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wee meThis was me when I was a wee lil one on my father's motorcycle ... a look at things to come I spose.


This is jennifer and I when I went to Olympia to visit her. It wasn't the best time in either of our lives, but I can't make the past disappear as much as I'd like to. And dammit you can't help but miss this girl.


The Birds! another shot of me in Seattle on the piers. We just ate fish and threw fries to the seagulls. Real ones, not those statues.

this is halloween... is this these are from halloween 1996


me and my snake me and Baby - 1995


Renegades! me and fellow Renegade Ayinde Hurrey. Opening night soiree for the Time Traveller's Ball


Brrrrr me and Renegade David Hopkins in Red Square, Moscow -1996


Check me out, suave actor-man another of my actor headshots. Wanna see the entire proof sheet?


Adobe-fied Photos

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