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Map conversions

Maps make up the majority of lost Unreal content. For example, no maps by Eric C. Reuter have been recovered.
From those that have, here they are converted to be compatible with final Unreal.

 Link Description Preview TechDemo 1995 september
 95levels.7z TechDemo 1995 december
 1 2
 Johnmaps.rar One map by John Anderson (1996). Several versions. 1
 Three maps by John Anderson (1996)
+ texture package
 1 2 3
 defaultunrmapsproto.rar Test maps from 0.83, 0.84, 0.864v
versions (1996-1997)
 Aug97conv.rar Four maps from 0.871d (1997) 1 2 3
 Sep97mapconv.rar Four DM maps from 0.874d (1997) 1 2 3 4
 Found98_88f.rar 1997 version of Foundry, perhaps from the 0.88 build Beta 1998 (contains minor changes - for example Sky Town was finished)
 1 2!AtBr2WuLg_oG2xw4GI7hdjrQn86p?e=2oQEfy Maps from the 7 May 1998 beta

Possible maps from something called Unreal Warfare in T3D format

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