Very Bad You Fall In Spring!

You are Jusenkyo's victim this year.



Ranma 1/2 is really just some damn good Anime about a few teenagers. The basic plot centers around a boy named Ranma Saotome who has been promised to a girl named Akane Tendo. This is the result of Mr. Saotome and Mr. Tendo's agreement to keep their martial arts training halls in operation. Unfortunately, Ranma's past keeps haunting him and several people come to try and kill, pummel, marry, etc. Ranma. To complicate matters, Ranma has a curse. While training in China, he and his father visited and fell into the Corsed Training Grounds of Jusenkyo. When he is hit with cold water, he becomes a buxom female. Hot water restores his manhood. In the series are other characters with similar curses who change into other creatures: pandas, cats, ducks, pigs, etc.

ranma logo

"Very tragic story..."

The Plot

Ranma is a member of the "Anything-Goes" school of martial arts (Sometimes translated as school of indiscriminant grappling or school of unrestricted fighting styles) and is a very skilled fighter. He is particularly skilled in aerial combat. This is the practice of fighting by leaping high into the air and pummelling (or trying to pummel) your opponent as you pass in the air. The episodes may best be described as a romantic comedy. While watching the cartoon, certain quotes have been taken to heart...

The Quotes

"Whoa ... that panda killed Kuno"
Said by an onlooker at school after Genma (in panda form) grabbed Ranma and pimpslapped Kuno in order to spare Ranma from further dishonor in front of the whole school on his first day during a fight between Ranma (as a boy) and Kuno when it started to rain.
"I would date with you."
Said by Kuno to Ranma in girl form. Kuno dislikes Ranma in boy form and is a comedic rival, since he is no match for Ranma although has enough posturing to imply he is. This form of speech is characteristic of the way he speaks.
"Pig-tailed girl I love you!"
Said by Kuno to Ranma in girl form. Remember that Kuno dislikes Ranma in boy form.
"And besides, I'm better built to boot."
Said by Ranma in girl form to Akane during a squabble which ensued after Akane saw Ranma in boy form. They both happened to be naked at the time. Akane repays Ranma for these words by lifting a large table and placing it (with some velocity, I might add) atop his head. Ranma for his part responds by being flattened into the ground by said table.
"I wore a pink leotard to a fight once!"
Said by Ranma in boy form to his father, Genma. This was said during a particularly physical argument about fighting and discipline.
"You are so uncute."
Said by Ranma at various times to Akane.
Said by Akane several times during the Ranma 1/2 movie
"You are Butt-Ugly"
Said by a suitor to Ukyo (another one of Ranma's Fiancee's as a boy) to Ranma (as a girl). This suitor was really a cross dresser. (confused yet?)

The Creator

All Hail Rumiko Takahashi, creator of Ranma 1/2!

Rumiko Takahashi has also created a number of other characters and series, including Lum. For more information about Lum, try accessing the Urusei Yatsura home page.

She also created another series about people living in an apartment complex. This series is called Maison Ikkoku, after the name of the apartment complex, and is a romantic comedy about its residents. You might also want to check out Mermaid's Scar and Mermaid's Forest.

Ranma originally aired in Japan in 1989. For those who have been watching the cartoons, there is a song whose lyrics may have worked it's way into your heart if not your brains. :>

The Ranma characters were originally in comic book form. A cartoon series was created, however, the comics were of much greater appeal.

ranma links
ranma 1/2 links

My online Ranma 1/2 database

The Experience

Now you have all this access to images, sonds, texts, critiques, plot explanations, etc. What about actually watching Ranma 1/2? There are a number of options available. Basically you need to go hook up with somw Ranma. The following list is the methods for viewing Ranma in order of preference for the first time viewer:

  1. View with an aquaintance who is a Ranma fan.
  2. Find your local anime club and see when they will show Ranma.
  3. Go to your local video store and find a copy to rent.
  4. Go to your local video store or comic book shop and buy a copy.
  5. Send away for your own copy from Viz Video.

Viewing with someone you know is a great way to watch Ranma, it is a bonding experience. Besides, a Ranma fan will be able to answer any questions you may have, especially if you watch an OAV or movie at some point and can't identify all the characters and how they fit in.

Utilizing the collective knowledge of the local anime club is an alternative to having someone you know explain things. Note, however, that if you are patient everything will be explained. The story is very well written.

Renting a video from a video store may or may not be possible. Some video stores do carry the Ranma movies, but fewer carry the series or the OAVs. As an introduction to Ranma, it is usually best to start where the story begins. Nonetheless, this is a rather cheap way to be introduced to Ranma. Here in Gainesville, you can rent Ranma from Mega Comics (small selection) or purchase them from Media Play (WIDE selection)

Since Viz Video is the source for the North American Continental distributor, they will have a copy available for you. They will of course sell it to you and charge you shipping and handling, but they can get you a copy of whatever Ranma you may want.


If you have a home page dedicated to Ranma (or a significant portion thereof) why not Email me! I can add a link to it here then! If you have any comments, please feel free to Email me. In other words Email me.

[email protected]

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David M. Jenkins
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© 1998, 1999 Black Angus Consolidated
Last updated 7 May 1999
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