was completely bound using all of the cuffs, there would be no hope of escape without help. This realization made her long to be held captive by someone instead of just tying herself up by using her handcuffs, however this was the only safe alternative she had to a quick and escapable bondage. Shevette knew that j would gladly oblige her submissive desires when they were together, especially if j found out she had been snooping, but the desire to test all of cuffs immediately remained present. She wanted to be taken now.

Shevette picked up her handcuffs and enclosed one cuff around her left wrist. Then she lay down on her right side comfortably and placed her arms behind her back to close the remaining cuff around her right wrist. The handcuffs clicked shut with the familiar ratcheting sound to indicate that her wrists were now locked into bondage as well. "Now." She said out loud. "It�s time to relax and enjoy myself." She thought to herself. Shevette began to slowly move and struggle in order to feel the tightness of her restraint. The sensations were marvelous. Each struggle and wiggle worked to produce an erotic caress of her legs. Shevette discovered that the thigh cuffs do indeed massage her in such a manner that she was provoked to struggle harder, which subsequently began raising her level of excitement. She began to imagine strong hands caressing her arms, teasing her thighs, and working to bind her even tighter as she struggles for freedom. The image of the strong abductor seems to fuel her passion even more and increases her arousal.

As Shevette lay on the floor enjoying her bondage fantasy, the telephone suddenly rang to bring her momentarily back to reality. She suspended her wiggling long enough to lay silent and listen as the answering machine picked up the call. "Hello Shevette. It�s j . I�m leaving work a little early to come home and help with the decorating. I�ve got to make a few stops on my way home though. If you get this, and you need me to pick up something for you, call me on the car phone. I'll be home soon. See ya." Shevette instantly felt trapped by her own mischief. "Oh great! I have got to get loose and re-pack all this stuff before j gets home." She said with frustration. Shevette began to push herself up in haste and quickly discovered just how difficult it was to move with her legs in the cuffs. As she struggled to get up, disaster struck. She began to loose her balance and her hands knocked the handcuff keys under the couch as she tried to maintain her balance. "NO!" She exclaimed as she fell over on her side. She rolled over on her belly to try and look for the keys in hopes that she could reach them. As she looked under the couch, she could barely make out the silhouette of the keys against the back wall. She knew she would never be able to retrieve the keys while she was handcuffed. "Now what am I going to do?" she asked in frustration. She rolled over and bumped against the cordless phone that she had brought into the den. She knew bringing the phone into the den was a good move, but now she had to decide who to call. Calling j was naturally the first option on her list, but under these circumstances she hesitated to call her. Then Shevette remembered that one of her net neighbors had just moved in down the street. Although she knew he was a pretty nice guy that shared a love for bondage, she didn�t exactly want to meet under these circumstances. Shevette quickly reviewed her options and decided that calling j would not be a good idea. She decided to call John Steed.

Shevette sat up and dialed the number for information, laid down with her ear on the receiver, and requested John�s number. Luckily, his number was not unlisted. She waited for the number to be connected. "I never thought I would appreciate those automated operators dialing numbers for me. They must have had bondage enthusiasts in mind when they came up with the idea." Sehvette giggled. "I can�t believe I�m doing this. This is so embarrassing." She thought to herself.

The phone rang several times before a male voice answered. "Hello."

"Uh. Hello? Is this John Steed?" Shevette inquired shyly.

"Yes it is." The voice replied.

"Hello John, this is Shevette. Your new neighbor down the street." Shevette said.

"Well hello Shevette. This is a surprise. I have been meaning to call and arrange a visit. I have been looking forward to meeting you and j face to face. How are you?" John asked cordially.

The old clich� "I�m fine but a little tied up at the moment" instantly popped into Shevette�s mind, but she decided to get right to the point. "Well, actually John. I�m in a little bit of a fix right now. I kinda got myself into a little trouble."

John responded with concern. "Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

"No. No. I�m not hurt. Just embarrassed." Shevette replied. "You see, I had some free time this afternoon and I was feeling kinda adventurous and I tied myself up."

"You did?" John replied with interest.

Shevette could hear John�s smile through the phone when he replied. "Yes. Well despite the best-laid planes of mice and men, or subs in this case, I can�t get loose. You see, I used some handcuffs and I accidentally knocked the keys under the couch. Would you mind coming down here to help me get loose?"

