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W H Y ?



Why do i do this? Why do i have this site? When i first started it i thought i knew why - it was something to preserve my sanity, a safe way to scream to the world that i like bondage, that i like being tied up for whatever reason! Since then it has changed. i thought that this was a way to PROMOTE BONDAGE. That sounds pretty noble. i figured i was being a noble slave. Yeah!


No, this is more than just me, more than bondage.... this is all about people. i have said it many times that i get the best mail of anyone on the net and indeed it is true! Please read the following letter. i think you will go away understanding something about the person who wrote it, about me, and about yourself.


Why indeed! Why not!


Hi! Hello Shevette.

Finally comes the long awaited letter (I hope!)

Hi back at you, Sir! Good to hear from you again Sir Xxxxx[name maimed]
This letter is in two parts, or sections, one about the Internal conflict, but first, lets get down to the good stuff.

I've discovered a great method of self-bondage.

You know those little black strips electricians use for tying cables together? Cable ties? Works like a charm. You can pull your thumbs together tightly or connect them to a light chain and you can have cuffs with any level of restriction you like.

Yas, i've used those before. i like them but to get them off they have to be cut... i hate that!
What I did last night was to loop together four ties, two sets of two, and another set.

Each tie looped around one end of one of those detachable keyrings thingies.

last night... I then took a length of ribbon (I do not have any handcuffs, yet), made two slipknots, and slipped my wrist through them. This makes quite an effectice set of "cuffs".

last night... I then proceeded to loop the ties on the keyrings around my thumbs, and, using my teeth, pulled them tight. The space the keyring offers gives enough tolerance so that I can slip the other two sets around my pinkys, and around my middle fingers.

Again, pulled tight with teeth. Your palms are together, and fingers useless. And I’ll tell you, with that operation completed you’re really in the shit, and really tied up. If you ever played with those cable ties,

i know... Yes, i know that condition well...
last night... you’ll know that once locked, they stay that way.

How do you get out?

With a Stanley knife jammed between your knees. A bit dangerous, I know, but maybe it's a guy thing. Love it. I must add that once the novelty wore off I battled for almost half an hour to free myself, and I more than once had the disturbing notion that my secret life of bondage was going to come to a sudden and incredibly ebarrassing end. Luckily it didn’t.

Thank goodness.. That is scary isn't it? With self-bondage. The main thing is that once you get all tied-up you have all the time in the world to get free. That's not a bad thing in itself. Still i can relate to the feeling that something could go terribly wrong and i might not ever be able to get free again. The prospect of having to call for help from someone not sympathetic to bondage isn't too much better than the thought of not getting free...
last night... Just a word of warning, though. When attempting it, wear gloves.

I use a set of female lycra opera gloves, which I got a year or three ago for the use in a fancy-dress party. Believe me, you don’t wanna do it without them. And don’t pull em too tight, otherwise the circulation goes and oops.

Anyway, that was my latest (and most intense) self bonding experiment. Can’t wait for the moment to present itself where I can do it again.

It is fun... Self bondage is something special. Now, with j, i get almost all the bondage i can stand. Still a 'private' session can be special. Call it quality time alone. That's a good thing, more people ought to try it...

last night... Which brings me to the eternal question - Why! And I am not going to try to answer it.... Don't even try - it just feels good. That's enough! Everyone trys to answer that question. Myself included. All we have to know is that it feels good. All we have to do is play safe. All we need to keep in mind is to do it in a positive way and not think it has to be destructive - like those not-in-the-know think it is. Sorry for interupting...
last night... But I do feel that I need to get this off my chest, and excuse me if I'm covering ground covered before, but if I'm gonna say this, I'm gonna say it once, and I'm gonna say it right. I've only got enough courage to do this once.

When I was little more than a little kid - and I am talking little, before I knew what this thingameboggin was that hung between my legs, I had a "thing" for bondage. I remember reading Richie Rich comics (I could read since I was four, my only claim to any intelligence whatsoever!), and seeing the mean Mayda Money tie up the beautiful Gloria so that Richie's attentions could not be diverted. (Ol' Richie never had it that good in his life!). And there was little old me, barely old enough to blow his own nose, staring for hours at the wrap-tied Gloria, and wondering why the hell the fascination? (Publishers of Harvey comics, take note, I'm not trying to blame my sexual preferences on your product. Although it helped.)

