
Pieces of the puzzle

'Tis a puzzlement!
Yes, bondage is a puzzlement!
This page and the pages to follow are my guide for bondage. They are about the scariest part of bondage... Finding
Ok, close your books and have a #2 pencil ready! This is the test i warned you about. i hope everyone studied.

This is about bondage.
Giggle, the easiest test in the world! Ok, you and your partner work together.
1) To have a bondage scene you need....
Ans. E
Ropes and chains do not have to be present. Silk scarves or tape could be used, but you could just tuck your hands under the pillow above your head. He could just hold your hands behind you back as he gives you a long sweet kiss.

2) To have a bondage scene you need....
Ans. D
Just like you don't need ropes and chains you don't need to have domination and submission. Bondage can even be done alone.
Giggle, he wants an 'a' on this test!
3) To have a bondage scene you need....
Ans. D
Consensual isn't a part of it if you are exprimenting with bondag by yourself - however you do need double doses of A and B.

4) Is bondage best....
Ans. (see below)
Bondage does not nessisarily mean sex. It is good alone, better with a partner, and even better with sex! It could be done with any number of people present PROVIDED everyone agrees to that. A better answer would have been "between two lovers". You should have discussed this with your partner! The BEST answer would have been "with your spouse"!
No wrong answer.

5) list the following steps in order to have a bondage scene.
Ans. (see below)
Just as there are not very many rules for how you can do bondage there aren't so many for when to do what. Basically you negotiate before being tied up, also if you make love you get untied right after that - unless you and your partner have negotiated about not doing it that way.
Wow! Can i retake this test?

6) You are negotiating with your lover. You are willing to be tied up to a point but you don't want to have any sex until he unties you. He says the sex will be better if you are still tied up. You can't seem to reach an agreement. What do you do?
Ans. (see below)
  • Go along with him to keep the peace? No! This a negotiation. You have just as much reason to want or not want things as he does!
  • Refuse to talk about it? No! The only way you can end it is if he won't budge and you can't budge, but never refuse to listen just because you aren't willing to consider what he wants.
  • Agree just so he will tie you up? No! Making you helpless and manipulating you is NOT what bondage is about! Bondage ALLOWS you to be helpless, but it should not forced it on you. That's called abuse, not bondage, not love bondage.
  • All of the above? No! Absolutely not!
  • None of the above? No! i told you bondage is a puzzlement, giggle. Go along with him if you want, refuse to talk about it if you have to, agree just so he'll tie you up if you are willing to try, to take the 'leap of faith'.

  • No wrong answer (tough question)
    Go team go!
    7) True / False...
    i hope you get a good grade, so enjoy yourself!
    8) [BONUS QUESTION essay] Negotiate a scene right now and have him tie you up in a safe place in a safe way and have fun.

    Be honest.

    Questions are worth 10 points apiece. Throw out any one wrong answer. Bonus is worth 25 points.

    Enjoy your assignment! Keep it Safe Sane and Consensual

    Bondage. If i could bottle it and sell it i'd be a rich slave!

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    Bondage 'tis a puzzlement!
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