John chuckled at her request and said. "I suppose I could do that. But you should know it goes against my instincts to untie a pretty lady. It�s usually the other way around." He commented happily.

Shevette smiled and replied with embarrassment, "I know. But I was hoping that you would make an exception in my case. I would really appreciate it if you can help me out."

"No problem" he replied in a friendly voice. "Just give me a few minutes and I�ll be right there." He said cheerfully.

"Thanks so much. You�re a real dear." Shevette replied.

Shevette told John where the spare key was in their tool shed and she laid back down to wait for her rescue. Although this was not the most ideal circumstance, it definitely added a degree of excitement she had not expected. Shevette had become acquainted with John Steed through the Internet. Shevette had helped him put together a few items for his web page. He had proven to be a very nice gentleman that seemed to be interested in how Shevette and j were doing on a day to day basis. Shevette thought to herself, "if he is as good a neighbor as he was a net neighbor, I can see a good friendship developing."

After a few minutes passed, Shevette heard a knock at the door. "Shevette? It�s me, Steed. I�m going for the key. Are you still ok?" He asked with a cheerful tone.

"Yes, Sir John. I�m fine," She replied with a giggle. "Just a bit tied up." She added. The comment was a little corny, but it was too hard to pass it up.

The door began to rattle as John entered the den. He was a nice looking, well groomed, gentleman about six feet tall with dark hair and a mustache. "Shevette, I presume?" He asked with a smile.

"Welcome to my home Sir John. Excuse me for not getting up." Shevette countered. She was embarrassed but she did her best not to show it. As she tried to sit up, she noticed John�s smile. He was blushing extensively and she could tell he was trying not to stare too much. She thought his response to be that of a true gentleman and his embarrassment to be quite charming.

John entered the room and leaned down to help her up. "It seems you have gotten yourself into a bit of a spot. Here, let me help you to the couch." He said as he took her in his arms and lifted her up to the couch. "There now. How�s this?" He asked.

Shevette inhaled with a degree of surprise as she felt her bound body lifted up from the floor. She inhaled deeply with a sudden increase of excitement, which allowed her to smell his cologne. She felt ultimately feminine suddenly. "Why thank you, John. That is much better. " Shevette said as she fidgeted in the cuffs nervously. Being handled by a man while she was tied and helpless was so erotic. "The keys are under the couch, I think. I just couldn�t reach them." She explained as she tried to remain focussed.

"I see." John said as he knelt down to the floor. John noticed the other cuffs lying on the floor and the open package on the coffee table, which he thought, was very intriguing. "Those are very nice cuffs. Did you just buy them?" He commented as he struggled to find the missing keys.

Shevette continued to fidget nervously with a twinge of excitement as she sat on the couch watching John lay in the floor stretching his arm underneath the couch for the keys. "Uh, yes. They are very nice cuffs. The package arrived this morning, I guess. I found the box on the porch when I came home from work. Having any luck?" She asked.

"Almost." He replied with a slight grunt.

"I�m so sorry about this, but I really appreciate your help John." Shevette said apologetically.

"Shevette. Don�t worry about it. What are neighbors for? Besides, we Doms have to look out for you subs and keep you safe. It�s our job." He said with a cheerful smile as he sat up with the handcuff keys in hand. John looked at Shevette and noticed she was blushing once more. He slid the package out of the way and climbed up on the couch beside Shevette.

"Well, I�m sure glad that there are Doms out there like you who care. Particularly today." Shevette said as she turned to her back toward John so he could unlock the cuffs.

John looked down to grasp Shevette�s cuffed wrist so he could begin unlocking the handcuffs when he noticed the label on the open package. "Oh? Why is that? I know this is not your first time playing with self-bondage. Is there something special about this little event?" John asked with interest.

Shevette hesitated for a moment as she tried to hide her blushing smile. "Well, I just didn�t want to be lying here helpless when j came home. I am expecting her soon. She got off work a little earlier than I expected."

John hesitated unlocking Shevette�s wrists when he heard her comments. He knew that Shevette and j often played bondage games together and it seemed curious that she was so eager to get loose all of the sudden. His smile widened when his suspicions began to take shape. "I thought you and j enjoyed bondage?"

"Oh! We do." She replied eagerly. "But she would really have a field day with me right now if she found me like this." Shevette added.

"You two aren�t fighting are you?" John asked with sincerity.

