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Legoverse Devastator (Hilt) Fighter

Click Here for Hilt Fighter 3/4 rear photo The primary Legoverse space fighter is the IP-84 Devastator, nicknamed the Hilt fighter. The nickname derives from the appearance of the fighter as seen from a distance. With the engines at full thrust, the ion plasma trail appears to be a bright blade and the craft's body is the hilt.
Devastators are crewed by an minimum level-7 ACM.

Click Here for Hilt Fighter side photo The side view clearly shows the starboard Degenerate Matter Accelerator gun (DMAg). This weapon fires extremely dense microparticles of degenerate matter. Engine reactor byproducts are stripped of their electrons, then the remaining proton/neutron matter is artificially collapsed into hyperdense particles. These particles are then ejected from the barrels at relativistic velocities.

Click Here for Hilt Fighter head on photo The business end of the DMAg's. Also visible here are the class-3 laser cannons centrally mounted in the DMAg's. DMAg "rounds" are highly effective at destroying conventional spacecraft shielding, giving the lasers virtually unimpeded fire at exposed critical systems. Note also the supply conduits that transport the processed hyperdense particle stream to the DMAg's.

Click Here for Hilt Fighter engine photo Quad ion engine array. The two outboard engines are of vector-thrust design for enhanced maneuvering. Original specifications called for all engines to be inline, but operational testing quickly revealed the need for a vectored thrust design. All current fleet craft are produced with the vectored engine design. Older inline thrust craft are modified during normal depot-level maintenance.

Click Here for Hilt Fighter 3/4 front photo Model note: This is by far my favorite model. It is of remarkably sturdy construction, no flimsiness at all. But what I really like is that no matter which way you look at it, from any angle, it looks Wicked :-)

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Last update 6/27/97
ACM EXP Fighter Scorpion Fighter

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