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Islam ở Việt Nam
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The main purpose behind the creation of this world was to establish and prove the holiness, the Oneness and the most supreme existence of Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) and to reflect His unlimited powers and boundless attributes through man, who was to be guided by the light of true knowledge. It was impossible for man to understand and utilize that knowledge without his first being purified of Godlessness and impurity, Only after that purification is he to be decorated with fine virtues, excellence of conduct and the eventual capacity to act righteously. It was for this purpose of bringing about this purity and power in the ranks of mankind that thousands of Ambiya and Rasools (Prophets) had been deputed by Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala), Then, last in the series came the Sayyid ul Ambiyaa wal Mursaleen (the greatest of all the Ambiya), Mohammed (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam). It was through his effort on the hearts (iman) of the sahabat (friends) that man reached the high state of development of mind and body leading to the final stage of purity.

It was then that mankind received the glad tidings of ALLAH that:"...today We have perfected your religion for you and completed Our bounty upon you..." (Al-Maaidah 3). And for those of perfect Iman, the Creator of the universe, Allah Taala remains clearly committed that kingdom and His Khilafah on earth are only meant for them. This is clear from the following Ayah Allah has promised to those from amongst you who believe and do righteous deeds that He would surely make them His Caliph on earth. (al-noor 55).

The supreme purpose of man's creation had been fulfilled good and evil had been clearly defined, a complete system of practical life had been revealed, the line of Nubuwwah and Prophet hood had been terminated and lastly the duties that were formerly discharged exclusively by the Ambiya and Rasools had been given as a collective mission to The Muslim people. The highway marked for the progress of the Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) and his followers is described in the following Ayah

  • O Mohammed, invite (people) to your Allah with wisdom and better counsel, and argue with them in such a way as is best; verily your Allah knows the one who wanders astray from His path and He knows those who are on the right path (Al-Nahl 125)
  • (O Mohammed!) say, this is my path, and I invite you towards Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) with full wisdom, I and my followers too: and Allah is all Pure, and I am not one of those who associate others with Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) (Yusuf 108)
  • And whose words can be better than those of one who invites (you) towards Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala), does good deeds and say "Verily, I am of those who submit their will to Allah". (Fussilat 33)
  • O you (followers of Mohammed) you are the noblest of all Ummah, in that you have been brought out for (the benefit of) mankind. You enjoin the good and forbid the evil and you believe in Allah (Aal-Imran 110)
  • And there has to be a group of people among you who call towards the good and forbid the unfair and it is these who are successful (Aal-Imran 104)
In the above Ayah, Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) has stated the reason why the Muslims are called Khair ul Umam (noblest of all Ummah) it is because of spreading good and preventing evil. In the second sentence, He has further clarified that only those people shall be supreme in life who fulfill that order. The command does not end here, it is stated in another place that the failure to accomplish this vital task will bring disaster and punishment on its assignees. This reference is taken from the following Ayah.
  • On those who disbelieve from among the children of Israel was a curse pronounced by Dawood and Essa the son of Maryam all this because they disobeyed and used to cross the limits, they did not forbid each other from an evil they committed, indeed evil is what they have been doing (Al-Maaidah 78)
A further explanation and clarification of the above Ayah of the Quran can be seen from the following Ahadith of Mohammed (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam).

  • It has been narrated by Abdullah bin Masood (Radiallahu Anho) that Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) was pleased to say In previous Ummah, when somebody committed a sin, the other would remind him and would say "Fear Allah" But on the following day he would be friend him and mix with him as if he had never seen him committing the sin and when Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) saw the behaving thus, He confounded the hearts of some with those of some and cursed them through the tongues of Dawood and Essa, son of Maryam and this because they rebelled against Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) and transgressed His limits. I, Mohammed swear by Him, Who has control over my soul you must enjoin the good and forbid the evil and force the ignorant wrong doer into the path of righteousness, else Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) will confound your hearts and you will be cursed, as were those peoples gone by.
  • Jareer (Radiallahu Anho) has narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) said When an individual of a community sins, and the community in spite of its authority over him, does not prevent him from sinning, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala's punishment descends on them even before death i.e. subjects them to various punishments in this very world.
  • Anas (Radiallahu Anho) has narrated that Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) was pleased to say Laa Ilaha illa llaahu always benefits the individuals who proclaim it, and keeps away from them woes and troubles, unless its rights are ignored. The Sahabah inquired " what does the ignoring of its rights mean?". Replied Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam), It means that when sins are being committed openly, they do not prevent or stop them. Aisha (Radiallahu Anha) has reported " The Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) came to me and I could read from his noble countenance that something extraordinary has happened, He did not utter a single word but, having performed Wudoo went straight to the Masjid I, too stood by the wall of the Masjid to hear what he had to say, The Nabi of Allah ascended the mimbar and after the usual exordium said O' people, Allah has ordained you to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, lest a time should come when you call and He may not respond, you ask for a favor and He may not grant it, and you call for help and He may refuse, He then came down from the mimbar.
  • Aboo Hurairah (Radiallahu Anho) has narrated Said Rasulullah (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) When my Ummah begin to attach more importance to the world and to regard it as a source of glory the awe and importance of Islam will vanish from their hearts when they give up the practice of enjoining good and forbidding evil, they will be deprived of the blessings of Revelation and when the begin to indulge in mutual recrimination they will fall low in the eyes of Allah.

It is now we followers who are charged with this sacred responsibility. It is indeed a great honor of this Ummah. It needs no mention here that calling people towards Allah or in other word, inviting people to do the work of Nabi Muhammad (saw) is the surest means to strengthen our Iman, to purify our hearts and eventual produce fine virtues, excellence of conduct and capacity to act righteously in order to earn the pleasure of Allah. The more sincere we are in our effort the more favored we are by Allah. He says:
"And those who strive in Our Cause We will certainly guide them to Our Paths for verily Allah is with those who do right" (XXIX -69)

There is no other way that we have to do but the work of Nabi Muhammad saw and do as he did. It can be summarized as follows:

  • For our family, we should spend 1/2 hour to 01 hour everyday to strengthen our faith by doing:
    • Halqah Iman
    • Halqah Taklim
  • For our village, we should spend 02 and 1/2 hours to 08 hour everyday to strengthen our faith by:
    • meet people and talk about the greatness of Allah
    • Do Taklim in your masjid at a set time
  • For our province and city, we should spend 03 days everymonth.
  • For our country and all over the world, we should spend 40 days or 04 months every year.
What to talk when we do halqah iman or meet people to strengthen our iman:
I remind myself and you that:
There is no god but Allah.
There is no one that has the power to give benefit or harm except with the permission of Allah. Authorized person has no power that can give benefit or harm except with the permission of Allah. Status has no power that can give honor or dishonor except with the permission of Allah. Our shop or office or our boss has no power that can provide mean of living except with the permission of Allah. Money has no power that can settle our problems or cause harmness except with the permission of Allah. Food has no power that can give energy or disease except with the permission of Allah. Drink has no power that can fill the thirst except with the permission of Allah. Vehicles have no power that can bring to the destination except with the permission of Allah. Certificate has no power that can give job except with the permission of Allah. I and you have no power to do something except with the permission of Allah.
La Ila ha Illallah!

For your own success in this very short life and in the forever life to come, join us to learn and do the effort of our Nabi Muhammad (saw) and do as he did; for folowing our own desire and innovation lead to great failure!

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