Blackeagle's Wizard's Den: Poetry

As I've already indicated, I am by inclination a teller of tales and singer of songs. I am trying to re-construct the life of a bard who has become mis-placed in time. I feel that I am getting better, and know that I have a long, long way to travel before I might consider myself even close to "good enough".

For me, poetry written in the English language should ideally rhyme and have a definite meter. This is not to say that I do not appreciate, or have not written, haiku and "Norse saga" styles at some point.

Call it "payin' fer muh raisin'" if you wish, call it a personal preference, call it whatever: while I may appreciate a given unrhymed, non-metrical, composition, do not expect me to necessarily accord it the distinction of recognizing it as poetry.

As a result, much of what I compose has over the years been denounced as backward-minded doggerel or non-Enlightened drivel. So be it. 'Tis still the rhyming forms that I know and am most facile with, and that I will continue to use most often.

I will remind the reader that I reserve all rights to the works shown as part of this page, and until the "electronic rights" controversy has been resolved, I will provide only a very limited sample of my work via this page. (And those will initially be composed specifically for publication here.

Song for the Sycophants
Kihe Blackeagle
copyright 1997

They are fools, they are crazy fools:
Who follow the icons and not the rules.
The politicians who jibe and prate,
The pundits who rave and echo Nate,
The public that cares not, every year
Unless there be an election near.
Sad tidings bring I to all of you,
Of the time that approaches in each dew:
The icons will crumble, the rules be shot,
When the structure stumbles into "place le HOT".
The poor sad fools, the natural-born fools,
Who made more of their icons than natural rules.

Again, as stated on my MainPage:
By desire, I will become even better at all of this, and more.
Given time, given opportunity, and the wherewithal...

Comments, complaints, and brickbats concerning this WebPage should be directed to the poet in residence.

Other Sources for My Poetry:
Since I first placed "Song for the Sycophants" on GeoCities, a number of other publishing avenues have become available. As I get "better" URL to slip into the following links, I will update them.
Until then, search the listed sites for Mike C. Baker...

Doorways To Specific Topics

Quotations & Thoughts


My father respected and admired the power of poetry for as long as I can remember. One of his most prized recordings was of an old Army acquaintance reciting "Dangerous Dan Magrew" or some such.

He never has understood most of my own poems, however. Once, this worried me. Not anymore.

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The Wizard's Den, Page Poetry 01
copyright 1997, 2000, 2003 Mike C. Baker.
All rights reserved except as specifically noted throughout.

Kihe Blackeagle: [email protected]
(alternate) [email protected]
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