"Oh no." She replied with a giggle. "It�s nothing like that. It�s just, well, she would really take advantage of me for playing with these cuffs." Shevette suddenly realized that John had not unlocked the handcuffs in the course of their conversation. She began to fidget more nervously. "John? Is something wrong?"

"Shevette? Is there anything you want to tell me?" John asked with a chuckle.

Shevette suddenly felt extremely tense. "What do you mean?" She asked with a tone of worry.

John released her wrists without unlocking the handcuffs and stepped back from the couch with the key in hand. "I mean, have you been naughty or nice?" John said as he bent over to examine the package label more closely. "Did you open one of your Christmas presents without permission?" He asked with a laugh of astonishment.

Shevette began to fidget on the couch and wriggle her hands in the steel cuffs she was wearing. "John?" She said with a giggle. "Will you please unlock these cuffs? j Will be home any minute."

John picked up the remaining cuffs and accessories before he sat back down on the couch beside Shevette. "You have been naughty haven�t you? Were these cuffs one of your Christmas presents that you decided to unwrap and play with early? j don�t know about your little play session, does she?"

Shevette�s anxiety increased slightly when she realized that John had seen the shipping label on the box. "No�not exactly." She stammered with a grin. Shevette turned toward John so she could face him more directly and she became aware of her nipples hardening. She realized that she was sitting on the couch with a Dominant who had unintentionally stumbled on to her mischief. She was not sure what would happen next and the unknown was quite arousing. She felt comfortable with John and she knew he was a kind and gentle, man who would not take advantage of her, but she also knew he was a Dom and she was currently a sub in a helpless position. Shevette suddenly realized that she had sat there for a moment and neither of them had spoken a word. Then John broke the brief silence.

"Do you realize the awkward position you have placed me in?" He said with a smile. "What will happen when j Comes home to find out that you have been naughty and I had knowledge of it. I will be considered an accomplice. What will the other Doms think? What will j think?" He said with a grin. "I�m going to have to think about this." He said as he stood up and paced in front of Shevette.

"I won�t tell j . I won�t tell anyone." Shevette heard herself plea. When she heard herself say those words, she smiled at the thought of how it sounded. She thought of all the shows where the hostage would plead to be let go and promise not to tell the police. The situation was very similar but in an ultimately safe environment. She began having butterflies as this fantasy began to take a very tangible shape it was very arousing. "Please John." She said with a giggle. "Let me go. j will be home soon. I have to re-wrap everything back up before she gets here." She explained.

John turned toward her and smiled intensely. "Exactly!" He said with a voice of resolution.

Shevette watched as he turned and started for the door. "Wait a minute? John, where are you going? You can�t leave me like this?" She asked with growing concern.

John turned as he opened the door. "Don�t worry little Shevette. I have a solution that might keep us both out of trouble. Can you trust me?" He said with a very enthusiastic smile.

Shevette looked at him and thought for a moment. "Well?" She said hesitantly. She knew that John could be trusted and she was intrigued by the new twist her adventure was taking. "I guess." Shevette saw the door slam before she could finish her sentence.

As she sat there on the couch, she wiggled her legs within the bondage to feel the sexy sensations created y the stockings and she admired the Christmas decorations in the room. The twinkling lights on the Christmas tree added a degree of warmth to the room and she settled back comfortably on the couch to wait for John. She was getting nervous. She knew j would be home any minute and she would have to explain everything. She looked around for the handcuff key and realized that John had taken it with him or hidden it. However, she thought about what she would do if she found the key. Would she unlock her cuffs or would she wait for John. Her heart of hearts told her that she could not let this exciting opportunity pass by.

She sat up suddenly as she heard the doorknob rattle. "What if it�s j?" She nervously thought to herself. She watched the doorknob turn and she whispered, "John?"

"Right here." He replied. "You didn�t think I would desert you now, did you?" He laughed.

Shevette giggled. "John, you're making me nervous. j Will be home any minute. Are you going to release me?" She smiled and asked in a pleading tone.

John set a small leather bag down at her feet as he sat down next to her on the couch. "No little Shevette, I�m not going to let you go." John saw her expression change. He thought the expression was a cross between concern and excitement. He could tell she was going to say something so he placed his index finger against her lips and said. "Shusssh. Relax. You know I would�nt do anything against your wishes, nor would I do anything to harm you. But we have a slight situation here." He said in a reassuring tone.

