The (almost) graphics free tour

This is the start of a little tour that I've provided for those of you who can't get graphics or who don't want to waste the time it takes loading them on a slow computer. There are graphics on the upcomming pages (heck, there's one on this page!) But they are far less numerous than on the other parts of my site.

Nothing here is exclusive to the tour. If you've already seen the things in the main part of my site you've seen these as well, but for those of you who just have a hard time looking at the rest, here's a few things you may enjoy. Mostly my stories, but with a little of this and that thrown in as well. And just as an additional warning, the last page in the tour contains java, in case your slow browser freaks out at it like a few of my friend's do.

Now for the complicated part, how to navigate. You'll notice that you're in a set of frames. This text is in the lower frame, and there's some other stuff in the upper frame. That's the navigation tool. Right now you're at page 1. After reading all this, just hit the arrow to go to page 2. That will change what's in this lower frame to the second page of my tour. Keep hitting the arrows until you've seen the whole tour. Farily simple, eh? (If you chose the no frames version, the appropriate navigation links are below.

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The Dragon Queen My novel in progress.
The Castle Gate A serious and inspirational story.
The Parable of the Bicycle A Christian inspirational story.
Of Girls adn Teddy Bears Another inspirational story.
SPark's Bookstore My bookstore. (more graphics than most here)
Utter Nonsense Just what is sounds like. (java warning)

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