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Certification as a Cost Engineer (CCE) or as a Cost Consultant (CCC) is offered to qualified applicants who successfully achieve certain examination and technical paper requirements and who have accumulated experience credits in a cost engineering field such as Cost Estimating, Cost Control, Business Planning or Managment Sciences.


  • To raise the professional standards and improve the practice of Cost Engineering.
  • To identify for employers, clients and the public, persons with broad knowledge of and capability to professionally apply the principles of Cost Engineering
  • To establish a continuing program whos goal is the improvement of individual Cost Engineering skills and professional development.
  • To clarify the body of knowledge and standards of conduct of the practise of Cost Engineering.

Become Certified! Certification is becoming the rule, not the exception, for most professionals including teachers, healthcare professionals, engineers, etc. Stop and think of all the people you deal with who must be certified to conduct their business. Call Steve Revay at (403) 259-5056 for more information.

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