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VBScript Sites
ActiveX Resource Center - Material( Docs, Samples, etc) on ActiveX, VB, VBScript, Java - by Webmaster
Advanced Visual Basic - Latest information on VB5 and VBScript - by Chris Duke - Source
Basicpro Online - German Visual Basic & VBScript website - by Webmaster
Bill's World VBScript BBS! - This BBS is dedicated to the discussion of Microsoft Visual Basic Script and ActiveX! - by Bill Rosser
Internet Home Page Design - This site contains page design languages such as ActiveX, HTML, Java, JavaScript, VBScript, and VRML.
JWalk VBScript/ActiveX Demo Page - Examples of VBScript and ActiveX.
Jwalk & Associates VBScript / ActiveX Demos - This site contains several VBScript examples - by John Walkenbach
Ken's VB Script Demos - Ken Cox's VBScript page - by Ken Cox
Microsoft - The source for documentation, examples, and tools. - by Webmaster
NUKE InterNETWORK - VBScript and ActiveX Showcase - by Webmaster
Sheu Jiann Jyh's Technology Links - ActiveX,, Ole, Programming, articles, demos, etc., Link titles in english, descriptions in chinese. - by Sheu Jiann Jyh
The Bismarck Group - Business Integration Services using Client Server- Examples of VBScript Technologies, - by Webmaster
VB Script Developers Index - In-Queue, Inc., presents a list of VBScript sites - by Justin Scott Harsen
VBS Central - Links to lots of VBScript sites! - by Webmaster - It's my intention and goal to make this one of the very best resources on - by Paul Lomax
Visual Basic World - VBScript Resources - The VBScript area of Gary Beebe's Visual Basic World website - by Gary Beene
Web Toolz Magazine - ActiveX & VBScript Links - A list of links to VBScript and ActiveX related sites - by Comments

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ActiveX SDK - Microsoft's ActiveX Software Development Kit.
BOB'S WEB SITE - VB Programming, QB Programming, Activex and VBScript Programming - by Robert Anthony Moreno II - Source
COOL.STF - COOL.STF makes cool (of course) software for AMOS machines and Microsoft Windows. RAS Dial ActiveX Control, Easy FTP ActiveX Control, ASPI Active X Control, UUEncode/Decode ActiveX Control, - by Rod Hewitt
Color Picker - This demo lets you adjust the colors used in the tag of an HTML document. - by John Walkenbach
Colortime Sample - This small application uses Forms 2.0 Controls and VBScript to create a simple interface for choosing colors. - by Webmaster - Source
Colour Calculator - Move the sliders to change and calculate HTML background colours. - by Ken Cox
Cookies Sample - This page shows how easy it is to save values across pages using cookies - by Webmaster - Source
DataRamp Assistant - Embed application links in web pages.
Dolphin Systems - Dolphin Systems provides programming services for custom controls (VBX's and OCX's) for use with Visual Basic and Visual C++. - by Stephen
Gamma Productions, Inc. - Gamma - A leading supplier of Unicode(tm) based Internet enabled ActiveX component technology for Microsoft Windows and Unix environments. - by sales
HTM Layout Control - This demo uses an embedded HTML Layout control, which contains a "tab strip" control. - by John Walkenbach
HTML Color Calculator - VBScript lets you set text, background, and link colors with sliders, then writes the HTML code for you.
Hello, world sample - Classic Hello world example - by Webmaster - Source
IDSMail OLE Server - IDSMail allows you to send/receive Email from VBScript! - by Eric June
Mabry Software - Homepage of developer of OCX controlls and packages. Samples available for download. - by James Shields
Media Architects - Multimedia Tools for Windows Professionals.
Menu of Links - This example uses a ComboBox to store categories of link - by John Walkenbach
MicroHelp OLETools - Embed features into your applications via Visual Basic.
MsgHook - Download - Download site for a control which provides the ability to intercept messages sent to a window. - by Zane Thomas - Source
NCompass - ActiveX plug-in for Netscape. Gives Netscape ability to use ActiveX controls. - by Webmaster
NetManage 32-bit IntraNet ActiveX Controls - The NEWT Intranet Toolkit offers a full set of OLE Controls (IntraNet ActiveX Controls) building blocks based on NetManage's Chameleon 5.0, TCP/IP Applications for Windows NT and Windows 95. - by webmaster
OCI Technology Demonstrations - Client/Server ActiveX SQL Demonstration
Random Background Image Creator - This example shows how to pick an image at random. - by Internet Technologies Group at InnoVision
Softoholic OGL - Software developers may use OpenGL for Windows95 & Windowt NT with tools which support ActiveX - by Webmaster
Stupid Frame Tricks - This demo uses VBScript and an ActiveX timer control to change the colors in frames bordering a page. - by John Walkenbach
The 'Activated' Colour Wizard - This is a fully functional interactive document colour picker 'application' (complete with copyable HTML, or Style Sheet code). It uses the HTML Layout and various Forms 2.0 controls, plus some Visual Basic Script. - by Stephen Le Hunte
The HTML Reference Library - This site, is devoted to providing information about the HTML Reference Library. The HTML Reference Library is a Windows HLP file, that details with numerous screenshots and examples, all of the currently supported HTML elements. - by Stephen Le Hunte
Using RasDial from Internet Explorer 3.0 - The point here is that you can take any old Active Control (aka OCX), drop it into VBScript and voila, use it just like in VB. Very Cool Stuff. - by Rod Hewitt
Wayfarer Communications - QuickServer, now supports JavaSoft's Java, Microsoft's ActiveX controls, and Netscape's Plug-ins - by webmaster - Source
Web Email - Access your LAN Email remotely via the WWW. VB Source code available. - by Eric June - Source
Windows Properties - This example demonstrates how to access some of the properties of the Window objects - by John Walkenbach
mBED - Multimedia control for web pages. 

HomePage ini dibuat sejak 24 Oktober 2000 oleh Tri Wahyudi

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