
Pieces of the puzzle

Yes, bondage is a puzzlement!
This page and the pages to follow are my guide for bondage. They are about the scariest part of bondage... Being
Most times writting a new page comes from wanting to tell everyone about something. This time i have something to tell, but i can't say it yet!

This is about bondage.
i have no idea what i'm about to say - so be prepared!

Lots of good things have happened - why? i will tell you about them next time. "How good are they?" Ah! The person from the back of the room is still here! Dear, you can remove the scrunchie from your wrists, if you want to... Oh. Ok, you can wear it if you want...

A real slave i guess what i want to bring up this time is what it's like to live as a slave. Well no, that's not right. i'm not a slave, not a real one actually. In some ways i wish i was, but that's not reality. Being a real slave would most likely be the pitts. Putting that much pressure on a man would be too much, putting the pressure of being the top that much would be more than anyone could stand up to. Putting that much pressure of being a bottom would be more than anyone could stand up to as well.

A 'love' slave We are talking, on my site, about being a love slave. That's something completely different from being a real slave. Actually my site deals with bondage which is a way to enhance foreplay and/or sex. i am the one who keeps equating being a love slave with being tied up. Getting tied up doesn't nessisarily have anything to do with being a slave or being slave-like. To me it does, but we are all different and that's a blessing.

A real slave i have done bondage as a game where i get tied up and my lover will tickle me or tease me by bringing me to the brink of climax many many times before letting me reach fufilment - and that's great. i do have a tendancy to want to be treated as a slave - sometimes, not always. This makes me want to think of myself as a love slave - which is something truely nice!

Now this is a big argument against bondage and i know it keeps a lot of people out of it, and i understand that. It's equated with losing one's soul and that's the bogus part!

A leader? Certain things work certain ways, for example; if you want command you TAKE it. Command can not be given. Well, it can be given, but it doesn't mean much unless it's taken too.

Put a group of people together an PUT one person in charge. If that Not a leader person is not willing to think in the terms of being the one reasponsible then it's not going to work - even if all the other people involved give that person the right to be in charge. Until someone takes the reasponsibility for the group, whatever it's size, there is no true leader.

Certain things work certain ways, for example; if someone wants your soul, i am being very hypological here, they CAN NOT take it! You must give it - and don't! Never give that up! It's yours and only you are meant to keep it and be reasponsible for it, ok? Are we clear? You will be reasponsible for it even if you THINK you have given it to another. It's non-transferable - and i mean that in the most extreme way!!!

So where am i headed here? What i'm leading up to is to the person who sees all this good kind of bondage going on and still wants to put it down - on the basis that it steals away the soul of the person being tied up. It ain't so!

Bondage is not for the weak! If you have problems interacting with people and you think bondage is a way to get around that then you are wrong, i'm sorry! If you are shy around the oppisite sex and you think bondage is a way to get around that then you are in for trouble. Read on anyway and i will help you sort things out...

i like to be tied up! First of all i see a lot of people putting themselves down because they have the desire for bondage and feel bad about it. For those let me say that it is healthy to have those kinds of doubts. It is odd to feel a need to either be tied up, or to want to tie someone else up. What makes it ok is the fact that you don't want to be hurt and you don't want to hurt anyone. When you subtract the hurt from the equasion what you are left with are good feelings about being tied or tying someone. Basically you are left with (rewritting above sentence) "are good feelings", ok? Let's change something;
i like to fly! "If you like to fly model airplanes it is because it gives you good feelings." (rewritting) "good feelings." Can you see the pattern? All of us like to do our own thing. For some it's flying model airplanes, for some of us it's getting tied up.

One more point on this; with bondage there is the element where you are interacting with another person. That means they should want to tie you up or be tied up by you - instead of airplanes use dancing as a comparision, ok?

One last point; Let's get nasty! different people like to do different things - and that's a godsend!

If we all liked flying model airplanes or dancing all the time then this would really be an "odd" world that we would be living in!

It's a hoe-down! If we all liked doing bondage all the time we'd soon be overpopulated! (Compare to flying model airplanes where we'd become extinct or dancing where it could go either way; dirty dancing virsus square dancing)

Ok, we don't have people putting themselves down because they either like bondage or because they would like to try bondage. What are we left with?

The people who put down bondage!

Should i insert an evil grin here? No! i can understand these people too (i think). You can see from the above paragraphs that those of us into bondage do NOT want to be hurt or to hurt others, you can see where it is consensual, but maybe you wonder how sane it is. Explain please...

You've got a question and i've got an answer...

You are concerned about the psycholigy of bondage. What happens mentally to a person who is either repeatidly tied up (like me) or a person who repeatidly ties up another human being. Things could go wrong. right? i could become terribly masichistic or Rob could become overly sadistic, right? i know that could happen. It's no big secret. So how do i protect myself?

i promise that if i ever feel like i want to be abused in bondage or in any other way i will stop allowing myself to be tied up! That's a promise! Now on one hand i have something that i really love to do (or have done to me) and on the other hand i have the prospect of losing that. Do you think i am mindful of how i am treated? Yes i am! As soon as anyone goes too far with me i speak up about it! The internal message that i don't say aloud could be something like, "What the blink do you think you are doing! You can't do that to me! i'm a human being! You can't tie me up and do just any old thing that you want to do to me! If you ever do ANYTHING like that to me again i will NEVER ever let you tie me up again!" Hey, do you want to know a secret? i have never ever had to think or say that because the people i have let tie me up have loved me - and they know i am capable of thinking that or even saying it - if i ever need to!

Are you a slave?
"i'm just a wanna bee slave -
a wanna bee love slave..."

...And that is how you have a healthy mindset about bondage...

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Bondage 'tis a puzzlement!
i know!

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