Shevette�s eyes widened when he placed his finger across her lips. The butterflies began doing loops in er belly when she felt his touch. "This situation is really getting hot." She thought quietly to herself. She could feel her body responding to her excitement. She wanted to speak, but she instinctively closed her mouth to listen to John.

"There is no doubt that you will get into a little trouble when j comes home. But I can tell you are enjoying the direction your little adventure has taken. If you will permit me, I will help you to minimize the amount of trouble your in and maximize your experience. As a sub, you broke a rule by trespassing in "J�s" package. As a fellow Dominant, I can�t let you get away with it. But I might be able to make your punishment very enjoyable. That is, if you let me? Can you trust me? Or do you want me to release you?" John asked with sincerity that Shevette could not help but believe.

Shevette carefully weighed her choices and she was not sure if a situation like this would ever present itself again. So, she swallowed the lump in her throat and made her decision. "Yes John, I can trust you." She replied.

He smiled at her response and covered her mouth with his hand and gently gripped her jaw silencing any further word. "Little Shevette. Remember who you are talking to." He directed.

Shevette instantly felt goose bumps appear on her legs. John�s action was a surprise, but very erotic. She could detect the remnants of his cologne on his hand and it made her swoon slightly. The scent was masculine and clean. Shevette was feeling incredibly vulnerable and excited to be tied up in the arms of a strong gentle dominant man who clearly wanted her to have a safe, pleasurable experience. He lowered his hand and she instinctively responded, "Yes, Sir John. Forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive." He replied. "Now, your right. We must wrap these articles before j comes home. Only, I will do the wrapping. Agreed?" He said with a smile.

Shevette began to giggle. "What are you going to do?" She asked with an impish smile.

John looked at her with an excited smile of his own and said. "I am going to wrap a Christmas present."

John picked up the remaining leather cuffs, grabbed Shevette�s shoulders to help face her forward, and he applied a set of the sensually lined cuffs to her arms, just above her elbows. Shevette�s breasts were forced outward as she heard the padlock snap closed securing her arms together. Shevette was incredibly turned on by the sensation of someone pulling her elbows together and tightly binding them. Her face flushed with anticipation. "What Christmas present, Sir John?" She asked as she tried not to show how aroused she was becoming.

John didn�t reply immediately as he unlocked the handcuffs and began replacing them with the remaining set of leather cuffs from the bondage kit. Then, John reached into his leather bag as he leaned over her right shoulder and whispered. "Not what. But who."

Shevette began to turn around and say something when she felt him shove a bright, red, ball-gag into her mouth. She grunted with surprise and slight resistance.

"Relax little Shevette. Open up. This gag won�t hurt you. You do like gags, don�t you?" John asked in a reassuring voice.

Shevette responded with a muffled groan and a nod of her head. "Mmm...hmmff." Hearing John�s soothing voice helped reassure her and she accepted the gag as she felt John massaging her left arm gently. She had to lean her head forward so John could buckle the gag in place and she saw her nipples firmly pushing out through the sexy green bra she was wearing. She wiggled to feel the sensuous material brush her nipples, as she was incredibly aroused at the sudden surprise of the gag.

"Are your cuffs too tight?" He asked sincerely.

Shevette shook her head no and she sighed as she tested the bindings.

"Alright. Let me tell you about my plan while I work." John commented. "It occurred to me that despite your naughty snooping, j might enjoy coming home to find a special gift under the tree. But, like all Christmas gifts, the real magic is first experienced in the wrapping. So, I am going to gift-wrap you little Shevette. Complete with ribbons, bows, and even a gift tag. I will leave a note explaining how I caught you in your mischief and how I could not resist using the contents of the package to punish you."

Shevette watched as her friend produced several spools of wide red ribbon, several pre-tied Christmas bows, and a large gift label complete with a string to tie it on the waiting package. Shevette felt a smile develop around her gag, or a reasonable facsimile. She started to wriggle and fidget when she felt John place his hands under her thighs and lift her into his arms once more.

"Yes." He said with a grin as he looked into her eyes. "You will be a pretty little package when I�m through with you." John carefully sat her down on the quilt in the floor next to the Christmas tree and helped her get comfortable. Then he grabbed the accessory straps from the cuff set and said. "But first, we need to strap you a little more tightly."

