
Marathi Script Marathi is the language spoken by the people of Maharastra. It is the southern most Indo-Aryan language, which has its roots in Sanskrit. Marathi is also said to be a descendent of Maharastri, a Prakrit language, spoken by the people of Maharastra. The Marathi script, Balbodh, is a modified version of the Devanagiri script.

Marathi is a language that has been constantly under the influence of other languages and has been through continuous transformation to what it is today. Marathi words are categorised into tatsam, words derived fom Sanskrit, and tadbhav, words which have been modified from the Sanskrit word. Marathi has also absorbed a few words of Kannada and Telugu.

The dialects of Marathi are Varhaddi, spoken in Vidarba region, and Dangii, spoken in Maharastra-Gujarat border.

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