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A story sent in by a good friend of the site....
This came in the mail the other day - well, it came three times: Once before the crash, once after, and once again.

Now do i get the nicest mail from the nicest people or what?

Now this is a fantasy kind of a story something i'd probably never do, but still nice to toy with in my mind. Bondage isn't always doing - that would spoil the fun of considering doing something like this - it could happen....

Its just a story..... Hmmmm....

A day by the pool

It all started as a wicked idea. After regaining some of her wits lost as j had had her accident, shevette had started to fantasise. On j�s return from the hospital stay, her leg was supported by a blow up cast. It looked soft and forgiving, but still offered quite a good support to the encased leg.

shevette then spent hours trying to come up with some more inventive ideas as to the use of such blow up casts. Slowly this magnificent idea had started to take shape. She realised rather soon that she wanted casts that covered the entire length of the limbs, not just from knee to ankle. This proved difficult as injuries demanding that extensive casts also requested more rigid support. Thus they where almost always plastered. Of course shevette didn't let that stop her. Instead it became a challenge to overcome.

"She was getting just a little worried. As the sun kept pouring its hot rays over her body, shevette felt an urge to shift her position. Only problem was that bondage was an expertise of hers and self bondage was no exception. She was going nowhere. Trying to think of j she turned away from the limpness of her legs and looked straight into the shining gold of the sun reflecting from the water of the pool. j looked lovely."

However she had finally got a tip from somebody, one of the many she knew from mailing. He had told her that the full-length cast she was looking for, just might be used in emergency situations. She then contacted ambulance drivers, fire fighters and others before another friend helped her to find some remote little nation who's army seemed to be on sale. In a surplus store on the Internet, she found exactly what she wanted.

"Damned. She shouldn't have chosen those n_pple clamps. They where horrid. And now that time seemed to drag, the sun had past noon and her entire body was flaming from the tan and acing from immobility, shevette was almost regretting her doing. She had tried to shake the casts off, even though she knew perfectly well she shouldn't have. She shook, they stayed put, she wept a little, cursing her to hasty decision."

After a few weeks, a couple of different countries mail distributors had finally managed to deliver the casts to shevettes home. She opened the roughly treated package and unfolded the precious casts. First the smelled strongly, very plastic, but it faded and became bearable. She tried one on her leg, slowly pulling it up her bare skin. She then blew it up, using a little hand manoeuvred pump that came with the cast. Soon she felt an entangling sensation. Her leg was held firm, under pressure from all directions. She kept pumping until it felt as if she had covered her leg completely with tight rope. The pressure was very firm and very erotic. She tried to fold her leg, but immediately understood that that would be out of question for as long as the cast stayed inflated. She had enjoyed the feeling so much that she had slept wearing one cast on each leg.

"Her basic idea had been sound. Letting j experience the frustrating helplessness from the inflatable casts, was a good idea... the problem was shevette's bold idea to place her self in bondage while waiting for j to get free. Listening to the tick-tack from the timer she wished she had left some possibility to interfere, but she had not. Every fifteen minutes the timer went on and then fifteen minutes later it went off. If she tried real hard she could look down, between the two clamps on her now very sensitive parts and see the thin cord that emerged from under her crotchrope and went away, round and behind her back. Rats. Why didn't j get free? Shit, oh shiiiit... on for the next fifteen minutes."

One day she had seen an inflatable hood in black latex. It covered the entire head and had a short hose for breathing. shevette bought it for her darling j. She was starting to feel ready for the great surprise day, but then it had all taken a new direction. On a sunny afternoon as shevette was taking the sun, floating on an air mattress in the middle of her pool, it had struck her. Floating in the middle of the pool! Yeah! What an idea!

She started to imagine j trapped with blow up casts on her immobile arms and legs, her head encased in the latex hood, floating on her back, in the middle of the pool. What a sight! The scene was irresistible. j floating in an enforced spreadeagle, not so that she was tied that way, but because she had to keep her balance. Her arms and legs floating like used wine corks, her head lifted by her pump up hood. It had to be an awful feeling floating in the dark, unable to navigate, unable to get free. And with no fixed points to support her. shevette had smiled at the thought.

"This time it was really getting to her. She had already had two orgasms and was now very sensitive everywhere it counts. The vibrator between her legs did its job without paying any attention to her desperate attempts to stop it. She was truly helpless and wished she had at least used a battery wand that would weaken as time went by. But no, she had used the real thing, powered from a proper outlet, controled by a timer. When she finally gave in, letting her body go the fifteen minutes where gone. Dang. It stopped. Just a few seconds early. She cursed her predicament, wishing someone else had put her in this distress. Because if that had been the case, someone could even free her from it or at least be the target for shevette's inventive plans of revenge. The problem was she had put herself into this one and she had no way of letting herself free. And planning on revenge didn't help out..."

Once the idea had popped into shevette's head, she couldn't let go. She just had to go through with it. First she had planned to place j in her blow up prison and then just place her drifting in the water, but after a while she had got the idea of putting her self in bondage while waiting. j would be able to free herself if shevette fastened a thin line to the air plug of the casts, or at least that was the plan. One thin string from each of the air plugs, pulled in each direction and fastened to the poolside. As j would paddle around, the strings would be tightened and the air plugs pulled out. Eventually she would be able to get free. The boring thing though was it would be too quick. shevette's inventive head had been close to smoking as her thoughts spinned round. And with a broad smile she had finally got the idea that solved her problem. She would drop an anchor in the middle of the pool and then fasten j to it by using some version of the melting ice cube trick.