He applied the first strap around her upper chest, carefully placing it over her breasts and around her upper arms. The second strap was positioned snugly around Shevette�s waist, over her wrists. John cunningly fed the straps through the d-rings of the cuffs and cinched them down tightly to prevent Shevette from sliding the straps out of position should she decide try and wiggle free. "There now." John commented. "How does that feel?" He asked with a since of pride.

Shevette�s earlier suspicions were proving to be correct. She was discovering that she was extremely helpless and unable to escape and John was efficient in his bondage skills. It was becoming more difficult to move and the sensation was deeply erotic. Shevette also recognized that John was making a very careful effort to place the straps in a manner that was safe and not too uncomfortable. She could tell that he was indeed looking out for her, which made her feel safe.

As John looked at Shevette, he observed that her chest was now heaving which he suspected to be from her arousal, but he constantly monitored her breathing as he continued his task. "How are you doing? Everything alright?" He asked cheerfully. Shevette sighed and nodded a confirming yes as John picked up a large roll of red ribbon that he had brought with him. He knelt down beside her and lifted her chin with his hand gently and said. "Shevette, you are truly adorable. No wonder j keeps you tied up so much. It suits you." John slid his hand down the outside of Shevette�s left arm as he finished his compliment. Shevette closed her eyes and shivered at his touch. She felt so sexy and incredibly vulnerable.

"Now here is where the Christmas fun begins." He said with a laugh. John took the spool of ribbon and attached it to the cuffs above Shevette�s elbows and he proceeded to weave an attractive web of bondage around her torso. He began by bringing the ribbon over her left shoulder, down between her breasts, and wrapping the ribbon tightly under her right breast around toward her ribs back to the elbow cuffs. He tightened the ribbon and removed all the slack before repeating his actions over her right shoulder. He repeated and alternated this weaving motion several times, criss-crossing the ribbon between Shevette�s breasts until an intricate pattern of ribbon was evident. To her torso bondage, John wrapped the ribbon around her waist, underneath Shevette�s breasts, and he anchored the ribbon to the cuffs around her wrists. When John had finished the first step in his gift-wrapping task, Shevette had a tight, attractive web of red ribbon around her upper chest that tightly embraced her breasts that could be felt with every breath she took. Each movement and wiggle caused a tight, perpetual hug that was quite stimulating. Her skin could be observed pressing between the layers of ribbon tied around her.

Shevette tried to sit still, but her excitement was getting the best of her. She was giggling and moaning with every layer of ribbon that John added. Her nipples were very hard and she was getting extremely aroused. All she could do was watch John work, listen to him talk, and moan as she felt the bondage get tighter. She was truly in heaven.

"O.K." John said with an enthusiastic smile. "Now for the next step." John took more of the ribbon and attached it to the cuffs around Shevettes ankles. He proceeded to wrap her legs tightly with the festive ribbon all the way up to her thighs, just below her elegant panties. He hesitated and looked into her eyes with an expression that seemed to be asking for permission to continue. It is a look that subs and Doms are familiar with to insure that boundaries are not being crossed. Shevette�s eyes provided the necessary acknowledgement her friend was seeking before he gently slid his hand between her upper thighs to feed the ribbon carefully between her legs. John then looped the ribbon over her bound wrists and brought the spool back between her thighs to begin wrapping her legs downward, in the opposite direction. He was very careful to pull all the slack from the ribbon and make her holiday bondage tight. When John had finished wrapping Shevette�s legs, a diamond shaped pattern had been created.

Shevette sat in amazement at the creativity she was experiencing. She wiggled her legs to test the ribbon and instantly realized she was not going anywhere. She was tightly tied with the ribbon and somewhat amazed at its strength. As she tried to test her bondage, she flexed her body to one side for leverage and instantly moaned with surprise as she felt strands of ribbon press against her panties. She looked at John with wide eyes only to discover his satisfied expression that his innovative tease was working. By feeding the ribbon between her legs and looping it over her wrists, any movement pulls the ribbon tightly against her panties. Shevette let out a muffled laugh as she felt the ribbon teasing her when she moved. "This could be very interesting." She thought to herself. She continued to test Johns work and wiggled a little more intensely as John looked on. Her legs were now tied so close together that any movement was minimal and instantly caused her stocking clad legs to rub together. The only effective, non-constricting movement she could experience was to flex her feet back and forth.

