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Mirror site for Bianca's Handcuff Page

Some people have a links page and some people just give a link on thier pages, i do both!

Here's a letter i got the other day....

NEW : Mirror site for Bianca's Handcuff Page

I have created a mirror site for the changing features of Bianca's , for instance the By the People Pages (beginning from page 20), the Contact Page, thePictures of the Week, the Links , the new stories.

I hope the access is faster here than on my old site ,which will remain online ( with the more static stuff (By the people 1-24 , the movies , the old stories etc.)

The URL is :

Best regards


i was pretty glad to get this mail because i had lost his address durring The Great Computer Crash of 1999. Its a nice, straight forward site that's easy to navigate. Mostly what he does is put up letters from viewers and the pics they send to him. It sounds like it could be confusing but what it reminds me of the most is reading those pages most magazines have - y'know, short articles with lots of pics. Sometimes the quality is there and sometimes its not too apparent, but they are always fun to read.

The central theme on Max's site is "girls in handcuffs." That's enough for me! Lots of down to earth, people-next-door stuff which makes me feel good visiting his site. He's got some pics that are one-of-a-kind, ie; one had a pretty little thing holding up her hands which looked like she was wearing maybe five pairs of handcuffs and at least one pair of thumbcuffs! Cute smile too. i like that part of bondage, the fooling around with it - and having fun. That's what leads up to the more serious stuff...... giggle

For me this is the site to go to for inspiration - i usually get that and excited too!

Max has a pic on my Readers contributions page - it's pretty good! He's a real nice guy and even helped me with some questions i had about .jpeg pic formats and like that.

Deffinately a good site to visit and much easier than the one before this (it had server problems - everyone suffered through it though'cause his stuff was so good.)

Look for a link to the Cops site run by a friend of his, it's nice too.

Potty scene where he has to slip her panties down for her, how gallant! Whew!It was through Max's site that i heard about the movie The Big Hit which impressed me so much that i decided to review it.

If there was anything that i could flaw about Max's site it is that there's never enough - of course that's like saying i always want more of what he's got!

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