"shevette tried again to shift her position but it got her little. Standing with her back firmly pressed to the stainless steel bar that was one of the front legs of the trampoline tower, she felt as immobile as ever. She had done an extraordinary job tying her ankles securing them to the steel rod, then her knees both above and beneath, securing them also. Why she had to tie her thighs, was by now far beyond comprehension. And if she at least had stopped at cinching her waist... But no. She had tied several coils around her upper torso as well, above and just under her br_asts of course with ropes leading over her shoulders, keeping it all up. At present she found the three inch wide black leather cuff around her neck very excessive, to say the least. And why on earth did she have to lead the straps from the gag around that steel rod? Cursing her own inventiveness she remembered how she managed to pull tight the strap around her elbows, by pulling the end of the strap around the other leg of the tower and then back to her hands... She was uncertain whether she would have been able to get free, even without the steel handcuffs. Groaning into her gag she realised she had to see a psychiatrist about that bad influence her lust had on her judgement...."

After a short drive around the downtown stores, shevette had found a perfect anchor. It weighed about 25 pounds and was most likely enough to keep j in place. Carrying it out to the car and placing it in the trunk had offered no problems. Wearing a rather wicked smile shevette had driven home in an Indy 500-like pace. Carrying the anchor to the poolside was nothing, but then the problems started. How was she to get the anchor out to the middle? Her first attempt to bring it on the air mattress had ended two feet from the pool side in a considerable splash, taking booth shevette and the anchor into the water. A few attempts to dive and drag the piece out had been failures before she got hold of the solution. Diving down she tied a rope to the eyelet and then got up on the opposite side of the pool. With considerable lack of patience, she had swiftly pulled the anchor out to the middle of the pool. Now everything had been set.

"The worst of all, shevette driven by experience strongly concluded, was the bucket. she had pulled the crotch rope out in front and leading it through a steel ring finally tied it to the middle of the chain connecting her n_pple clamps. This was a sensation it self, but the problem was she had not stopped at that. Oh no. Instead she had tied another rope to the ring, a rope that went forward, over a horizontal bar in the railing by the pool. In the free end of the rope, swinging several inches from the ground, was a bucket attached. Above the bucket hung a net bag containing a huge block of ice good for some five pounds. Actually it was the same size as the block that kept j's anchor rope from passing through the anchor eyelet. From the net bag the melt water dropped into the bucket with greater pace than she had expected. The increasing weight of the bucket pulled on her n_pple clamps and at the same time forced the little vibrating tongue to press harder against her and the rest of the vibrating dildo to crawl deeper into her. Rats. She knew from some far away lessons in school, that the water had a greater heat capacitivity than air. Thus the ice block holding j in the water should melt faster than the one hanging in air. She was getting a bad feeling telling her she might have missed on the radiation heat from the sun..."

j had been curious and had willingly submitted herself to the blow up casts. A few moments of arguement, and some minutes of very uneven struggles had also placed the hood over her head. Her surprise as she was pushed into the water had been both genuine and considerable. Laughing shevette had taken on the task of towing her into the middle of the pool, tying a crotch rope on her and lead the free end of the rope down trough the eyelet of the anchor and connected it to another net bag containing j's own ice block. shevette had tightened the rope so that the ice was floating a foot beneath the surface, thus straining upwards, keeping the crotch rope stretched. Applying the four strings to the air nozzles had been fast job. After having tied the strings off to different parts of the railing around the pool, shevette had explained j's situation to her. j floating in helplessness had signalled that she understood even if it was hard to understand whether she liked it or not. Smiling shevette had assumed that j liked her situation and went about to tie her self up as a surprise for j.

"Crying loud from the frustration of another forced orgasm building from her very erotic self bondage shevette almost fainted as her acing body was thrown over the edge once more. Shaking and twisting in her unyielding bonds she roared as the vibrator kept stimulating her incredibly sensitive sex. And the vibrator went on for yet a few minutes, before it suddenly stopped, leaving shevette limp and panting. She was really questioning her own mental health as she tried to regain her full conscious, focusing on what went on in front of her. Finally j had began to slowly paddle her way around, obviously free from the ice block. Breathing heavily shevette wanted to cry directions to her friend, but her gag kept every sound down, every word captive and j's hood kept her from hearing any sound shevette might produce. Finally a blowing sound told shevette that j had succeeded in pulling one of the air plugs open. shevette saw j slowly beginning to move her right arm working carefully on the valve of the blow up hood. Soon she would be free and shevette would be rescued...

A sudden sound from the house caught shevette's attention. Someone opened the back door and stepped out from the house, looking around the garden behind dark sunglasses. With a broad smile the man turned towards the pool and started to walk with slow self confident moves...

A flash ran through shevette's head, her heartbeat racing.

- Master Chris, what was he doing here? He looked shevette over with a an impressed and appreciating smile. He studied all the intricate parts of her bondage as he came closer. In fear she realised that her rescue might not be that close after all..."

Ok, maybe i wouldn't do this. It is too dangerous and i would never surprise j like that, gag her when she really didn't want to be gagged, put both of us in peril of our lives, or use a stimulator plugged into a wall!
The point is i could use a battery operated unit, figure out some way where i would have no fear of j drowning, not gag her unless she wanted to be gagged (i could figure out something that might want her to wear a gag though - we both kinda like them - and we are both extremely carful around them), i could tell j that i had a surprise for her and ask her to trust my judgement, and only one of us tied up at a time (for safety)!

Still the concept does stir the juices, doesn't it? Thanks for the story - i really do like it - i just feel compelled to issue all these warnings. We have to keep bondage Safe, Sane, and Consensual! It's the only way!

Master Chris' slave shevette


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