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Legoverse ACM EXP Light Fighter

Click Here for ACM Expendable Fighter 3/4 front photo This fighter is a very small mission EXPendable fighter.

Mass produced in automated factories, crewed by an ACM level-5 brain case only.

Construction is of ceramic/composite laminates with no active shielding. The only "shielding" is from the intrinsic ablative effects of the ceramic/ composite structure. The craft depends on superior maneuverability and overwhelming numbers for survival.

Ships are launched from a specialized mothership with multiple launch ports. Launching is by a powerful magnetic railgun launch system using the rails on the outboard wing tips.

These rails also serve as landing skids in the event the ship survives its mission.

Click Here for ACM Expendable Fighter side photo Weapons systems consist of two class 3 lasers midmounted on the wings, and one pulsed-plasma cannon at the juncture of the wings above the cockpit.

Propulsion systems consist of two ion engines fed from a heavy fissionables power core. Use of this type power, coupled with the lack of adequate reactor shielding, subjects the ACM pilot brain to high levels of radiation.

This results in the ACM brain having a limited useful mission time before brain death inevitably occurs.

In the event the ACM calculates its time is up, it is programmed to lock onto the nearest high-value target and self-destruct upon impact.

If mission objectives are met, surviving fighters are decontaminated and readied for the next mission with a new ACM.

Build the ACM EXP Light Fighter! -Instructions

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Last update 5/30/98
Scorpion Fighter Hilt Fighter

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