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j's broken leg
The Recovery...
j is back!

Been meaning to write up a report on how she's been doing but things have been pretty hectic so now i guess i'll have to write about how she's doing now that she's up and about....

She's been driving her new car and getting around fine; and she's even been going to work again. That's all well and good but it doesn't quite set the mood of her these days. She's been quite the little Dom while she was laid-up (in a nice give and take way - nothing too serious, just little Dom games when i wanted to play.)

The Event That Told Me That
She's Truely Back:

It was last saturday night. i got home totally worn to a frazzle. i got a quick shower and put on some jeans and was headed out the door. Since she's been getting around on her own i've gone back to all my projects as best as i can being careful of my arm. i stopped by her room and asked if she needed anything while i was in town. She was sitting on her bed and playing with some handcuffs. She really looked like she either wanted to wear them or put them on someone - probably me!

"Need anything from town?" i asked.

"Naw. You going back out already?"

"Yep, why?"

"Come here. Sit with me for a minute. You look worn. You ok?"

"Tired but still trying to work on those new pages. Don't worry, i'm fine." i explained as i sat with her.

"I want you to stay home tonight. I haven't seen you hardly at all this week. Do you really have to leave right now?"

"Well... not right this minute, j. Why? You wanna tie me up?" i giggled. "Yes. Yes I do!" she told me becoming more resolute with every word. i guess i sort of gawked at her for a second before i decided that maybe a little time with her would be a good thing. "Ok, for how long?"

"'How long?'" she mimicked back at me. "Since when do i have to work in a set time frame?" she asked in a tone somewhere between hurt, anger, and teasing.

i smiled for a second. Maybe a little play would be good. i scooted off the bed and kneeled subjicating myself before her as i have been trained to do as a good slave. "Sorry, Misstress j. i ask only so i may call the people expecting me to let them know if i will be late or able to go at all. Forgive me, it was not for me that i asked." Normally we aren't that formal when she plays the Dom. i just thought it would cheer her up.

"Cut the "good little slave" routine, shevette!" she intoned in mock exasperation. "You want to play, or not?"

"Yes, do you?"

"Obviously." she grinned back at me. She got up and went behind me. The handcuffs were out so i put my hands behind my back and she put them on nice and tight! "Get up!" she ordered. She kind of helped me get on my feet with one of her hands holding the chain between my wrists and her other hand under my chin pressing against my throat.

She's getting pretty good as a Dom. She controled me like that all the way to my room. i was guided to the foot of my bed and pushed onto it. i did an awkward belly-flop onto the bed and lay there. She was going through my "toy bag" and found some leg irons which she put on my feet. One from my left foot to the right side of the bed and another set from my right ancle to the left of the bed. This forced me to lay face down.

i don't know who started giggeling first; but we were having a good time already. Of course i was pretty happy; because i was tied up and had on both my tennies and a good tight pair of jeans. What was making her so happy i didn't know. It was a good, happy sort of reason i was sure though. It made me feel good to know that she was so happy. Sometimes i worry if i did right bringing her into my little world of bondage. She no longer went around our part time job because of what had happened when Candy found her letters to her cyber-Master, Master D.

Back she went to the "toy bag" to get more gear to tie me up even deeper.

"Good but not enough!" she said, speaking as much to herself as to me.

She returned to the bed and straddled my back. i love being sat on or layed on when i do bondage - even when i'm not doing bondage it feels good. So, i'm a little bit wierd. At least i enjoy it!

i felt her playing with the chain between my wrists again. She was attaching a chain or something. Yes, it was a chain because i heard her toss the loose end over the headboard of my bed. She pulled the chain taught causing my hands to be pulled up over my back. j kept pulling on the chain and asking me if she could go tighter. i kept telling her she could until my arms were streached just as far as they could go. It was very uncomfortable but the streach felt good. i turned my head but couldn't see as j padlocked the chain back to itself.

"Think you can get loose?" she asked.

i didn't answer except to giggle. She knows i am proud of what i can escape and even more proud of what i can't get loose from. She had me good. Next came a cloth blindfold over my eyes which was tied behind my head. She was careful not to get my hair tangled in the knot. Then she gagged me.

i had seen this unusual type of gag on the net; so j and i had sat down and figured out how to make our own homespun version. It had a ring that went in the mouth forcing it open and two straps which met in the back to hold it in position. Not a good gag for keeping me quiet. j and i had joked about the obvious use for such a gag. It looked like it would be perfect to wear while giving oral stimulation to a man. We hadn't tried that yet.

