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Legoverse Scorpion Attack Fighter

Click Here for Scorpion Attack Fighter photo This fighter was to be a frontline multi-mission Legoverse attack fighter. Unfortunately, all plans, prototypes, and production facilities on the 7th moon of Bèthrösk were destroyed/stolen in an unprecedented raid by insurgent forces.

Click Here for Scorpion Attack Fighter photo Since that time, the insurgence has began production of this fighter, suitably modified for a living ABS-based lifeform. Regrettably, we have found that our design has exceeded our expectations, with several insurgent victories credited to the fighting capabilities of this model.

Click Here for Scorpion Attack Fighter photo These images are the only surviving record of this craft in our records. Here an ACM level-6 test pilot is shown prior to a shakedown flight early in the development phase. At this point, redesigned pulsed-plasma cannons have been mounted to the forward wing assemblies. Note the flexible plasma feed couplers mounted forward of the wing actuators.

Click Here for Scorpion Attack Fighter photo Here the wing assemblies are fully retracted in the normal combat patrol/cruise position. Just aft of the cockpit is a small thermal exhaust port. At the base of the V-tails are the engine bleed-off vents. Triangulation targeting sensors are located at the tip of each tail and near the aft end of each wing.

Click Here for Scorpion Attack Fighter photo The wings in full forward extension. This design feature, fully controlled by the flight management computer, allows radical shifts in the ships center of balance. The improvement in turn radius and maneuvering reaction time give a decided edge in combat.

Click Here for Scorpion Attack Fighter photo This ship was also fitted with the new J4m field effect ion engines. With a greater than 23% improvement in transient throttle response and thrust over standard J4j ion units. This field effect technology has also been appropriated by the insurgency, with many of their older warships being retrofitted with field effect engines.

Build the Scorpion Variable Wing Fighter ! -Instructions

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Last update May 4, 1998
ACM EXP Fighter Hilt Fighter

Copyright � 1997, Terrell E. Keller - All Rights Reserved.

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