Isn't Insanity fun?

Ok, this page was getting almost sane (scary thought) so I decided I needed to add a little nonsense on the principle that "A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men." (quote from Willy Wonka, a great expert on nonsense) So here is a little nonsense.

Don't get confused by this page though, this isn't all of my nonsense, just the bits I didn't find a home for on other parts of my site. You'll find these things everywhere. In fact, if you can find the Mongols (some nonsense from a while back) I'll give you an award. Just tell me what the word was you clickd on to get to them. (And be sure to spell it right!)

So! let the insanity begin!

All of SPark

Here's the answer to the question you've all been wondering. Just how many of me are there? Take a look and find out.


The Babble Hymn of the Auto

Just a word of explanation on this one, the first two lines came from Daniel, my brother. The Ward choir was singing the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" the one that goes "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..." I'm sure you've heard it, and as we left the rehersal, Dan was singing those two lines, the auto version. Well, they caught my fancy, and I decided to make up a complete verse to go with them. I was singing that verse in the car one day while driving my other brother Alan around, and the two of us decided to write a whole song. So we did, and here it is. I don't mean to be sacreligeous, I was just having fun with it, and if it offends you, I'm sorry. It's not meant seriously, just like the title of this page says,it's utter nonsense.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,
He is coming 'round the corner in a gleaming yellow Ford
If you want to see him coming, you can just look out the door.
The Ford is driving on!

Gory gory halleluja!
Accidents can happen to ya!
The yellow Ford might drive right through ya,
So put your seat belt on!

I have seen him in a Chevy, I have seen him in a van,
I have seen him in an ugly looking purple-green sedan.
And now he's in the Ford and he is coming 'round again.
The Ford is driving on!


In a purple Limousine, he has been here once before,
And he's been here in a Dodge and in a Toyota four-door.
And the yellow Ford is not the last, yes he'll be back for more.
The Ford is driving on!


Boy Scout Skits

Actually, I've seen these skits performed almost anywhere. Family reunions, girl's camp, wherever. They're just silly fun things to do when a party gets a bit boring or whatever.

Water, Water
One Little Indian
Three Rivers
Japanese Submarine
Waiter, Waiter

This one needs a little explaining too. You may have seen "push me" bottons elsewhere on the web, well this one is unique. I didn't get it at one of those free java script places. Garrick wrote it for me (and it's mine, mine, MINE!) it's the only one like it out there, he he he....

Well, that's all of the nonsense I can think of right now, I'll be back for more (just like the Ford in the song) soon.


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