A man! If only there was one around! We had both been enjoying good sex with each other but sex with a man would really.... be nice! Anyway the gag was in my mouth and i was blindfolded and handcuffed and chained to the point where i couldn't move and j was sitting on top of me. "Now what?" i wondered.

"Ok," j began, "who were you headed to meet?"

i said "work," but it sounded something like "Oark!" Just to be nice i'll put in what i said and no more repeats of what it sounded like.

"So we need to call them and let them know you won't be there tonight, right?"

"i don't know."


" I D O N ' T K N O W . "

"Oh, you don't know? Sure you should! That deserves a spanking!" j informed me.

i wondered about that as she got off of me. j and i had played at spankings but didn't really think much about them. They kind of made things interesting and they sort of didn't. i pass on a j spanking anytime. Now if Master Chris was there i'm sure it would be very.... memorable. i'd like that - a lot! Not because i'm into pain all that much, but because it was given to me by my Master! Yummy!


My thoughts were interupted by a stinging slap across my tail. "j did that?" i asked myself. " O W ! " That stung! i think she used a belt!

"That wasn't too hard was it?" i heard j ask concerned.

" N O . " i answered simply. It was all i dared to say. With the gag in my mouth communication was possible though detailed comments were out.

"Ok then, I'm going to do it again, ok?"

i didn't want to tell her "ok", but then too i didn't want to stop the scene that j was building. i was getting aroused - to a point. While i continued to think i just went ahead and nodded my head in submission.

All too soon j let me have it again. Beneath the blindfold i saw stars for a second. i was about to push some words past my gag when she smacked me again. Ow, that hurt. Not injury type hurt but a lingering sting. i started to struggle just as she heated my buns again. i was really confused. Confused in the way that only bondage can create.

i was tensing for another licking when j said, "Do you think that you can call now?"

Whew! " Y E A H ! " Oh heck yes, very definately yes, absolutely, positively yes!

i heard j dialing the phone. She knew the number; she used to work there. i heard j ask for the boss then i felt her sit on the bed next to me. She was going to have me call in through the gag in my mouth? i began to make noises and squirm around to get her attention.

"What's the matter shevette?" she asked unable to hide the glee in her tone. "He knows you are into bondage. Maybe you'd like a little more 'convincing'?"

The little tart! She was right, they all knew at work that i very much liked bondage. The only thing that worried me some was that while they suspected that j and i liked to play bedroom games none of them knew that for a fact. Well, that wasn't true either. All they had to do was visit my site. They are the only ones who know me and know where my site is - besides j. i decided that maybe it would be fun to call in to my boss through the gag. He wouldn't be upset. i had already put in enough time at work to get medal of comedation or something, besides he needed a break too.

" I ' L L T A L K ! "

The phone was pressed to my ear. "Hello?" i heard.

" H I ! I T ' S M E , S H E V E T T E ! " i got out.

"What? Who is this?"

" M E , S H E V E T T E ! "

"Shevette? Oh! Shevette! What's wrong with you girl?"

" I ' M T I E D U P R I G H T N O W ! "

"Huh? I can't understand you." my boss complained.

" T I E D U P ! G A G G E D ! "

"Did you say gagged? Are you alright? What's going on!" he was sounding excited. "Call the cops" kind of excited.

i looked to j with as much of a look of panic as wasn't covered up by my blindfold and gag. She caught her que and i felt the phone being pulled from my ear.

"Hi! This is j..... Yeah, you know, "j" as in me on shevette's site. What I'm called there.... Yeah. That's right..... She's ok..... yeah, I just decided to tie her up tonight.... huh?... yeah.... yeah.... right... she's all tied up on the bed.....un-huh.... yep... you should see her!.... Yeah!... (Giggle)... yeah! Um hum... she's enjoying the fire out of it... yep...You wanna talk to her? (Giggle)... ok, here she is..." and the phone was placed beside my ear again.

"You there?"

" U N H U H ! "

"She really has you all tied up?"

