The Shit List
This time we have TWO winners....
SugarHigh and 5% Nation
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A respected sissy is on the verge of committing suicide.  Instead of offering support or advice, SugarHigh and 5%Nation make light of the situation with their selfish, out of line, and hateful posts.  I could go on telling you why these two are such ASSHOLES, but I'll just let their posts speak for themself.

SugarHigh - "Phew! I'm so glad you guys were there to answer her cry for attention. When you are done over there you can come help me with my life or death situation. I have less than 24 hours to finish painting a gift for someone AND bake a crap load of cookies. That is my mission if I fail this mission my family will bitch and moan until I want to jab a fork in my eye."

5%Nation - "Okay... First, I'm glad wooman's okay. Second, this post wasn't "I feel like killing myself" or "I'm so depressed" or whatever. This was a post meant to imply that she was killing herself. Not thinking about it. Not mulling it over. She posted like they were her last words and coincidently 2 sissies are there within 2 hours? Come on. This is Audrey faking his death. This is taking something horrific and tragic and using it to test how loved you are. This is a retirement post. It's great that wooman has so many friends. I just think that this manipulative little piece of sympathy bait sucked. And yes, I DO have bad experience with suicide and it was around this time. Does that make my finding this disgusting more or less valid? --The 5%Nation of wondering whether the original post was supposed to be the high rung. *sits next to Sugar*"
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