
*This is a game I played for a few years with a great bunch of people. Due to other commitments in my life, and a lack of time, I sadly bid the realm of Mysteria goodbye. However, if you love rpg's, great friends, and lots of adventure, plus you have plenty of time to spare, then I suggest you check this amazing place out. I know I miss my friends, and wish them the best of luck in their travels.*

Once many centuries ago, Mysteria was a thriving and hospitable world. But, then a dark force began to infect the inhabitants. Some were driven mad. Others seeing their friends writhing in agony, took thier own lives before the madness could set in.

No race on Mysteria was immune, except for the mighty dragons. They could do nothing to aid those stricken with the illness. Soon, Mysteria became a distant dream.....A dream of what used to be. What had once been a beautiful paradise, was now a desolate wasteland.

The nightmare of Mysteria appeared neverending.... Until....

A woman unlike any other appeared. Her beauty could strike a man dumb. Upon her head, and coiled about her were small hatchlings. The dragons bowed to her in obeisance, seeming to know who she was. Addressing the last remnants of society, she promised to bring aid to Mysteria.

For the next fortnight the sky crackled with magic, as the DragonQueen as she had come to be called, cast her powerful spell. Elf, dwarf, and all others watched in amazement.

When a fortnight had passed, the DragonQueen emerged from her tower. She was pale and drawn. "I have done all I can now." Her voice heavy with fatigue. "Help, should be arriving soon."

"You must all make the newcomers, feel at home here. They will be a little disoriented at first, but that should pass quickly."

"Where are they coming from?" Someone in the crowd asked curiously.

"From everywhere, I hope." The DragonQueen replied, continuing on. "I have cast a magic portal spell. Whoever, has the courage and intelligence, will enter into them and be teleported here. Most will probably be humans from a place called Earth. The inhabitants of that plane are very strong."

"But, how do we get them to stay?" An elderly elf woman inquired.

"We tell them the truth. If they wish to join our cause. Then they will, if not I will send them back from whence they came."

A disgruntled dwarf commented on the fact that whoever came would not be like true Mysterians.

"Ah," the DragonQueen said with a knowing smile. "If they chose to stay of their own free will. Within a short period of time, they will be tranformed into one of the true race of Mysteria."

"But which race?" several voices asked at once.

"Why my friends," Her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Whatever traits they possess, will influence what race they will become! For instance, as a wise man would perhaps become a wizard. Or a strong man a warrior, a daydreamer one of the fairies..."

"Do you understand what I mean now. Eventually all the races will be repopulated. And our quest to rid Mysteria of the Lord of Darkness, will then be at hand."

With those words, she vanished.

Silvinisy Raven Swiftdeath Jarod Stormyseas Sirene Mistweaver

Font used on this page is Dark Ages.


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