For your information, here we provide free services to any orphan children and also for poor person from all country.Even the number of them is only 32 person but still the expenses are expensive for their daily expenses, hostel, clothes, staff salary, bil expenses and others still can come up with a thousand in every month. We are kindly receive donation in any form for the orphan children here.Hopefully, someday, we will get our own building so that will many of children can be placed here to be a hafiz-hafiz Al-Quran and to expand their knowledge in every country.


No. Pendaftaran : 1193 / 96 ( Kelantan )
Tarikh Pendaftaran : 10 hb Julai 1996
Alamat Berdaftar dan : Lot 286, Taman Al-Qari, Surat-menyurat Hadapan Istana Negeri, Kubang Kerian 16150 Kota Baharu, Kelantan.
Telefon dan Fax : 09 – 765 4286 (Tel)
(pejabat) 09 – 765 3543 (Fax)
Alamat Asrama : PT 514 – 519, Desa Rahmat, Jalan Guchil Bayam, 15200 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
E – mail : [email protected]


Alamat Pejabat :
Lot 286, Taman Al-Qari,
Hadapan Istana Negeri,
Kubang Kerian
16150 Kota Baharu, Kelantan.

Alamat Asrama :
Pusat Pengajian Tahfiz Al-Quran ,
Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak – Anak Yatim Kelantan ( PEKA YATIM )
PT 514 – 519 Desa Rahmat , Jalan Guchil Bayam
15200 Kota Bharu , Kelantan.

No. Tel. & Fax : 09-7654286 ( Pejabat ) 09-7653543 ( Fax )


Firman Allah S.W.T. dalam surah Al-Baqarah,Ayat 220 yang bermaksud :
“Mereka bertanya tentang anak – anak yatim,katakanlah : “ Perbaikilah keadaan mereka sebaik – baiknya “.
Sahl Ibn Sa’ad meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda,(maksudnya )
“Aku dan orang yang menjaga anak yatim akan berada di dalam syurga seperti ini ( dan Baginda menunjukkan dua jarinya iaitu jari telunjuk.


1. To helping in education, social service to societ outside there from low income and orphan person..
2. To make sure the next generation will be balance in physical.
3. To give protection with looking for the orphan chidlren and poor person.


1.To give the best protection for orphan children around Kelantan.
2.To do the best solution for helping with task as long it not against any law.
3.To improve any activities that improve the knowledge to orphan by do courses, seminar, workshop and visiting..
4.This society can do investment to gain the fund by doing any activities charity.