Me too! Me too! Well, it wasn't Richie Rich, but i too had bondage fantasies at an early age. i surpressed them, which for awhile wasn't a bad thing to do. i think i surpressed them for too long though. They re-emerged durring puberty (and i mean EARLY puberty) and i kept on supressing and reressing my desire to be tied up. That was a heck of a lot more destructive than any self-bondage session i have been in...
last night... As I grew older, and saw all the TV kidnappings & robberies and all the other Miami-Vice programs, and when I entered into adolescence, I realised that this was indeed a sexual thing for me, and, therefore, a bad thing. Opps! Wrong turn - thanks to the mainstream steriotype....
last night... I was brought up to be very disciplined, with a strong church background, and still to this day have an extremely strong relationship with God. Me too... Likewise...
last night... And this is the very source of my frustrations. Is bondage wrong? Is it a sin? The only person I've ever tied up is myself, and, like yourself, learned a great deal from it. My sexual Fantasies & fetishes expanded, then refined, finally down to almost a subtle art form. I drew pictures, I wrote stories, I even wrote a poem called "Oxxx"[name maimed], which is the only piece of poetry I've ever kept entirely to myself. and It Felt so good. Physically.

Mentally, I was in turmoil. Still am.

Even last night, on my latest bout of self bondage, with the aid of a key-ring, two cable ties and a length of ribbon, I feel that it can't be right. Nevermind the religious aspect, which I won't go into, but I feel as if I am doing myself an injustice here. I feel like I am betraying myself, in the sense that I could be out there doing something, being creative, writing, painting, anything. Instead I am lying here with my hands tied up, with Monty Python doing the funky Chicken in my pants!

But, oh, it feels so good.......

i know.. If i had a nickle for everytime someone has told me this i'd be driving a purple Corvette instead of my trusty Chevette (maybe i'd have the Chevette mounted like Roy Rogers did to Trigger.)

The point is that we are all conned into following the crowd. i remember reading an article once about a group of people who were shunned by all - they even shunned others in their group. These were the people with zits (pimples.) Bondage is like that. At least half the people like it and ALL the people hide it! Not because its dirty or sick or anything, but because it relates to sex. Everyone hides their sex habits. Virgins pretned like they aren't. People with a shoe fetish keep it a secret. And even the vanilla types that think sex should only be done in the missionary position keep that a secret too.

We try to keep sex out of the eye of the kids (and our parents too!)

last night... By nature I am not a sub, I am most definitely a dominant male, but I have no one to tie up, so I do it to myself, wishing that there was someone else.

And this frustrates me even further.

It is a very weird situation for me, and I live in a daily environment knowing I am a crazed sex-pot into self-humiliation and sado-masochistic rituals, but at the same time very much a puritan, never fantasising about sex and bondage, but rather as bondage as an extra, and sex as something more pure (ever seen Exit to Eden? - That is what I am talking about - fun and foreplay in cuffs, making love in a sunlit room with white sheets.)

i know... Aggghhhh! It repeats and repeats all over again!

This really hurts me! So many people suffering from the same thing - trying to live their lives as they think other people think they should! Yuk! The crime is that we perpetuate this when we have to hide our desire for bondage. How long must this go on?

Somehow in the attempt to protect us as children our parents have cursed us with the feeling that we must keep sex hidden - especially some sex act that is different from the so-called norm! The bad news i don't know of any way to break the cycle. If i had a little girl or boy of my own i know it would be very very hard to let them know how i like my sexual activety. How could i tell my daughter that i am a slave? ...and that i like it?

last night... I know that you are not a shrink, and you are not here to give answers, but in a very real way, you already have. during one of my guilt ridden nights of surfing, I stumbled on your site, and for the first time here was someone who said it was cool to have fun with bondage. For the first time here is someone who has a "thing" for tennies. It was all right to be kinky. there is no guilt here. there is no weirdness. Just enjoyment. the way it was meant to be. And, as I said, it took me while to muster up the courage to write to you, but I'm glad I did. and I am glad I wrote this letter, because just by writing it, I've come to peace with a few factors myself. Thank you.. A slave is honoured, thank you Sir.
last night... Growing up is never easy. Doing so in a conservative family in a conservative area is even harder. Being different is the worst of them all. and now, thanks to you, you've shown me that there can be more to bondage than pain and leather and dark gothic night-clubs full of wannabe's. *BLUSH* i'm blushing Sir. i am only a slave - a slave who had to get it out that i LOVE being tied-up!
last night... Keep up the great work, Shevette. thank you. you have not answered all my questions, but you taught me that it is alright to have them. Thank you too.. And Sir you have re-afirmed my beliefs. Thank you, we don't have zits and even if we do, we must stick together. Why we love bondage is a bigger question than any of us can answer - alone. Even together we may never come to understand it, all i ask is that we learn to live with it and without guilt or repression - self-inflicted or otherwise...
last night... keep the faith
i will - i have to... Yes Sir, i have to. Its a part of me - something that makes me a very happy slave.....



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