India, an enchanting country

India Map - not to scaleSituated in the southern central peninsula of the Asian continent, India covers over 3.28 million square kilometers. She is the largest secular democratic country in the world. The Indian subcontinent has a distinct identity that makes it stand apart from the rest of Asia. The mountains in the North and the seas in the South are natural frontiers that mark the main land of India off from the territory of other countries.

India is a union of 25 states and 7 union territories. The Indian Flag, the National Anthem and the Indian Emblem represent the National Heritage of this country.

The cultural diversity of India is as diverse as its topographical variations, the outcome of coexistence of a number of faiths as well as local traditions. The climatic conditions in the country vary from cold winters to hot summers. Varied natural conditions, people speaking different languages and following different religions live in rural and urban areas.

Culture makes people into a nation. India has an ancient and diverse culture that stretches back to more than 5000 years. Ayurveda, the only ancient independent scientific system of medicine, and Yoga, a process of elevating oneself by calming the mind, are two of the many unique contributions made by India to the world. The Indian culture reflects the collective practices of the people settled in India. Modern India presents a picture of unity in diversity with people of different faith and beliefs living together under one roof in peace and harmony.

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