" U N H U H ! "

"Gagged too, huh? Look, are you really alright? I mean I know what you like to do with 'J' or have her do to you and all, but just to make me feel better answer one question: do you need me to get you help?"

" U N U N H ! "

"I take that to mean 'no'. Look, just to be safe, if you need help grunt or something for me..."

i remained perfectly quiet. After an extended pause i heard my boss say, "Ok, you're ok. You're just having some fun. Good, you've been needing some R&R anyway. See you tomorrow, you can tell me all about it then.... bye!" His voice sounded ammused. He's a good sort. If the tables had been turned i .... Hmmmm... i wonder what he'd think of getting tied up like i was! Wow! No! Don't take me there! Giggle.

i pushed the phone away from my ear and i felt j take it away. She tried the phone to see if anyone was still on it or not then hung it up. "Very good shevette. Did you like that? Giggle"

i scrunched up my eyes under the blindfold and tried not to think about what my boss would have to say about that phone call!

"Ok, now i want you to take a nap for me. Later tonight.... we'll do something..."

Take a nap! The way i was tied up? j must have read my mind because she unlocked the padlock on the chain that was streaching my arms up behind me. My arms flopped on my tender backside sending a few streaks of fire across my tail. i rolled to the side and tried to get comfortable. j stayed for a bit but she could tell her presence was making me stay excited so she told me she'd be back in awhile.

It was strange after she left. Having started in self bondage i don't mind being in a room all tied up by myself. This time it felt kind of extra nice. My bonds made me feel... protected so despite the burning sensation in my rear and the swollen, hungry feeling in front i was soon happily asleep.

Little did i know what would happen next....

i had sweet bondage dreams. That's the kind where you are tied up and in the dream you are tied up too. It's a funny kind of a thing. My hands would be handcuffed behind me and all i had to do was twist my hands a certain way and they'd be free then all of a sudden they'd be behind me handcuffed again. Dreams of a slave.....

j came in the bedroom and woke me up. It was strange because she ever woke me i could sense her in the room. She removed the gag and the blindfold then asked me how i felt. i said something about my still tender tail and she kissed me there to make the pain go away. i was ready for some more play and i wondered how we would do it with me still in my jeans. The jeans felt great but i wanted some magic fingers.

j knew i was ready for some serious fun so she asked if it would be ok if she chained up my wrists like earlier, to the headboard. Sure, whatever she wanted to do. She ran the chain over the headboard and pulled it tight. i kind of scooted up on the bed some because now she wasn't sitting on me. She saw me do that and pulled some more on the chain. It was almost like a game. She'd tighten the chain and i'd scoot up then she'd tighten the chain some more. In short order i had scooted up as far as the legirons on my ancles would allow. She pulled the chain tight one last time and then padlocked it again. i was completely helpless.

She giggled gloating over the fact that she had won our little game. i struggled and giggled with her. She is so wonderful.

"So now what?" i asked.

"Hmmm... How about a guy?"

"Yummy! Where's he at?" i responded devilishly.

"I don't know. Which one do you want?"

"All of 'em!" i giggled.

"Yeah, sure. I'm serious, why don't we get Simon (not a real name for the wrecker guy) over here?"



"For both of us?" i asked.

"Why not? If we give him a call and tell him what we want I'm sure he'd come." "Really?" i asked almost allowing myself to consider having him over just to satisfy the two of us. "No way."

"Way." j confirmed. "He's flirted with me several times and i know he likes you too. He'd be here in a flash!"

"For a date maybe, but not to come over here and bed the two of us. He'd jump out of his skin if he could see us right now. It'd be like cultural shock or something and even if things did go ok he'd want to start dating and all. i don't think i'd want to get serious with him, y'know?"

"I know." j commented, "Still maybe we could have him make a 'service call'. Let's try!" she jumped up suddenly excited and before i could stop her she began dialing the phone.

"Hey! Wait! Don't do that!"

"Hi!" j said into the phone. "How are you?... I'm fine... Yeah... thank you... un huh.... Hey talk to (she used my real name) for a sec. I want all three of us on the line. I'll be back just as soon as i get the other phone... she is.." She placed the phone under my ear and dashed off to get the cordless.

