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ActiveX Resource Center
Here you will find everything you need to know about ActiveX and VBScript. Make this your first and only link to ActiveX Technology.

SnadBoy Software
This site is for the distribution of Windows 95 freeware and shareware programs. There are a couple of examples of VBScript and ActivX on the home page - more are in the works.

Ben's Internet Explorer 3.0 Web Site
A site dedicated to fullimplementation of
VB Script, Active X, Java Script, and the latest in HTML Authoring.

A Visual Basic Wizard
which includes a VB Script demo, "Birthday Rhyme", and will soon have several other demos as well.


Java Script Link


Visual Basic Link

VB Guru Rickett & Company

Carl & Gary's Visual Basic Home Page, 1 of the most comprehensive sites out there, If you do not check it out it is your lost.

ATTAP New site check it out, Pretty cool site

Visual Basic Online Monthly Magazine with articles on all aspects of visual basic programming.

Advanced Visual Basic Site is for the advanced programmer many things for visual basic 4.0. Site has information on win32 API and OLE.

Getting off to a good start Carl Franklin discuses the 3 Major elements in programming.

Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft's home page with all the latest news related to VB.

Vbxtras A site for all your developmental needs, With a review of over 140 products.

Visual Basic Developer A site that has source code examples.

VB4UandME A great site for beginners and advanced users.

Gary Beene's 1 of the best VB sites out there very informative defiantly check it out.

Obisoft Visual Basic Source Site They have cool graphics

The Development Exchange Well done site.

Ask the VB Pro Voted by Microsoft as the best site of the month, Check it out and see why.

Strollo Software Most comprehensive list of links on the net.

Mike Strange Home page with many useful link's.

CLBV Digest Internet news letter for vb Programmers usefull stuff here.



Vb Script Samples

Greeting Program It greets users with goodmorning, good afternoon or goodeveing Depending on what time of day it is.

Date Sample Enter the date and it will tell you what day it is.

Ken's VB Script Demos There are a few samples to check out

Bill Rollin's Active x and VB Script samples, Nice site


The Matrix Posters hereAreYouGame - all we do is games and puzzles     


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