The Guild Hall

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The Guild Hall is the first permanent structure to be built at Crossroads. Using period construction techniques (no nails, bolts or fasteners other than joints and dowels) it will be the centrepiece on the Village Brown. Consulting on the construction are the individuals responsible for the reconstruction of the famous Globe Theatre in London. Whilst only the frame was up at this year's festival it was nonetheless an impressive sight, and it partial completion allowed people to look closely at the techniques used. When complete it will be a two storey building walled with mud brick (clay and straw looks like the likely combination) or rendered strammet (tightly bound straw covered in a mud mix), Plans are afoot to recreate several medieval building techniques on the site, including dry stone walling, cobb, wattle and daub, and others are being mooted.

Rear quarter view of the Guild HallSide view of the Guild Hall

Close up of dowelled joinDetail of lapped, dowelled, mortice and tenoned join on centre support postsInterior, including stair well at left




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