"Hello?" i heard in my ear.

"Hi!" i responded not sure what to say.

"What are you doing home?" Simon wanted to know.

Trying hard not to giggle i told him i was laying in bed. Experience on the net made me expect to hear him ask me what i was wearing. This is the country; guys don't do that here.

"Oh, just taking a night off. Good, you need to slow down."

i thought to myself, "why does everyone tell me that all the time?".

i heard a click and j came on the line. "Everyone here?" she asked happily. i could hear her padding back to my room as i responded, Simon spoke up too. j entered the room and sat back on the bed beside me. She checked the phone under my ear and began speaking to Simon. "So Simon, what are we doing tonight?"

"We? I don't know about you but I just got in. I was about to grab a shower and drink some beer, maybe some tv, why?"

"Well.... hey look, we're all adults here, right?"


"You're a guy and we are gals... get my drift?"

"I think so. What are you getting at? I hope it's what I'm thinking..."

j took a big breath and looked at me. i looked at her. The big moment! "How would you like to come over and be... have some fun?"

"Sure!" he responded quickly. "What you got in mind?"

j leaned back in the bed on top of me and rolled her eyes back in her head. i knew her natural tendancy to be shy was about to overcome her so i spoke up before she could lose her nerve. "...and have two willing slave girls for the night..." i got out in a shakey voice. i felt very unsure of myself but i was grabbing at straws hoping to pull this one out of the fire.

"Huh? Both of you?" was the startled response on the other end of the line. i started to say something but j regained the initiative, "Both of us. Just come over and you can have us both, ok?"

"Sure, ok!" came the pleased, happy response.

i relaxed some. It was going to happen!

"Are you sure you're up to it?" j asked. "We want to be your slave girls, you get to tie us up and everything..."

"Really? I mean, you want me to tie you up? I've always dreamed of that - I mean doing that - I mean tying some one up - for fun - you know, not for real.... kidnapping or something... you know..."

"...For fun." j finished for the poor man.

"...Bondage." i added.

"Yeah, bondage! I always thought you were into that (he used my real name again)." he told us.

"One proviso," i interupted him before he could tell us about all his secret dreams, "you have to call me 'shevette', that's my slave name, and you have to call (j's real name) 'j', ok?"

"You're Shevette and (j's real name) is Jay. Hmmm, Jay is a guy's name isn't it? She's not..."

"No! She's all woman!"

"Thank you." j interupted.

i continued, "Not Jay, J-A-Y, it's the letter 'j', small 'j' and my name is 'shevette' with a small 's'. Get it?"

"Oh!" sounds of relief mixed with enthusiasium. "I get it! Small letters. Slave names! Oh, then i must be Master Simon!"

"No!" j and i said together.


"You are Sir Simon, if you want." j told him.

"Right!" i coroberated. "We both have Masters on the net. They wouldn't like it if we called anyone Master, except for them, ok?"

Sir Simon laughed, "Ok, you'll have to explain it when I get there. Be there in a flash. Should I bring anything? Ropes? Chains?"

"Just grab that shower and bring yourself, ok?" j told him. "Sir Simon?"

"Ok (j's real name)... i mean j."

"Bye - and hurry!" j said and hung up the phone.

She shouldn't have told him to hurry. He'd kill himself getting to our place! i explained to j that a slave never hangs up the phone until she is sure the Dom has hung up first. We began fantisizing as we got our showers...

J let me up off the bed once i promised her that she could tie me back up the way she had me. She dashed off to her shower and me to mine. i was ready for Sir Simon that was for sure. i toweled off and checked my backside in the mirror. Nicely flushed but no marks or anything. i thought about what j had gotten us into as i did my make up and fixed my hair. It worried me.

Sir Simon lived about fifteen minutes away which by country standards is almost right next door. He'd already be through with his shower and on his way. Butterflies played in my stomach. What would he be expecting? Did j have some kind of master plan in play here? i slipped on some fresh panties and a bra and went to talk this over with j. We may have had ten more minutes to prepare, but for what?

"Are your sure about this j?"

"What? Simon? He's perfect!"

i smiled at her. "Ok, but we let him in, talk, and then, if it seems alright we party. If either of us doesn't trust him then we both wave bye-bye! Ok?"