"How do you like it so far?" John asked with a chuckle. Shevette looked at him with an expression of delight and amazement. "The bulk of my work is done little Shevette, but I have a few more objectives to accomplish before I put on the finishing touches. Are you ready?" John explained. Shevette gave an enthusiastic, muffled approval as she nodded yes and John produced another spool of red ribbon. He attached the end of the new spool of ribbon to her wrist cuffs as an anchor point and he subsequently began to weave the spool between the web of bondage around her torso and the web of bondage encasing her legs to connect the two sets of ribbon. After completing this task, Shevette�s bondage would be one tightly, intricate body web. After knotting the ribbon John an attractive bow around her wrists, John took one of the large pre-tied bows and secured it like a belt buckle over her navel.

Shevette felt herself beginning to wiggle as the ribbon continued to tease her. She liked the way she was feeling and it was becoming difficult to remain still. John smiled at his helpless captive and walked around behind her. "I know you want to wiggle, but try to be still. I will be done in a few minutes." He used the remaining ribbon on the spool to wrap her bound arms from wrist to elbows neatly and tightly. "I know you could never escape these cuffs, but the ribbon is so pretty I though it would look nice." John explained. He tied another bow to her elbows and walked around in front of Shevette to look at his work. "Like I said before Shevette. You are absolutely adorable." He complimented.

Shevette blushed and giggled. She was feeling intensely erotic and longing to be touched. John�s innovative work with the ribbon was proving to be very entertaining and it was increasing her arousal rapidly. She was not aware of how much wiggling she was doing until she heard John question her involuntary actions.

"Feeling a little hot under the collar, aren�t you?" He teased.

Shevette blushed even more. Her nipples had been hard for some time but now other evidence of her arousal was becoming visible. She realized that she had been sighing and even whimpering to a degree as the ribbon teased her womanhood. She could feel the warm, moist sensation of her arousal that was a signal to how much she longed to be touched in the right way.

John kneeled beside her and caressed her cheek. Shevette reacted instantly to his touch by leaning in to his hand. She felt magically sexy and she desired to be held and caressed. "I know little Shevette. I know. Your feeling a little frustrated and quite aroused by now. But remember this is a punishment. I am here to gift-wrap you, not to play with you." John said with a grin. He took the last bow and a strip of ribbon and proceeded to tie it around Shevette�s neck. "There we go. Pretty as a picture. I wish I had a camera." He laughed. He turned around and began writing on the label he brought in. "To: j . From: John Steed. Just a little something I wrapped up for you. Call if you ever need my wrapping services again." John took the label and attached it to the bow around Shevette�s neck.

Shevette just sat by the tree and began to wiggle as much as she could, which was not very much. John had tied her tightly and attractively. There would be no escape. She was indeed frustrated and she was getting so aroused that being alone would drive her insane. She wanted and needed to be touched.

John looked out the window as he saw headlights pull into the driveway. "Well, little Shevette. I better be going now. j is here and I�m sure you two have plenty to discuss. Maybe she won�t make you wait too long." He said with a smile. John picked up his satchel and smiled as he looked inside. "I almost forgot." He pulled out a branch of mistletoe and held it over Shevette�s head. "I hope you don�t mind. Not that you could do anything about it anyway, but I think I will take this liberty to exercise a Christmas tradition." John leaned down and kissed Shevette�s gag. He could feel Shevette chewing on the ball and moaning. He leaned back to look deeply into her eyes and smiled. "Merry Christmas, Shevette." John gently kissedher on the cheek and turned to leave.

Shevette moaned and giggled as she watched her friend sneak out the back door. She was primed and ready for what ever would happen next. She felt so erotic and sexy in her bondage that she knew j would find her just as adorable as John did. As the doorknob began to rattle, Shevette began to struggle in anticipation of "J�s" discovery. "What an afternoon!" She thought.

Merry Christmas again!

The moral of the story is:

If you live a bondage lifestyle, don�t get caught snooping by a Dominant... err...
or make sure you get caught snooping by a Dominant.
It really depends of your perspective, doesn�t it.

Merry Christmas again!

*A real moral to the story is:*

Be safe, sane, and consensual.
Use the buddy system and have safe guards built in to your bondage fun.
Always play with people you trust.

Merry Christmas again!


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