
Welcome to Hefry Library. If there is anything you need, please let us help. We are close to Regina and have a much better selection of newspapers, maps, chronicles, and data that most small libraries. Enjoy!

Common Knowledge on Hefry

Common Knowledge on Hefry

Common Knowledge for Traders on Hefry

Common Knowledge for Scouts on Hefry

Today's Newspaper

||Hefry Herald (Word 7.0 format - zipped)|Hefry Herald (Text format - zipped)||


||Hefry|Hefry System||

||Regina Subsector||

||Map of Jewell Subsector|Map of Lanth Subsector||

||Spinward Marches Sector||

The link below below leads to a an amazingly detailed atlas. Follow it if you need further information about Imperium systems (no maps). Thanks, D. Ward!

Link to the Great Atlas


The timeline below is a short summary of major events remembered in the current year. A much more detailed summary is contained in the zipped Word file below. I edited it from the great master of timelines, whose link is also provided. Follow it and be amazed! Thanks, Don.

Early History

-750000 First Droyne interstellar voyages.
-350000 Ancients thrive; humaniti transplanted throughout known space from Terra, Vargr created and deposited on Lair
-300000 Final War (lasting 2000 years) between Droyne Grandfather and grandchildren destroys Ancients civilization.
-15000 Rise of modern Homo Sapiens on Terra displacing Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon man.
-5823 Zhodani Consulate established.
-4212 Hivers develop standard jump-1 drive.
-4167 K'kree declaration of Axavktrr xur, fundamental principles of survival, which callfor eradication of all carnivorous life.
-2408 First Interstellar War begins.
-500 Rise of the interstellar corporations.

Dawn of The Third Imperium (0-120)

50 First Imperial contact with Zhodani.

The Antebellum Years (120 to 475)

Imperial Disarray (475 to 629)

589 First Frontier War begins between Zhodani Consulate and Imperium; Domain of Deneb established.
618 Many Emperors killed in battle or assassination over next few years.
620 Second Frontier War ended by Grand Admiral Alkhalikoi with loss of Cronor subsector to Zhodani.
624 Xboat system established.

Imperial Recovery (630 to 826)

650 Psionics grows in popularity throughout Imperium.
826 Psionic Suppressions end.

The Stumbling Years (827 to 986)

979 Third Frontier War begins with Zhodani attacks in Jewell and Querion subsectors.
986 Third Frontier War ends with armistice; portions of Querion and Vilis become independent.

Solomani Rim War (986 to 1002)

Prelude (1003 to 1086)

1049 Strephon, oldest surviving issue of Paulo III, born.
1058 Iolanthe, future wife of Strephon, born.
1071 014: Emperor Paulo III dies; Strephon becomes Emperor.
1082 Fourth Frontier War (False War) begins in Spinward Marches.
1084 Fourth Frontier War ends with Imperial victory at Battle of Two Suns; Kinunir class colonial cruisers "Allumu" and "Ninkur Sagga" lost.

The Classic Campaign (1086 to 1107)

1104 Emperor Strephon elevates Dulinor to Archduke of Ilelish.
1105 Concerns begin to arise over a possible future Fifth Frontier War (1107 to 1111)�
1105 Present

Detailed Timline Summary - 26KB, Word 7.0 doc

The Great Timeline!

Main Library Data

Imperium: The Imperium is a strong interstellar government encompassing 281 subsectors and approximately 11,000 worlds. Approximately 1100 years old, it is the third human empit=re to control this area, the oldest, and the strongest. Nevertheless, it is under strong pressure from its neighboring interstellar governments, and does not have the strength or the power which it once had.

Subsector: An artificial mapping concept intended to delineate and define locations within the galaxy. In most cases, the subsector is used as a governmental unit within the Imperium. At the fringes of the Imperium, subsectors continue to be defined and carried on maps beyond the Imperial borders.

Vargr Extents: The regions inhabited by Vargr, generally to coreward of the Imperium. Vargr are a far-flung race of intelligent aliens, roughly humanoid in nature, although genetically derived from carnivore/chaser stock. The Vargr are, by nature, pack animals, but continuing rivalry between the various established packs has made a united Vargr empire impossible.

Xboat: Abbreviation for express boat, used for the fastest possible communications between worlds. Xboats are jump-4 ships crewed by single pilots and intended for the most rapid trasnfer of information possible. A boat jumps to a new system, transmits its recorded messages to a waiting xboat, which then jumps immeidately to the next system on the run. The first ship is then refuelled, possibly the pilot is replaced, and it waits the arrival of the next incoming ship.

Zhodani Consulate: A large empire encompassing an area approximately 40 parsecs in diameter immeidately to core-spinward of the Imperium. The Consulate is believed to include in excess of 80% all known racial Zhodani. Much of the remainder inhabits the Zhodani client states, although other species of homo-sapiens are also found in the various client states of the Consulate.

Referee Aids

This item is one of my favorites. It is a referee screen (Word 7.0 format - zipped) made to fit in my 9.5" x 6" zippered three-ring binder. Unzip it, open it with Word 7.0 or higher, and print it out. Then glue it to four pieces of cardboard taped like an accordian with Duct Tape. You now have a primo referee screen. (Add art to suit.) I keep my Little Black Books and other essentials in with it when I head out on vacation or have to travel.

This item is a fully updated (Ver 2.0 dated July 2000) work in progress, but it is my very favorite! It is a solo module (Word 7.0 format - zipped) merchant captain adventure made to fit into my Daytimer (c). Unzip it, open the files with Word 7.0 and Excel 95 or higher, and print them out. Follow the Readme.txt instructions and glue the pages into a Daytimer Work Organizer Booklet or suitable replacement booklet. The pages will exactly match. You now have a mini solo adventure with mini referee screen and mini rules ready for boring Board Meetings, long commutes, and lunch breaks at work. (1.0 MB).

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