"Deal! Now go get ready, 'k?"

"Okay, i'll get dressed but no one ties me up until i feel it's safe." i turned to go and j turned back to her mirror. As a lark i turned back to her and slapped her hind end. "That's for smacking my tail!" i told her with a grin and bounced out of her bedroom before she could get me back. i heard her giggeling behind me.

As i slipped on a fresh blouse the doorbell rang. He did fly to our place! Quickly i slipped on the same pair of jeans i had been wearing earlier and my tennies. The doorbell rang again so i rushed to the door brushing my hair back as i went. j was still getting dressed so i closed the door to her room as i hastened my step to the door.

i opened the door a crack and there stood Simon in jeans, tennis shoes, a t-shirt with the logo of the wrecker company he worked for, and a baseball cap in his hands.

"Hi!" i greeted him and flipped on the outside light. It was just getting dark and there was a beautiful sunset behind him. The porchlight made him seem to glow. He was innocent-looking enough. A sheepish yet expectant smile lit up his face. He was wearing glasses and that added to his innocent look.

"Hi (my real name). What's this all about?"

"Come in!" i told him and i gave him a kiss on the cheek. Actually i was checking to see if he had been tasting a few beers that day or not. His breath smelled of mouthwash and i didn't think he had been drinking. i could also smell some colonge on him and it smelled very good mixed with his normal man-scent. He awkwardly gave me a hug and when his arms went around me i could have swooned. It felt so good being in the arms of a man. It's like bondage; you remember that you liked how it felt before, but when it happens again you feel good in ways that you forgot about.

j came up behind us and said, "Gee whiz guys, not on the porch. Get in here!" We laughed and i stepped back out of the way so j could get a hug too. She pressed herself against Simon and they had a nice kiss and hug. Finally we got him in the door and he was grinning from ear to ear.

j was wearing a little red shorts outfit that showed lots of her legs and her midrift. Here hair was pulled up in something like a poney tail. She looked good enough to eat!

There was some small talk durring which j and i got us all some wine. i don't believe in getting high or anything durring bondage but three glasses of wine will put me in a nicely uninhibited mood. j does fine on two glasses but sometimes she gets a little too silly on three.

Simon was sitting on the overstuffed chair next to the couch where j and i sat and giggled. It was hard to get down to brass tacks and Simon was fidgeting nerviously with his cap. j and i weren't much better. It seemed that all that we could do was giggle on the couch. Finally this got the better of me and i got up and grabbed Simon's cap out of his hands. i tossed the cap into the corner and sat down on his lap and made myself comfortable.

i was up to glass two of wine.

"So...." i began as j came over and made me sit on one knee so she could have the other. "So we like you Simon."

"I can see that!" he laughed a little more at ease.

"Good, now what we have is a proposition for you." i began again as i tried to figure out a way to evaluate Simon as a lover while not going too far if j or i wanted to back down.

"Yas," j added in a sultry way, "we want to -"

"- Get to be friends." i interupted. j shot me a quick look and i shot one back at her. "What we're trying to say is..." i got out then i was stuck for words.

"That you are two lovely ladies and you want a gentleman to spend time with?" Simon asked.

"Well put." i told him.

"Yes." j agreed. "We need someone who would be discrete, right shevette?"

"That's right. Someone who would be willing to have some.... fun, without becoming.... or thinking it was like dating. You know what i mean, Simon?"

"Yeah, just for fun, no attachments."

"Right!" i told him and put my hand on his chest. It felt good, strong.

"Are we being silly?" j asked.

"No, not at all." Simon assured us. "I think I understand."

Not knowing how to continue i threw the ball back into Simon's ballpark with, "Really? Tell me what you mean, please."

"Sure. You want to know if I'd be willing to... "

There was a long pause as Simon searched for the right words to finish his sentence with. j tried to finish it for him. "..Willing to have some fun with shevette and me while not..."

Another pause which i finally filled. "..While not getting the idea that... you own us!"

"Yes, of course." Simon agreed.

"You must get lonely sometimes and so do shevette and i." j paraphrased.

We all laughed and finished our drinks so i got up to fill everyone's glasses again. j helped. In the kitchen j and i exchanged looks that told each of us that he was in.

Part Two

Getting ready for a nap.

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